naruto sexiest

Naruto sexiest

Naruto Uzumaki created this technique in order to play pranks on men.

Kunoichi: a female ninja. The world of Naruto is full of talented ninja warriors who carry out tasks ranging from carrying messages to performing assassinations. But even when the fate of the world depends on you and your skills, there is no reason you cannot be one of the hot Naruto girls doing it! One of the most sacred duties of anime is the age old showing of fanservice. Naruto has thankfully not skimped out on that over the years. After these hot Naruto girls in the image above finish their hot barbecue, they will show you something else that you will consider just as hot.

Naruto sexiest

Naruto is one of the most well-known and beloved shonen anime series to date. The series has close to 15 years of air time, over episodes, and a spinoff-sequel. It's no surprise that it has its fair share of criticisms and mixed opinions regarding the story and characters. Do you think Danzo gets too much hate? Is Itachi completely overrated in the fandom? Would it have been better if these takes were teleported into Kamui's dimension? If you're looking for some hot takes, you're in for a treat! Here are some of the spiciest takes from Naruto fans. Let everyone know which hot takes you think are valid! Tsunade was a very strong character, but I usually see her being voted the weakest hokage…Sakura gets shiested because of her obsession with Sasuke - I wished she was written to be strong for herself instead of pining over Sasuke. Ino, Tenten, and Hinata didn't get to show their powers very much, and with Hinata, everything she did was for Naruto, again not herself. She had Byakugan, she could have been more powerful than she was portrayed…. Kakashi and Jiraiya were incredible shinobi, but failed [to teach Naruto] other jutsu to fight with…especially after they learn he is a wind type…[they] don't train him to use any wind-based jutsu.

Itachi Is Overrated.

The Naruto franchise has no shortage of pretty faces, male and female alike. Even if viewers aren't satisfied with the story's plot, much of the series can be carried by Masashi Kishimoto's gorgeous character designs. Judging by how long Naruto has managed to stay relevant in the anime community, it's clear Kishimoto did a stellar job of captivating audiences with his drawings. While it's usually Naruto's leading ladies who take most of the spotlight, the dashing gentlemen also deserve some attention too. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, after all, and Naruto has more beholders than anyone could hope to count. Rock Lee's defining physical traits since the beginning have always been his bowl cut and thick eyebrows, traits other characters are quick to mention whenever he appears.

Sasuke is literally never home, and almost killed his own daughter, and Sakura still puts up with him out of love! She has also come a long way since the days of telling orphans how parents suck in terms of sympathy. Not the best ninja out there, but a really decent waifu. Sure, she might not be the smartest ninja of the bunch, trying to put Itachi under genjutsu and all that. She landed Asuma, after all. Not only is she extremely hot, both figuratively and literally, but she also has that radiating confidence that can drive a man insane. And being a Kage guarantees not only confidence but also power. Not only does she get some badass points for being near the top of the Akatsuki, but she has also shown herself to be quite resourceful.

Naruto sexiest

If there is one thing Naruto fans talk about often, it's the issues with the female characters. They don't get the same amount of character development and screen time as their male counterparts, which can be incredibly frustrating for fans who want to see more female representation. Despite the issues, the female characters in Naruto certainly aren't blank slates and have a lot more personality than people seem to think. After all, the characters are beloved for a reason. Although some are favored more than others, all the women in Naruto are strong and unique in their own ways. Updated on May 4th, by George Voutiritsas: It's true that Naruto did not do a good enough job with its female characters, as many of them received very little development and screen time. That being said, each female character had her own distinct personality and skill set, and plenty of them are waifu material. Like with many other anime, the chatter around which Naruto waifu is indisputably the best never seems to end, especially since there are several undeniable choices. The couple began their relationship after the 4th Great Ninja War, and their pairing still feels odd because the relationship was never actually explored during the series. That being said, the two have fun chemistry, with Choji being laid-back, and Karui being hot-blooded and affectionate.

Villain style name

Gentle fist is OP. There are no reports about his appearance from the show itself, but if fan reception is anything to go by, Itachi is by and far the franchise's most eligible bachelor. On top of looking good, effortlessly pulling off the dark skin and blonde hair combo, he's also a comedic and lyrical prodigy with his raps, able to create a rhyme for every situation. Though stern in battle, Temari also has a softer side and often shows care for others. Sasuke's Actions Were Valid. Despite her initial lack of self-confidence, the trials she faces as a ninja allow her to bolster her standing with her family and increase her strength. Initially using Anko as a test subject in his experiments, Orochimaru later abandoned her when she failed to have the lust for power he sought in subordinates. Join us as we unveil the top 20 anime girls with blue hair and cool personalities as ranked on MAL. Kishimoto was subtlely able to place all emphasis on his head by dressing him up in the traditional jonin uniform. For an anime set in a world populated by ninja and samurai, Karui also contributes to the diversity of Naruto 's cast.

Who are the best female characters in Naruto?

Mei is the current Mizukage, the leader the Kirigakure village. Search Featured Articles. Gentle Fist Is OP. One of the most sacred duties of anime is the age old showing of fanservice. A similar transformation appeared in the pilot chapter of Naruto. Hinata Hyuuga Hinata is the eldest daughter and heiress of her family, the Hyuuga clan, and a member of Team 8. The trope of a male character with a strikingly feminine appearance isn't new to anyone nowadays, but for many people in the early s, it was rather revolutionary. Sasuke even got pissed that Naruto wouldn't leave him alone. In the manga, the Sexy Technique usually takes the form of a naked woman whose private parts are obscured by smoke. In battle, she plays a flute that grants her the ability to summon and control three powerful demons called Doki and she is also capable of performing several ninjutsu that require multiple ninja alongside her fellow Sound Four teammates. Appears in. Current Wiki. She is able to shatter stones with a single punch or kick. Like Naruto had way better friends like Gaara and Shikamaru, but ignored them to be a Sasuke fanboy. Supporting Characters Carried The Series.

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