porsche girl

Porsche girl

The job: precision driver for Hollywood. The car: a T from

Porsche Macan S Fuel consumption combined: 8. The job: precision driver for Hollywood. The car: T from The road: Pacific Coast Highway. The woman: Instagram star thatporschegirl. Anyone who drives across Los Angeles will want some wide open horizons after all the congestion. To the south, an expanse of glittering waves appears as the road lives up to its famous name of the Pacific Coast Highway.

Porsche girl

Macan Alfa Romeo. Aston Martin. Land Rover. Additional Products. About Us. I grew up alpine skiing in Colorado and started competing in downhill ski races at an early age. This difficult sport brought out a fierce competitive drive and taught me grit, resilience, a love for speed and technical analysis. I skied throughout high school and competed in world class FIS events. Although I didn't grow up around sports cars, I have always enjoyed driving. My first car was a manual five-speed Toyota 4Runner Sport that I thoroughly enjoyed driving in the mountains of Colorado. I gained critical driving skills and learned the limits of that particular vehicle off road, drifting on snow and ice, and navigating gravel mountain roads. Indoor karting was my first experience on the track and that experience changed everything. It combined all the elements I lived as a ski racer — knowing your turn apex, finding the racing line, maintaining speed — and the race karts provided their own motor. Today driving sports cars on the road and track is my passion.

Driving is my ultimate thrill, my opportunity to recharge, and simply me time.


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Porsche girl

Eighteen-year-old Nikki Catsouras had her whole life ahead of her, full of talents to explore and dreams to fulfil. But on October 31, , her future was cut short by a devastating car crash that ended her life. In ways the Catsouras family could never have imagined, their unthinkable tragedy was only just beginning.

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Maybe not right at the moment though: a sharp bend inland demands a firm hand on the wheel. With absolute precision. The house in which Lara lives with her son and boyfriend is as streamlined as the Porsche Girl herself. But it never ceases to amaze me that people are bowled over by a woman at the wheel of a classic Porsche. My kids are out of that age. With absolute precision. Porsche Macan S Fuel consumption combined: 8. With music on and the windows down, Lara drove through California. Text by Photos by. The job: precision driver for Hollywood. The racing line as benchmark: the precision driver doubles for Hollywood stars and takes the wheel for them. To the right, white beaches nestle against the asphalt like pearls on a string, eliminating the need for a navigation system. The house in which Lara lives with her son and boyfriend is as streamlined as the Porsche Girl herself. Lara wants to launch her own talk show for sports-car enthusiasts. With music on and the windows down, Lara drove through California.

As with any tragedy, it is human nature to want to find a silver lining. That is why they contacted Newsweek following her premature death in

Her classic vehicle immediately attracts attention, even though luxury cars and European brands are an everyday sight in Newport Beach. To the south, an expanse of glittering waves appears as the road lives up to its famous name of the Pacific Coast Highway. Whether on my cars or motorcycles, it's the first thing, and often the only thing I upgrade. After graduating from high school at 17, she moved to New York. The two were together for seven years. Low-key, not seeking to attract attention—a statement of simplicity. Hoping to advance her career in Hollywood, she moved back to California. But she does recount one story from ten years ago. Hoping to advance her career in Hollywood, she moved back to California but she was bored by jobs as an extra. Eighty kilometres on, we reach Newport Beach. Eighty kilometers later we reach Newport Beach. Keep practicing! Info Text first published in the Porsche magazine Christophorus, No. They are not to be reproduced wholly or in part without prior written permission of Dr.

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