probation violation for felony offense ky

Probation violation for felony offense ky

Our skilled parole violation attorneys and probation violation attorneys are always prepared to do a full investigation and defend your case, all while protecting your rights from the prosecution while they pursue their parole or probation violation case against you. Our law firm and parole violation attorneys and probation violation attorneys are going to make certain that probation violation for felony offense ky Commonwealth of Kentucky is held to their burden of providing their case beyond a reasonable doubt. Probation and parole are similar, as they are penalties for someone facing charges and convictions of a crime in Kentucky.

Posted on January 29, If you are found to be in violation of felony probation , the court can sentence you to up to the amount of jail or prison time that was suspended at sentencing. If there was no custody time suspended, then the court has the discretion to sentence you to up to the maximum term for the crimes for which you were convicted. The jail time for a felony probation violation is either:. Note that a judge does not automatically have to place you in jail if you commit a felony probation violation.

Probation violation for felony offense ky

Graduated sanctions for technical violations of probation and compliance incentives system. This administrative regulation establishes graduated sanctions for responding to violations of probation. Discretionary detention for probationers shall be implemented pursuant to this administrative regulation to the extent that it is not in conflict with the orders of the court. RegsContact ky. Curfew up to days Community Service hours Halfway House days Discretionary Detention with Supervisor Approval Jail Time in excess of 10 days requires hearing with releasing authority. Curfew up to days Community Service hours Additional jail time at the discretion of the releasing authority Request Revocation. Curfew up to days Community Service hours Halfway House days Discretionary Detention with Supervisor Approval Jail Time in excess of 10 days up to 30 days requires hearing with releasing authority. Curfew up to days Community Service hours Jail Time up to 60 days requires hearing with releasing authority Additional jail time at the discretion of the releasing authority Request Revocation.

If you failed to show up to a court date because of an accident and not on purpose, then you will likely not be punished, for example.

Violation is also a term used to describe many traffic and other offenses, such as those against local city ordinances. While many people think of violations as falling below felonies and misdemeanors in terms of seriousness, violations can also result in misdemeanor or even felony charges in certain circumstances. Many other violations are not considered to be crimes, yet some can still result in harsh penalties, especially those that occur in regard to probation and parole. In these cases, violations might actually be considered misdemeanors or result in the resumption of stricter punishments. After a conviction, a citizen is not subject to many of the same rights that they used to enjoy. There are limits on where you can go, who you can consort with and activities you can take part in. There are also stipulations about what your parole officer can do.

The court may modify or enlarge the conditions or, if the defendant commits an additional offense or violates a condition, revoke the sentence at any time prior to the expiration or termination of the alternative sentence. Have a question? Click here to chat with a criminal defense lawyer and protect your rights. Terms Used In Kentucky Statutes To make such a request is "to appeal" or "to take an appeal. Conviction : A judgement of guilt against a criminal defendant. Defendant : In a civil suit, the person complained against; in a criminal case, the person accused of the crime. Plea : In a criminal case, the defendant's statement pleading "guilty" or "not guilty" in answer to the charges, a declaration made in open court. Probation : A sentencing alternative to imprisonment in which the court releases convicted defendants under supervision as long as certain conditions are observed. Restitution : The court-ordered payment of money by the defendant to the victim for damages caused by the criminal action.

Probation violation for felony offense ky

Hello there! As an expert in criminal justice, I know that being placed on probation can be an overwhelming experience. My goal with this comprehensive guide is to help you understand the ins and outs of probation in Kentucky. Probation is a sentencing alternative to incarceration. Rather than serving time behind bars, individuals convicted of a crime may be given the opportunity by a judge to serve their sentence under strict supervision within the community. The purpose of probation is rehabilitation and public safety. Probation aims to turn offenders into law-abiding citizens while still holding them accountable. It also costs a fraction of imprisonment and helps alleviate prison overcrowding.

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Traffic violations include speeding, reckless driving or operating a vehicle with expired tags, for example. The report shall include: a A description of the violation behavior;. Even your interactions with other people might be limited, and must report to a parole officer constantly. You need someone on your side. If there was no custody time suspended, then the court has the discretion to sentence you to up to the maximum term for the crimes for which you were convicted. Failing to comply with the rules of probation will result in you violating probation and the consequences you get can be harsher limits or imprisonment. The parole board will take a look which could lead to investigations at every aspect of your case and record to determine if you are worthy of it. Get arrested for whatever reason, no matter if there are charges filed or not. The standard of evidence required for proving the violation is lower than what is required at a criminal trial. Reject the recommendation and refer the violation back to the officer for alternative sanctions or revocation. Featured on. You get a chance to explain yourself in front of the probation and parole board. Major Violations.


If the latter, the court typically imposes harsher probation conditions , in comparison to the original conditions. Submit the violation report to the releasing authority with the reason for the additional detention days, if approval is received from a supervisor; and. Graduated sanctions for technical violations of probation and compliance incentives system. If you are involved in domestic abuse crimes, you might also be forced to pay for child support. Our promise to you is based on a simple principle — focus on your goals and achieve exceptional results. Even your interactions with other people might be limited, and must report to a parole officer constantly. A knowledgeable advocate in your corner who will thoroughly review and investigate your situation can make all the difference. With so much at stake, hiring a lawyer may be the best move you can make. Minor Violations. Not reporting important changes in your personal information, like address and current employment status. Obtain approval from a supervisor within four 4 hours;. Compliance Incentives. If you are worthy, then you will be released from prison but be forced to follow strict rules for living and your reintroduction into society could take up more than a year. The reasons may include: 1.

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