perturabo 40k

Perturabo 40k

A staggering centrepiece for your IV Legion army - Perturabo 40k with a gaming base, and a diorama base.

For information regarding the procedure that needs to be exactly followed to register there, please click here. Tell them ruin has come to their world, Death, despair and red war Tell them their hopes and pride have come to nothing, Tell them their empty whispers fall upon deaf ears their gods are dead, human reason has killed them, Tell them the Angels of Death have come, Tell them nothing can save them now. He was one of twenty genetically modified children, who at birth was placed on a random planet away from the God Emperor's gene lab by the ruin ous po wers. Raised on the planet of Olympia in an environment devoid of kindness or hope, grown to be a child prodigy and soon excellent warrior who easily dominated the battlefield with his intellect and combative prowess. He became a callous and calculating fighter with the prolonged exposure of his home planet. Following the return of his father , he joined him in the Imperium of Man and during the Horus Heresy was one of multiple Primarchs who fell to the Chaos Gods.

Perturabo 40k

Tell them their hopes and pride have come to nothing, Tell them their empty whispers fall upon deaf ears their gods are dead, human reason has killed them, Tell them the Angels of Death have come, Tell them nothing can save them now. Weaned on war and intrigue in the strife-ridden courts of his homeworld of Olympia , Perturabo was a grim warrior and master of technological arcana who wielded logic and the mathematics of warfare as keenly as he did a blade and Bolter. The Lord of Iron was taciturn to the point of insult, preferring to harbour his thoughts against the threat of treachery, even amongst his kin. Few would call him friend, but none could fault his ability to wage a campaign and plot the most direct course to victory regardless of the cost and despite the strain put on him and his IV th Legion during the long years of the Great Crusade. His word was as unbreakable as iron. Unlike his brothers, many of whom embraced the Emperor of Mankind 's Great Crusade with near-fanatical devotion, Perturabo thought of it simply as a task that his sworn duty to the Emperor compelled him to pursue. His conquests were innumerable, but unremarked and unthanked, as his Iron Warriors brought many worlds into the Imperium of Man , but he left behind him shattered planets on the brink of extinction by his brutal, if effective, strategies. So it was that, rotting from within with loathing and bitter spite, the iron facade the Iron Warriors Legion presented to the Imperium obfuscated the extent of how rapidly and how deeply it had descended into homicidal madness, until at last it was called on to help in the punishment of the rebellious Warmaster Horus at Istvaan V , and the dark truth was revealed. Perturabo arrived at Istvaan V in the wake of the bloody pacification of his homeworld of Olympia, a campaign that wiped out the entire population, and some claim tipped Perturabo and his Legion over the edge of madness and fully into the abyss of betrayal during the subsequent Drop Site Massacre , an infamous action that will echo forever in the history of the Imperium. In the wake of the Drop Site Massacre, Perturabo left the blasted carcass of Istvaan V, carrying his fallen brother Ferrus Manus ' hammer Forgebreaker as a token of his new allegiance to Horus' cause. Following the tragic events of the Horus Heresy and his Legion's subsequent flight into the Eye of Terror , he has since ascended to Daemon Prince status by the will of the Ruinous Powers and currently resides within the Eye of Terror on the Daemon World of Medrengard. When the primarchs were scattered across the galaxy from the Emperor's gene-laboratory beneath the Himalazian Himalayan Mountains on Terra by the Chaos Gods , Perturabo landed on a Civilised World named Olympia. The full details of this early period in Perturabo's life remain somewhat mysterious, with the only extant accounts give to Imperial Iterators years later, and ever distrusted even then as coloured by Olympia's endemic intrigues.

The Daemon Prince Fulgrimchampion of Slaanesh.


Timothy Linward. Published: Mar 14, The ancient feud between the loyalist Imperial Fists and traitor Iron Warriors Space Marines is well known to 40k fans. Rallying calls — in the form of memes, naturally — have proliferated across Warhammer 40k faction subreddits, as fans make the case to add their subscriber numbers to one side or the other. Naturally, proclamations of loyalty from subreddits aligned with the Imperium of Man have been issued in support of the Imperial Fists ; Redditor ObtainableSpatula lit the beacons in the Salamanders , Black Templars , and White Scars subreddits.

