pastor leaked video

Pastor leaked video

A Facebook user shared picture of the pastor and real estate guru, Apostle Chris Omatsola and his smiling lady identified as Princess Tamaratokoni Okpewhojust as another of their sex tape surfaced online. According to reports, pastor leaked video, the pastor decided to record the pastor leaked video for fun with plans to probably delete later not knowing that it would land him in trouble. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

A video has emerged said to be that of a Kamba gospel musician Rosaline Katungwa being intimate with a pastor. Rosaline, known for songs such as Munyanya and Yesu Anakuja, is seen naked in the video, which has been widely shared on social media, where she also has a large following. The lady who is seen in the video slowly moves on the bed and looks bored with the whole thing during the date. The light-skinned man, who is also thought to be an Ukambani pastor, is seen recording the video while also naked. On the bustling amateur film set, the man adeptly adjusts his camera several times, seeking the perfect angles to capture the action. With unwavering focus, he maneuvers around tirelessly, striving for the most visually captivating shots, leaving no room for compromise.

Pastor leaked video


Wow News Daily Video Entertainment. The Nairobian. On the bustling amateur film set, the man adeptly adjusts his camera several times, seeking the perfect angles to capture the action.


Nikole Mitchell is a former California pastor who decided to leave the church and become an erotic dancer on x-rated site OnlyFans. In an interview with the New York Post , Mitchell revealed that she first decided to leave her position as a church pastor after coming to the realization that she is bisexual, something she struggled to reconcile with her chosen career path. The year-old mother of three eventually decided to pursue a career in erotic dancing and nude modeling, launching an OnlyFans account where she charges a monthly subscription fee for access to x-rated photos and videos. I had a client "spinning out of control" their words when we first got on the phone, and I immediately could tell they were in a bad place. They were overwhelmed. Feeling stuck. Living in scarcity. All the things. So I do what I do best which is getting to the root cause of these feelings, emotions and freakouts, and shift them back into their power. You could FEEL the lightness and freedom through the phone.

Pastor leaked video

A leaked video , allegedly that of a pastor and motivational speaker, surfaced on Twitter on July The video in question reportedly depicted Colby D Mitchell engaging in sexual acts with an unidentified person. The year-old man, famous on social media, later apologized for the video.

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Drama as drunk men hold cops hostage. While in school, I used to sing in events, which I have since perfected," she revealed. The pastor is seen in the video setting up a phone to record the moment with her lover, Katungwa. With unwavering focus, he maneuvers around tirelessly, striving for the most visually captivating shots, leaving no room for compromise. Similar Articles. Latest Articles. Subscribe to our newsletter and stay updated on the latest developments and special offers! The artist from Kasikeu in Kilome constituency was educated in both Mukomeni primary school and Mukomeni secondary school until she cleared in Wow News Daily Video Entertainment. University of Nairobi students win climate change competition. Rose, 45, a single mother in Nigeria, needs a well to do God fearing man between 45 to 60 years for marriage. For four years, my husband denied me conjugal rights. By Mercy Kahenda. From Around The Web.


Highly Recommended. Telephone number: , Email: [email protected]. The pastor is seen in the video setting up a phone to record the moment with her lover, Katungwa. Wow News Daily Video Entertainment. By Benjamin Imende A video has emerged said to be that of a Kamba gospel musician Rosaline Katungwa being intimate with a pastor. By Emmanuel Kipchumba. For four years, my husband denied me conjugal rights. Previous article Woman seeks child upkeep from State House aide. She said that her musical journey began as a child when she began performing at family events. To buy, rent or lease an apartment or property in Festac Town, Lagos and its environs, call Emmy needs a busty lady or nurse from Delta Igbo or East between years for marriage. Blame it on the devil: Says man jailed for bestiality. For You.

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