

Using a powerful ground-based laser, we illuminate a sail nextbigfuture the forward side of which are embedded instruments for communications, imaging and whatever we choose to carry. We need nextbigfuture sail that is roughly 4 meters by 4 meters, and one that weighs no more than a single gram, nextbigfuture, nextbigfuture. We need a payload at gram-scale and a sail that is itself no more than a gram.

A nice, tidy liftoff for Kepler, and like all night launches, well worth watching. We learn a little bit about home, ironically, by studying the stars. Marcy gets preferential treatment here simply because, along with Paul Butler and a team of exoplanet hunters spread out over the globe, he has been involved in almost half of our exoplanet detections. As in this statement about space colonization:. I see that Brian Wang has taken on Stross on his NextBigFuture site, Brian being a proponent of Orion technologies that scale up to massive spacecraft that could theoretically open up the outer Solar System to human exploration. The first segment is below:. But I think, Orion or not, that Charlie should be taken seriously.


Home » Uncategorized » Expandable space stations will be tested and proven in space within 12 months and then larger modules will increase space station size per cost by over ten times. With the space agency eyeing deep space destinations — such as an asteroid and perhaps one day Mars — the systems could enable crews to travel deeper into the Solar System than humans have ever been to do before. The new room is like no other on the station, and will be very easy to construct: Just connect to a docking port, fill with compressed air, and voilà! Instant space habitat. Once BEAM does reach its destination, it will undergo two years of intensive testing, a trial run for a technology that could play a significant role in future human spaceflight and low-Earth-orbit commercial ventures: inflatable spacecraft. BEAM, designed to expand to 16 cubic meters, or about the size of a by foot room, weighs only 3, pounds at launch. Its density—that is, its mass divided by its volume—is 88 kilograms per cubic meter. By comparison, the density of the U. The actual architecture of TransHab included three thin-film air bladders covered by alternating layers of ceramic fabric, polyurethane foam, and Kevlar. The ceramic fabric, called Nextel, was sandwiched by three-inch layers of foam. Together, the layers served to protect against micrometeoroids. Inside TransHab, two-inch-thick walls surrounding bedrooms would be filled with water to shield crew members from radiation. BEAM represents a generation of refinement to that earlier design. He pauses before choosing a dramatic example. Pharmaceutical and materials science firms, for example, could use B modules as laboratories for product development, says Gold.

Olga Malinkiewicz - bio. The technique will allow the recycling of light between the panes which reduces the capital cost of the laser system. Tuning nextbigfuture size and spacing of the holes in the lattice governs the wavelength at which the sail will reflect light, nextbigfuture.

Saule Technologies is a pioneer in the research and manufacturing of perovskite photovoltaic cells — a new generation of solar cells. Perovskite cells, printed by Saule Technologies on flexible foils, are lightweight, ultra-thin, semi-transparent and very effective, even in artifical light. Thanks to this, the range of possible applications of perovskite photovoltaic cells significantly surpasses the range of applications of traditional silicon technology. The company was founded in by Olga Malinkiewicz, the inventor of the printing method, and experienced businessmen — Piotr Krych and Artur Kupczunas. Releasing products available for licensing and first B2B sales since early proves that Saule Technologies is a world leader in commercializing perovskite photovoltaic cells.

There are a lot of huge objects at the edge of the solar system that we have not seen but can indirectly estimate. When astronomers say Kuiper Belt Object think larger asteroid belt beyond Neptune. This larger belt includes Pluto and its moon and they are far …. Read more. Los Alamos national lab made an artificial intelligence framework called Blackout Diffusion generates images from a completely empty picture. The machine-learning algorithm, unlike other generative diffusion models, does not require initiating a random seed to get started. Diffusion models ….


Throw away the upper stage with three Raptor engines instead of one Merlin engine in the Falcon 9 second stage. This would enable SpaceX …. Read more. Electric motors are finally getting good enough in performance to capture efficiency gains from having a second turbine drive an adaptive cycle jet engine. This new jet engine will enable commercial flights anywhere in the world 3x faster than anything today for the same price.


January 17, Skanska launches first perovskite solar cell application in office buildings together with Saule Technologies. Hi Paul; This is a most excellent and inspirational thread. Inside TransHab, two-inch-thick walls surrounding bedrooms would be filled with water to shield crew members from radiation. BEAM represents a generation of refinement to that earlier design. I wonder if we could use multiple panes of fibre optic quality glass or silicon discs as relays. James, I would like to see your further elaboration of your views on the appropriate human role in the larger world. Paul Titze on March 7, at PV Magazine — June 17, Saule Technologies opens perovskite solar cell factory in Poland Wyborcza — May 26, Elastyczne i ultracienkie ogniwa słoneczne będą powstawać we Wrocławiu. Scaling up is no small challenge. Rzeczpospolita — May 24, Saule Technologies: pierwsza na świecie fabryka perowskitowych ogniw słonecznych. BTW, the 21st Century will be a very long century the same way that 19th or 20th Century were.

With Grok, xAI is attempting to create an AI that reasons from first principles, which is fundamental if you care about getting as close to the truth as possible. The acid test would be reaching a conclusion that is correct even if it is extremely unpopular, which means being right even when the training data ….

October 8, Saule Technologies perovskite cells hits impressive PV Tech — June 17, Saule Technologies readies single junction perovskite prototype production line. What a different s world was from Napoleonic times!!! Poradnik Biznesu — September, Kobiety mogą być zaskoczone tym, jak wiele są w stanie osiągnąć. Seymour Cray used to talk about the concept of technological stride length, i. Z niej wyłoniła się ona — Olga Malinkiewicz. Nature — January 14, A decade of perovskite photovoltaics. A long form of the policy can be viewed on the Administrative page. In any case, I have little confidence in technological predictions that attempt to get too specific. With no attempt to promote religion here nor to convert anyone to Catholicism, but from a purely sociological perspective, I will mention that allowing a means whereby the diversity of intellegent life forms can evolve that do not already exist matches well with my personal prolife belief systems.

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