Nostale up

Pets and Nosmates are encounted by players throughout the whole game that would accompany them nostale up help them on their adventures. The Pets can be captured while the Nosmates would join the players after they complete certain quests.

I'd like to start the discussion with this: imagine recommending Nostale to a friend. He starts playing and realizes that most of the missions are to catch or hunt dogs, sheep, piis, hamsters and foxes. But it doesn't stop there. Now, we "experts" know how to do the missions and how to get to first SP immediately in maybe a day of play. But for those new to it this translates into several days of frustration. Let's not fool ourselves, maybe in the international server there are obviously more people, but in the local ones the maps of act 1 and 2 are empty except for some over that exp their accounts.

Nostale up


There are tons of nostale up out there now, made even better, more user friendly and with a good community where updates are made for everyone, from noobs to tops. It's a mmorpg and it is quite acceptable. Pets are moved to a designated place by force, nostale up.


It was first released in Korea in United Kingdom's NosTale had begun service since 30 August Official operations of NosTale in Malaysia and Singapore are scheduled following closed beta tests in mid March Bhd has been appointed by Entwell Co. Global NosTale is currently in its Open Beta stage.

Nostale up

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Have your pet attack the trainer to upgrade its attack ratings. Ruff wrote:. Send a request on this matte and they replied with "thats just how The game work" i call that lazyness. And i dont really think this game has much appeal for younger generations. The problem here is that there is a ton of outdated content that holds alot of space which is keep growing, there are possible solutions to these, but there are so demanding that i find it hard to believe they would even think about it and don't feel like going into detail. There are a lot of old school mmorpg like nos is in the same situation if nos managed to pull it through who knows what will happen. Bringing nostale classic with only 2 acts and 2 sps, just like it was in its original state, that would be awesome! Pinkamena wrote:. Start a Wiki. How is this even helping new players making i possible time spaces? Equiptment conversion is avaliable at equiptment shops and requires Sands of Donna River. It has everything the nostale ads don't, it tells you exactly why this game isn't like any other mmorpg in existence.

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They may also be equipped with clothes, gloves and shows. This for hundreds of hours of gameplay just in the Lod. Therefore, any new content will be aimed at these overgeared endgame players. For pets, the players have to be at a higher level to catch them but as for the Nosmate , the players need to be on the same or higher level to recruit them. Specislly when its Hard to find Lod familys since all seems to be at lategame. People think that pumping money into this game is saving it, but the truth is they only support this cheap cashgrab tactic. Perhaps some will thinks it is a childish speech, of someone who wants everything immediately. I want to se a change on some time spaces. What do I mean by this? Ive gather so far 11mil no multi client cuz my pc cant handle that already tried.

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