Quest fallout 4

With Fallout 4 back thanks to the new VR version, we wanted to make sure that new players are up to speed on all the main story missions and quest fallout 4 quests as part of a general refresh to our Fallout 4 guide.

The questline for Fallout 4 is the story of a parent trying to find their lost child, and invariably getting caught up in a struggle for control over the Boston Commonwealth in the process. There's plenty to to talk about in the realm of Fallout 4 , and with the vast number of sidequests, explorable locations, and settlements to build, it's easy to become distracted from the main plot. Once players close in on tying the proverbial knot in the main quest line, however, they may find themselves in the awkward position where they've aligned themselves with each of the main factions, and are forced to make a choice between them. As most gamers are probably aware of by now, the aforementioned plot of Fallout 4 pits the player between three main warring factions: The Railroad, The Institute, and The Brotherhood. Picking sides is a matter of moral choice read our guide on this here , but it can be surprisingly easy to start a quest for one faction only to immediately realize doing so has made the player an enemy of another group. Thus, a fan of the game created a flowchart, so that players could see the saintliness, and which missions mean a changing allegiances for the player.

Quest fallout 4

In Fallout 4 , there are a large number of quests for players to complete in addition to the lengthy main quest. For completionists, this can represent hundreds of hours of gameplay to resolve every conflict, retrieve every item, and explore important areas in Fallout 4. But in addition to these obvious quests, players can stumble upon more secretive interactions that not all or even most people will ever find. These can be triggered in strange ways or require more meticulous exploration to find than most are willing to do. Updated on April 11th, by Russ Boswell: Fallout 4 continues to draw players in with its amazing open-world structure and its post-apocalyptic RPG gameplay. There is a ton to see and do in Fallout 4 and many players may have been through the game multiple times by now without ever truly uncovering all there is to uncover across The Commonwealth. There are so many hidden side quests and random encounters to discover. To shine a better light on some of the best hidden side quests in Fallout 4 , as well as give more information on Fallout 4's secret side quests , the following guide has been updated to include even more entries and where to start them. There are tons of quests that players can miss hidden throughout Fallout 4 if they don't enter specific buildings or engage certain NPCs in conversation. Trouble Brewin' is a great example, as it's a quest that can only be started by speaking to an NPC at the Hotel Rexford, or finding a certain Protectron in a location called Shamrock Taphouse. Once players begin the quest, they'll be tasked with locating a Protectron named Buddy unless they stumble upon him prior to speaking to the NPC at Hotel Rexford. The quest is fairly straightforward, it's the reward that's pretty special. Players can opt to keep their hands on Buddy, a special drink-mixing robot that can then be sent to any of the settlements that a player has liberated, where he will remain and mix drinks depending on what recipes the player finds.

Vault-Tec Workshop. Players can opt to keep their hands on Buddy, a quest fallout 4 drink-mixing robot that can then be sent to any of the settlements that a player has liberated, where he will remain and mix drinks depending on what haircuts 100 the player finds. At this point the main quest can go in one of four directions, depending on which factions you've been working with, which faction you chose to help you with The Molecular Level, and whether you choose to continue in your current allegiance or switch sides, quest fallout 4.

See the list of quests below to get started. Fallout 4's Missions are executed in a non-linear order and may be approached from many angles at will. To help with this, we've provided both Location and Mission-based guides which can lead you the right way no matter how you choose to approach the game! This guide is broken up into two segments, the first focusing on the essential "Main Quest" or "Story" missions, and the second focusing on the various optional quests that appear throughout the game. Depending on how you decide to build the teleporter in The Molecular Level , the following quests will be made available:. All Interactive Maps and Locations. Note: Many missions have multiple outcomes, and as stated above, can be done in a different order than listed below.

Last Voyage of the U. Constitution is a side quest in Fallout 4. The Sole Survivor has been drafted by Ironsides to assist him and his robot crew in their quest to return the USS Constitution to the ocean. Finishing this conversation starts the quest. Enter the bank building and turn north, up the clutter ramp to the second floor and up the stairs to the third floor. Once there, turn south, head through a broken wall and to the ship's bow, and enter the ship through the hatch located there.

Quest fallout 4

The Silver Shroud is a side quest in Fallout 4. When the player character is close to or in Goodneighbor , they can pick up the Silver Shroud Radio , broadcasting a looping series of old episodes from the pre-War The Silver Shroud radio serial. The "radio station" can be found in the Memory Den in Goodneighbor, in a backroom on the right side of the main floor. There, one finds Kent Connolly , where talking to him starts a conversation first about the player character's view of the Commonwealth after the bombs and then to Kent's plan to bring the character of the Silver Shroud from the airwaves into real life as a crusader of justice protecting Goodneighbor. To complete the look, he asks the player character to find the Silver Shroud costume at the TV production studio in the Hubris Comics building. An orange Charisma check can be passed to get some caps upfront. Situated slightly northeast of Trinity Tower and west of Boston Common , the building is easily identifiable by the large Unstoppables billboard on the roof. The three-story building is infested on every floor with feral ghouls , including a glowing one on the top floor.


Diamond City Goodneighbor. Granted once you reach medium loyalty. Categories : Fallout 4 quests. Sign in to edit. Mankind Redefined - Discuss the future. The Institute Radiant location. Radiant settlement. The Battle of Bunker Hill - Reclaim the stolen tech. Radiant owned settlement. Returning the Favor. Preston Garvey Radio Freedom.

Welcome to Polygon's guide to Fallout 4.

Below you'll find a list of main story quests, provided by factions and companions, as well as the most important side quests. This is perhaps the most interesting hidden side quest as many players will assume it was a worthless endeavor while others will see it as one of the greatest quests and rewards in the entire game. Sign in to edit. Wolfgang OR Trudy. The Institute Graygarden homestead. Clearing the Way for Location Name. Ammunition Apparel and armor C. Goodneighbor Boston Public Library. Untitled Boxing Game codes. Powering Up - Activate the reactor. This massive ship is visible right from the beginning but many players are unaware that they can actually go inside and explore it. The Island Acadia. Alternatively, they can opt to head directly to the Shamrock Taphouse and find Buddy the Protectron waiting. Fallout 4 overviews.

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