Phoenix force jean grey

The Phoenix Phoenix force jean grey is an immortal entity and is the prime universal force of life. It was born of the void, between states of being. It is the origin of all psionic energy and will exist forever in all realities of the omniverse. The Phoenix Force has the power to cut and regrow any part of the universe or destroy it entirely, burning away what it deems "obsolete".

The Phoenix Force is one of the oldest known cosmic entities , said to predate darkness and the universe. It is the nexus of all psionic energy which does, has, and ever will exist in all realities of the Multiverse , born of the void between states of being. The Phoenix is among the most feared entities, having the power to cut and regrow existence and burn away "what doesn't work. A billion years ago, [ verification needed ] the alien Demon Lords of Stasis weaved a spell that had halted evolution on their planet. The Phoenix intervened, bonding with one of the aliens of that world and breaking the spell, and purging the world. The Phoenix Host had five " Lights ", disciples of sorts that helped the host control the infinite power of the Phoenix. During its time as a sentient entity, it traveled the cosmos just like other cosmic beings.

Phoenix force jean grey

Jean Grey is a mutant with vast empathic and telepathic abilities that were traumatically awakened during childhood when she witnessed her best friend 's death. For years, Jean Grey was mentored by mutant specialist Professor Charles Xavier , a telepath himself. Eventually, she also developed telekinetic powers. As Marvel Girl , she became one of the original X-Men , a group that fights for a world that hates and fears mutants. Jean Grey is intimately associated with the Phoenix , an immensely powerful cosmic entity. Jean Grey's conscience led the Phoenix to sacrifice herself to prevent further destruction. When all of mutantkind was united on the mutant-exclusive island nation of Krakoa by Charles Xavier's initiative, Jean Grey joined her former friends. When Jean was ten years old, she was playing with her best friend, Annie Richardson , who was accidentally hit by a car. The stress awakened Grey's mutant telepathic powers which empathically linked her to her dying friend. The traumatic experience of Annie's death left Grey in a withdrawn and deeply depressed state. Moreover, not able to control her newly awakened telepathic abilities forced her to isolate herself from other people to hold on to her sanity. Months later, a psychiatrist recommended to her parents that they consult Professor Charles Xavier , who was secretly a mutant with telepathic abilities as well. Xavier revealed to Jean Grey, but not to her parents, her status as a mutant. To protect Grey, Xavier decided to block her intense telepathic abilities erecting psychic shields until she had developed the maturity necessary to handle them.

Sign in to edit. This causes a split in Jean's psyche—between Jean Grey and the Phoenix what her split-personality calls itself —and drives her to insanity. In Phoenix force jean grey Excalibur 24 she was stabbed in the shoulder with a broadsword by Petrie, one of Albion 's Shadow Captains de-powered mutants given ability-enhancing suits.

Warning: contains spoilers for Jean Grey 4 After years of rejecting and denying her godlike connection to the cosmic Phoenix Force , the iconic X-Men hero Jean Grey has finally reclaimed the power of the Phoenix in Jean Grey 4. The Omega-level mutant, who famously rejected the Phoenix's power in 's Phoenix Resurrection , will now work to escape the White Hot Room and fight to save her family and friends. Jean Grey's physical body was murdered by the crazed Moira MacTaggert during this year's horrific Hellfire Gala , and since then, the impossibly powerful mutant's mind has been stuck within the Phoenix's astral White Hot Room, reliving her traumatic past and trying to figure out her future. Jean Grey 4 - from classic X-Men writer Louise Simonson and artists Bernard Chang and Marcelo Maiolo - concludes an impressive character study of the iconic Marvel hero, with Jean finally learning to trust herself and her instincts, acknowledging she is not able to control everything around her, and accepting that she and the Phoenix are forever intertwined. Much of Simonson's Jean Grey series has seen Jean traveling through her history to try and correct her "mistakes," from wiping the minds of the time-displaced X-Men to Madelyne Pryor and her Inferno. Over and over again, Jean felt that she had failed , that if she had made different choices then her family and friends would have suffered less, but her changed choices always led to even more tragic outcomes. The Phoenix raptor helps Jean reflect on her inherent ego, this intrinsic sense of responsibility she has always felt, and how she is not at fault for all the harm that has happened in her long, tumultuous life.

