reciprocal of a decimal

Reciprocal of a decimal

Here we will learn about reciprocals, including the definition of reciprocal and how to find reciprocals. The reciprocal reciprocal of a decimal a number is 1 divided by the number. It can also be found by raising the number to the power of When we multiply a number by its reciprocal, the answer is always 1.

Every number has an opposite. In fact, every number has two opposites: the additive inverse and the reciprocal —or multiplicative inverse. Don't be intimidated by these technical-sounding names, though. Finding a number's opposites is actually pretty straightforward. The first type of opposite is the one you might be most familiar with: positive numbers and negative numbers. For example, the opposite of 4 is -4 , or negative four.

Reciprocal of a decimal

In mathematics, the reciprocal, also known as multiplicative inverse, is the inverse of a number x. This means that the product of a number x and its reciprocal yields 1. This article discusses the steps on how to find the reciprocal of a number, mixed numbers, fractions and decimals. The reciprocal of a number is simply the number that has been flipped or inverted upside-down. This entails transposing a number such that the numerator and denominator are placed at the bottom and top respectively. To find the reciprocal of a whole number, just convert it into a fraction in which the original number is the denominator and the numerator is 1. In order to find the reciprocal of a mixed fraction, convert it into improper fraction first and then apply the same rule we learnt above. Like other numbers, decimal numbers too have reciprocals. Calculating the reciprocal of a decimal number can be done in the following ways:. It can be noted that dividing 1 by a fraction is the same as multiplying the reciprocal of the number by 1. For example,. What fraction of the boys take humanities? Pedro has written three-fifth of his 75 paged research work.

Find out more about our GCSE maths tuition programme. To find the reciprocal of 9 we first write it as a fraction with 1 as the denominator.


In Maths, reciprocal is simply defined as the inverse of a value or a number. It means that we have to convert the number to the upside-down form. For example, the reciprocal of 9 is 1 divided by 9, i. Now, if we multiply a number by its reciprocal, it gives a value equal to 1. It is also called multiplicative inverse. Hence, it returns its original value, if we take the reciprocal of an inverted number. In this article, we are going to learn the definition of reciprocal, how to find the reciprocal of numbers, fractions and decimals with many examples. In Mathematics, the reciprocal of any quantity is, one divided by that quantity. If the given number is multiplied by its reciprocal, we get the value 1. It is also expressed by the number raised to the power of negative one and can be found for fractions and decimal numbers too.

Reciprocal of a decimal

If you're wondering how to find the reciprocal , we're here to help with this easy-to-use reciprocal calculator. Below, you can find an explanation of what a reciprocal is and examples of how to calculate and find reciprocals, be it the reciprocal of a fraction or a number. As you're interested in reciprocals, we suspect that fraction calculators may also be interesting to you. So why not check out our other tools!

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To find the reciprocal of 0. When we multiply a number by its reciprocal, the answer is always 1. How to write the reciprocal of a number. Example 1: reciprocal of a whole number Write down the reciprocal of 7. It can be noted that dividing 1 by a fraction is the same as multiplying the reciprocal of the number by 1. Write the number as a fraction. These cookies do not store any personal information. Step-by-step guide: Reciprocal graphs. Then we can turn the fraction upside down. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Learning checklist You have now learned how to: Find the reciprocal of an integer Find the reciprocal of a fraction or a decimal number. Not sure how to convert a decimal number to a fraction? The first type of opposite is the one you might be most familiar with: positive numbers and negative numbers. This entails transposing a number such that the numerator and denominator are placed at the bottom and top respectively. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies.

This online Reciprocal Calculator finds the reciprocal of a decimal number or a fraction proper, improper or mixed number.

Find the reciprocal of 3. How to write the reciprocal of a number. Next lessons. As a decimal this is 0. Reciprocal Maths Here we will learn about reciprocals, including the definition of reciprocal and how to find reciprocals. In other words, you use the reciprocal. Solution Convert a mixed fraction into an improper fraction as calculated below. Learning checklist You have now learned how to: Find the reciprocal of an integer Find the reciprocal of a fraction or a decimal number. Non-necessary Non-necessary. Signin Signup Dashboard Profile Logout. How to write the reciprocal of a number In order to write the reciprocal of a number: Without a calculator: Write the number as a fraction.

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