pinnacle hc turbo

Pinnacle hc turbo

Easy to set up; stable; good ride feel; high maximum gradient and resistance levels; reasonably quiet; front-wheel riser block included.

You can trust Cycling Weekly. Our team of experts put in hard miles testing cycling tech and will always share honest, unbiased advice to help you choose. Find out more about how we test. Pinnacle is the in-house brand of UK cycling retailer Evans Cycles. The long-established manufacturer of Pinnacle bikes has now moved into producing kit and accessories, with the HC smart turbo trainer one of the newer additions, poised to take on the likes of Wahoo, Tacx and others in the forever expanding indoor cycling market. Weighing in at 15kg - 5.

Pinnacle hc turbo

At road. Our reviewers are experienced cyclists that we trust to be objective. While we strive to ensure that opinions expressed are backed up by facts, reviews are by their nature an informed opinion, not a definitive verdict. We don't intentionally try to break anything except locks but we do try to look for weak points in any design. The overall score is not just an average of the other scores: it reflects both a product's function and value — with value determined by how a product compares with items of similar spec, quality, and price. Good scores are more common than bad, because fortunately good products are more common than bad. On the whole it's a great unit that works seamlessly with various training apps, and its self-calibration delivers reliable figures for the majority of the ride. Storage could be an issue for some, though, as it doesn't fold. With the advent of apps like Zwift and TrainerRoad, indoor training isn't just restricted to the winter months these days. If you want to achieve as realistic a ride as you can but don't have a huge budget, the HC is a worthy contender. Initial setup is easy, as you just bolt the bits together, adjust the unit to match your bike's wheel size, and fit a cassette of your choice. The unit's freehub is designed for Shimano cassettes, and others that work on that splined system.

By Rob Clymo Published 7 January

Jack Sexty finds out. As we rushed to buy indoor exercise equipment in , many turbo trainers sold out. As you go down the turbo price brackets, there are trade-offs. Set-up takes five minutes, with the packing box doubling as a stand. The HC Turbo is light at 15kg, which is useful if you need to move it occasionally. The Pinnacle HC app is no frills, allowing you to perform firmware updates and check manuals. Ride feel through the 5.

Barely audible noise output, smooth resistance matches the onscreen incline changes and seamlessly easy setup makes this a solid option for those looking to enter the smart trainer market for indoor cycle training. Why you can trust T3 Our expert reviewers spend hours testing and comparing products and services so you can choose the best for you. Find out more about how we test. The world of turbo trainers is advancing rapidly. This can be a little fiddly, especially if your bike maintenance knowledge is limited, but with a few extra tools and a YouTube videos you will be up and running relatively quickly. If you are looking to invest in a turbo trainer, make sure you check out our best turbo trainers roundup.

Pinnacle hc turbo

Easy to set up; stable; good ride feel; high maximum gradient and resistance levels; reasonably quiet; front-wheel riser block included. I tested two units, and though the first one had some clear issues with build quality and data accuracy, the second was much better overall, if still not quite perfect. At the time of writing, the Evans Cycles website says this is a sale or promotional price, but the retailer has confirmed this is a permanent price cut. The Pinnacle HC Turbo also has a striking visual similarity to the Wahoo Kickr Core , one of the best smart trainers on the market right now. Setting up the Pinnacle HC Turbo is a pain-free experience. Fully assembled, it weighs A Campagnolo-compatible option is not available.

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Are turbo trainers more effective than cycling outdoors? Each time it connected quickly, and I had no issues with any form of dropout while training. As for the data, results are pretty much spot on for the large majority of the time. For general riding or training it really isn't an issue. If you're thinking of buying this product using a cashback deal why not use the road. When you buy through links on our site we may earn an affiliate commission, but this never influences our opinion. Dicklexic 1 hour 14 min ago. Competent and relatively reliable direct-mount trainer for not a lot of cash. With a claimed flywheel weight of 5. Tell us some more about the technical aspects of the product? Canyon Grizl CF SL review: a gravel bike with grit in its guts and adventure in its veins Lightweight and nimble, yet more than tough enough for the rough stuff, the Canyon Grizl supplies the sizzle during fast-blast gravel rides and overnight trail-blazing escapades By Pat Kinsella Published 17 January You can trust Cycling Weekly. By Alistair Charlton Published 13 March

You can trust Cycling Weekly. Our team of experts put in hard miles testing cycling tech and will always share honest, unbiased advice to help you choose.

The wide stance of the support legs offers a stable ride and the response to in-game gradient changes was quick on both test units, but the way the flywheel on the first unit delivered inertia felt very choppy. When testing on Zwift, I found the resistance levels to reliably follow the onscreen metrics. Myles Warwood is a cycling journalist, automotive journalist and videographer. Howard Calvert. At road. As for the data, results are pretty much spot on for the large majority of the time. Stu Kerton. Weighing in at 15kg - 5. The process is simple, the rear leg is bolted on using the spanner provided and the front leg is slotted into place and set to the size of your bike's wheel. The quality is decent, as is the way the unit responds — and there's not much to argue about when it comes to price. England and Wales company registration number Social Links Navigation. Canyon Grizl CF SL review: a gravel bike with grit in its guts and adventure in its veins Lightweight and nimble, yet more than tough enough for the rough stuff, the Canyon Grizl supplies the sizzle during fast-blast gravel rides and overnight trail-blazing escapades By Pat Kinsella Published 17 January The Pinnacle HC app is no frills, allowing you to perform firmware updates and check manuals. When not seeking out new running and cycling trails, Howard writes about all things health and fitness.

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