rate my class

Rate my class

Rate My Professor is a free web service that allows you to read and write reviews of professors. You can search for professors by school or by name. Using student-reported data, rate my class, the website assigns professors a star rating. Rate My Professor is a popular tool used in course selection.

This project was inspired by all of our needs as freshmen majoring in CS. With so many factors, requirements, and preferences to fulfill, how can students most effectively choose classes that they like and that keep them on track to graduate? Enter Rate My Courses. This website is an essential for computer science majors especially, since a user can enter any CSE course from the menu and learn about its overall rating, difficulty rating, courseload rating, and student experiences. Through this project, we learned so much about keeping our end user in mind. During the conception stage, we had so many ideas for what direction the site should take, but we learned to prioritize the top needs of the user for the timeframe we had.

Rate my class

Popular Schools. Recent Reviews. Professor Rating. Professor works against you every step of the way. The important details are not emphasized whatsoever. This class is a bizarre anomaly in an otherwise great program. Somehow, she takes great textbooks and creates a useless course around them designed to punish students seemingly for being born. Reread the textbooks after you're done with the class if you want to actually learn something. Absolutely zero effort toward teaching - just uploads her vague modules, gives you pages of reading per week, and pulls quiz questions from one-sentence minutiae instead of meaningful topics. Professor is condescending when asked for clarification. Being a skilled forensic pathologist does not make someone a good teacher, and Dr. Utley is the worst of the worst. This seems like a way to collect a paycheck for her instead of actually teaching forensic professionals. It's a core class, so you'll have to "suck it up. Expect to miss questions you had zero way of knowing to memorize, and receive absolutely no positive feedback.

Principles of Macroeconomics.

General Chemistry 1. Analytic Geometry and Calculus 3. Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1. Analytic Geometry and Calculus 2. What is the Good Life. Introduction to Statistics 1. Programming Fundamentals 1.

Cheddar announced its acquisition of RMP from Viacom in On RMP, users may post a rating and review of any professor that is already listed on the site. Furthermore, users may create a listing for any individual not already listed. The rater may also share if he or she would take the professor again, if the class was taken for credit, if attendance was mandatory, if the textbook was used, and what grade he or she received in the course; additionally, the rater may include comments of up to characters in length. Since the website does not require users to create an account, non-students or even professors themselves can post ratings. Raters may also select up to 3 tags from a list of 20 that describe the professor. Using data for instructors at the University of Maine, [researchers] examined the relationship between RMP indices and formal in-class student evaluations of teaching SET.

Rate my class

A good professor or teacher can make or break a school year, which is why websites that let you rate your teachers and professors are so valuable. It's a way of warning others of potential teachers to avoid, or at the very least to prepare yourself for what's coming. These online resources allow you to rate your professor or teacher so that you and your peers can make the best choice possible. Here are six of the best sites that let you rate your teacher worth checking out.

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Introduction to Financial Accounting. Organic Chemistry 2. Precalculus Algebra and Trigonometry. You can search for professors by school or by name. If you are human leave this field blank. Age of Dinosaurs. Share this project:. Introduction to Political Theory. Popular Schools. Introduction to Engineering. At Goodwin, we are invested in your success in and out of the classroom, starting with your relationships with your professors. Rate My Courses See reviews, get advice and find helpful resources for university courses. Skeleton Keys: Forensic Identification.

Popular Schools. Recent Reviews. Professor Rating.

Class Ratings 1 Awful Class. Programming Fundamentals 1. Introduction to Earth Science. Digital Design. Myths of the Greeks and Romans. If you want to transfer in credits , we can typically review your transcripts of prior learning in less than one business day. Engineering Mechanics: Statics. Discovering the Universe. Developmental Psychology. Beginning Spanish 2.

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