New oriental dumfries

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If any information on this page is incorrect you can email the correct information to your local authority by using the email address below. You can find out how to appeal against the rating given and find out about your right to reply. You can also ask for a re-inspection. We provide a selection of online food hygiene rating formats for use across websites, apps, social media and emails. Download data. Food problems?

New oriental dumfries


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Today working hours: The address of The New Oriental Restaurant is:. Open 6 days a week. The days and hours that The New Oriental Restaurant is open:. The New Oriental Restaurant.

New oriental dumfries


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Food problems? Download data. Display this rating on your website We provide a selection of online food hygiene rating formats for use across websites, apps, social media and emails. By leaving this review, you agree with our Terms of membership Submit Review. Get your online rating. We provide a selection of online food hygiene rating formats for use across websites, apps, social media and emails. You cannot review your own business. Consumers, businesses and enforcers can report issues. You can find out how to appeal against the rating given and find out about your right to reply. New User. Returning User. The email address you have entered is already registered.


Food problems? Quality rating. Website: www. Search all data. Consumers, businesses and enforcers can report issues. Email: contact dumgal. There was a problem submitting your review. Please try again. You can also ask for a re-inspection. Display this rating on your website We provide a selection of online food hygiene rating formats for use across websites, apps, social media and emails. New User. I am a returning user. Please try again later.

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