According to Marvel's Phoenix Force Handbook , it was " born of the void that exists between states of being, " a nexus of all psychic energy across the multiverse. It is capable of pruning entire timelines from existence and incinerating worlds that have grown stagnant. The Phoenix Force's commitment to change and evolution naturally makes it an important ally of the mutant race; in fact, the Phoenix Force's energy was responsible for reigniting the X-gene in 's Avengers Vs. X-Men event, saving the mutant race from extinction. The Phoenix Force typically chooses cosmic hosts, the most famous of which is Jean Grey. The precise connection between Jean Grey and the Phoenix remains mysterious, so much so that it's often difficult to figure out where one begins and the other ends. This link is made stranger given glimpses of previous Phoenix hosts, including one as far back as 1,,BC; a surprising number of these hosts look almost identical to Jean Grey.

Phoenix force jean grey

The Phoenix Force is one of the oldest known cosmic entities , said to predate darkness and the universe. It is the nexus of all psionic energy which does, has, and ever will exist in all realities of the Multiverse , born of the void between states of being. The Phoenix is among the most feared entities, having the power to cut and regrow existence and burn away "what doesn't work. A billion years ago, [ verification needed ] the alien Demon Lords of Stasis weaved a spell that had halted evolution on their planet. The Phoenix intervened, bonding with one of the aliens of that world and breaking the spell, and purging the world.

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The energy required to perform this, as well as the blood loss caused by the stab wound, killed her. It appears, due to tests conducted in Ultimate X-Men 71, that the Phoenix is an actual entity and not an uncovered aspect of Jean's own mind. Essentially, Nate was a younger version of Cable. Now, its power was enough to sustain Jean's form without her actual body. It gave a spark of itself to Madelyne, granting her a life force and some of Jean's memories. The plan seemingly worked, trapping the two of them in an equilibrium inside the containment unit. Warned that the Phoenix Force was coming to claim her as its host by the ghost of her older self, Jean refused to share her older self's fate and took steps to prepare for its arrival by consulting its prior hosts -- Rachel Summers , Hope Summers , Magik , the Stepford Cuckoos , and Emma Frost -- as well as deific beings like Odinson , powerful psychics like Psylocke , and mages like Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch. Following this "death", the Phoenix regained its celestial form and memory. X-Force , vol. She can generate any form of energy in seemingly unlimited amounts, as well as absorb energy from sources as great as a supernova or even convert her physical form to pure energy and back again.

The Phoenix Force is a fictional entity appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The Phoenix Force is an immortal and immutable manifestation of the universal force of life and passion.

In Avengers vs. The invasion was thwarted after Madelyne committed suicide in combat with Jean. In the last issue of Kingbreaker , the Phoenix abandons Rachel and Korvus during battle with Vulcan 's new guard, leaving them both without its power. She assumed he had fallen for Phoenix while she was asleep in the cocoon. Voiced by Tara Strong. Main article: Madelyne Pryor Earth As Doom is returned, Captain America is transported to the White Hot Room where he encounters other competitors chosen by the Phoenix being held in wait for the next match. As it drew nearer, its power and influence over Hope's mind began to grow, until finally she up and abandoned the X-Men altogether and left Utopia, presumably in search of the city of K'un-Lun where a mysterious connection between the mighty dragon Chiangtang and the Phoenix Force seems to exist. On Utopia , while under assault from four Predators X , the Phoenix Force fragments inside the diamond hearts of the Stepford Cuckoos abruptly left. The team battled Apocalypse and his Alliance of Evil. He believed that a union between Cyclops and Jean Grey would produce a powerful mutant he could use to defeat his enemy, Apocalypse , so he cloned Jean instead. More importantly, she is able to reconcile the role that the Phoenix has had in so many of them, clearing the way for the two of them to burn brighter than ever going forward. While revealing himself to the X-Men, members of the X-Tracts and Danger Room prison attacked the gathered group, forcing the X-Men to protect Nate until matters could be sorted. Most Common Superpower : Depending on the Artist The Phoenix intervened, bonding with one of the aliens of that world and breaking the spell, and purging the world.

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