recently dead female singers

Recently dead female singers

Mary Weiss, the singer who channeled the melodrama of adolescence as the lead vocalist of the quintessential girl group the Shangri-Las, has died at the age of The Shangri-Las were the last of the great girl groups, emerging in just as the sound was eclipsed by the rise of British Invasion bands, recently dead female singers. Their brilliant records with Shadow Morton defined aural cinema. Her father died shortly after her birth on Dec.

Legendary jazz singer Marlena Shaw, known for her songs "California Soul" and "Woman of the Ghetto" died at the age of 81 on Friday, her daughter announced in a video on Facebook. Bradshaw said she did not want to go into too many details but wanted to assure fans her mother's death "was peaceful" and that the family was "at peace. She sang her recognizable "California Soul" with the label before switching to a more jazz-oriented label. Shaw's music spanned generations and was often featured and sampled in popular media, TV commercials and other songs. Her lyrics often communicated the strength of the Black American community and Black women at a time when there was a great racial divide in the country and its politics. Verve Records, who she worked with in , put out a statement about Shaw's death, celebrating her contribution to the label's history. Bradshaw said she and her twin sister happily celebrated their birthdays with their mom the day before she passed, which gave her a final chance to spend time with those she loved.

Recently dead female singers

Mary Weiss, the lead singer of the s pop group the Shangri-Las, whose hits included " Leader of the Pack ," has died. She was No cause of death was given. Rolling Stone first reported her death Friday. They met in school and, as teenagers, began performing at school dances and teen hops. After producer Artie Ripp signed them to Kama Sutra Productions, the Shangri-Las found enormous success as a girl group with a tough, working-class image and drama-filled songs of teen dreams and heartbreak that consumed mids radio waves. Their name came from a restaurant in Queens. Weiss was just 15 when it charted. The song, which Aerosmith would later cover, was written by Brill Building pop songwriter-producer George "Shadow" Morton. On it, Weiss sang:. Marlena Shaw, 'California Soul' singer, dead at 'Beloved icon and artist'. The Shangri-Las didn't last long.

Retrieved November 26,

This is a list of notable performers of rock music and other forms of popular music , and others directly associated with the music as producers, songwriters, or in other closely related roles, who died in Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history. Tools Tools. Download as PDF Printable version.

She was Her haunting performance of the power ballad spent four weeks at No. But her mainstream success was short-lived. Religious groups burned her albums and radio stations pulled her songs. Joe Pesci, who hosted "SNL" a week later, held up a repaired photo of the Pope during his opening monologue, saying he would've given O'Connor "such a smack" had he been there.

Recently dead female singers

The next day, Alan Rankine of post-punk New Wave act The Associates, who also produced the Cocteau Twins and pursued his own solo music, died at age While their loved ones and fans around the globe mourn the loss of these artists, they will not be forgotten. Here, Billboard remembers the musicians who left us in April 9, — Nov. May 29, — Nov. November May 11, — Oct.

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Retrieved April 2, Natural causes [25]. Pneumonia []. Be the first to know. Retrieved February 12, Cara after her passing, she still has significant legacy as people are yearning for the artist. Retrieved January 31, Jimmy Buffett Singer-songwriter. She was The Funky Meters , Vida Blue.

Influential singer of hits including Be My Baby, who married abusive producer Phil Spector, dies of cancer.

New Kensington, Pennsylvania , U. George Winston Pianist. Kaija Saariaho Finnish composer. January 14, Retrieved August 23, Retrieved November 18, Retrieved September 10, Retrieved October 3, Tools Tools. Retrieved August 15,

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