Postcode 4112

Address Lists. Quantity of Addresses: 3, Addresses.

Area size of the Postcode in square kilometres. Total number of crimes in the Postcode. Total number of crimes per people. Total number of violent crimes in the Postcode homicide, assault, sexual assault, robbery, etc Total number of property crimes in the Postcode arson, burglary, theft, car theft, etc Total number of violent crimes per people. Total number of property crimes per people.

Postcode 4112


We are sorry to hear that. Is a safe postcode? There were 1 Homicide and related offences cases in in


Queensland, in northern Australia, is the wettest and most tropical state. Brisbane, the state capital, is on the east coast. Second largest state, Queensland, covers nearly a quarter of Australia. It is nearly twice the size of Texas and seven times the size of the UK. However, Queensland is Australia's largest state by land area, larger than Western Australia. It is also the most decentralized mainland state, with most of its population dispersed along a 1,mile stretch of the eastern coast 2, km. The rest of the population is thinly spread across the vast interior, making access and communication difficult. Queensland's economy is based on resource exports, primarily pastoral, agricultural, and mineral products. More than half of Queensland is north of the Tropic of Capricorn, and early Europeans who were unfamiliar with tropical life encountered significant resistance.

Postcode 4112

Kuraby is an outer southern suburb in the City of Brisbane , Queensland , Australia. Kuraby is situated approximately 16 kilometres 9. Beenleigh Road is the main road connecting the suburb to the motorways leading to the city and further parts of Brisbane and beyond.


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