Perturabo 40k

Meet Perturabo, the imposing and enigmatic Primarch of the Iron Warriors in the vast universe of Warhammer 40k. With his stoic demeanor and strategic brilliance, Perturabo has carved a formidable reputation for himself and his legion amidst the chaos of the 41st millennium. As we delve into the depths of this captivating character, we uncover the layers of his personality, his role in the grand tapestry of Warhammer 40k lore, and the impact he has left on the battlefield. Join me as we explore the fascinating journey of Perturabo and his Iron Warriors. Raised on the harsh planet of Olympia, he honed his skills as a master craftsman and military strategist. However, his brilliance was often overshadowed by a deep-seated sense of bitterness and isolation.

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Don't have an account? Indeed, such may have very well been Horus' plan. Just as Fulgrim was about to achieve his ultimate desire, Perturabo had regained enough of his former strength and rose to his feet, the maugetar stone in his hand. In war and at peace, he revelled in the minutiae of any given task, be it reducing an alien fortress to rubble or establishing the golden ratio within every portion of a theoretical design. His brother was sheened in sweat, but it was not perspiration that beaded his brow, Fulgrim was sweating light. By his grim methods and savage example, Perturabo had awoke in his warriors a reflection of his own dark soul, and within them his own suspicions, malevolent distrust and callous indifference to life grew alongside the ruthless determination, cold intellect and strength he wished to unlock there. The Sisypheum had escaped the trap, but not without great cost. The noose of battle was closing on the two Primarchs at its centre -- Perturabo locked on his knees, and Fulgrim hovering in the air as though bound to his brother by ties not even the call of war could break. While one part of the IV th Legion turned Olympia and its surrounding star systems into an Empire of Iron, a large contingent of the Iron Warriors accompanied Perturabo to Terra alongside the rest of the Traitor Legions in the climactic Siege of Terra where he supervised the bombardment and siege of the Emperor's Imperial Palace by the forces of Chaos. The shocking start of the rebellion struck at the heart of the Legion and its master, and almost could not have come at a worse time; for over a year, the Iron Warriors Legion had been engaged in the almost single handed suppression of a major infiltration of the infamous xenoform known as the Hrud. It was from this epicentre that the galaxy vomited unnatural matter into the void, a dark doorway to an unknowable destination and an unimaginably powerful singularity whose gravity was so strong that it consumed light, matter, space and time in its destructive core. Perturabo knew the Warp Storm was not the first spatial anomaly to bear that name, and whichever lowly scribe had scribed it again was a fool. Current Wiki. Each step required a superhuman effort of will, determination and courage. Only the capital ships had engines large enough to resist the inexorable pull, but even they were only delaying the inevitable.

Alex McHugh. Published: May 16,

Their ultimate goal was within the primarchs' grasp; the Sepulchre of Isha's Doom, which sat at the centre of the citadel of Amon ny-shak Kaelis. So it was that, rotting from within with loathing and bitter spite, the iron facade the Iron Warriors Legion presented to the Imperium obfuscated the extent of how rapidly and how deeply it had descended into homicidal madness, until at last it was called on to help in the punishment of the rebellious Warmaster Horus at Istvaan V , and the dark truth was revealed. As the Great Crusade moved forward, many Iron Warrior citadels were established on liberated worlds, guaranteeing a safe line of communications and an Imperial occupational force for the planet. It was a spur of discord between the two Primarchs that, though later eclipsed by other rancours and feuds among the Emperor's sons, would be one that neither would ever forget. Every task was approached as though it might be his last. Perturabo got along well with his brother Magnus, for both primarchs shared a love of learning, and a hunger to know new things. Temporarily out of stock. View source. Perturabo pledged his devotion to the fledgling Imperium, and assumed the mantle of Primarch and commander of the IV th Space Marine Legion , whom he renamed the Iron Warriors. They looked upon Perturabo with hatred, but decided to make their way off-world from the doomed planet. It was a name to lodge in the hearts of all who heard it and would eventually be adopted by the forces of the Imperium as well -- The Eye of Terror. In this last conflict, Perturabo's Legion ended by force a schism that had lasted for millennia back into the Age of Strife between the fragmented empire and its former masters in the Mechanicum , winning the Legion much favour with the Lords of Mars.

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