my cheat skill resurrection revived me

My cheat skill resurrection revived me

This skill, however, proved to be the downfall of Licht, as the Kingdom of Ragas deemed him a threat due to the fact that they grew suspicious of the possibility that Licht might use his Skill for bad purposes. So they went ahead and wrongfully executed him, stabbing him in the heart before throwing him off a cliff. What they, and Licht himself did not know, was the fact that the My cheat skill resurrection revived me of Licht was not limited to resurrecting others, but it also resurrected him as well upon his death. And this is exactly what happened.

Log in. Novel Updates Forum. Description: Licht, a young man who has the special ability, [Resurrection], makes his living as a member of an S -Rank Adventurer's Party. However, the King, who feared his power, ordered his comrades to betray him, and in the end, executed him in an unfair manner. But Licht, who was fortunate enough to be revived because of his own skill, now swears to carry out his revenge on Humanity….

My cheat skill resurrection revived me

Up to date with the currently translated manga. Common to All The manpower shortage is worse than I could have imagined. Designated Villain : In universe. To date, all they really want is to live their lives quietly in the dungeon and be left alone. Aria and her generals are only "villains" because the human kingdom says they are. Licht was executed for the "crime" of having the [Resurrection] skill. While Dorothy's backstory has yet to be elaborated on, she is clearly grateful to be resurrected from "the hero's grave" and happily works for the demon lord without complaint. Allan implies that she was also summarily executed, but was given a hero's funeral as back-handed compensation for the unjust nature of her death. Fish out of Temporal Water : Aside from Licht and Dorothy, they were killed and forgotten roughly years prior to the start of the story. Oddly Small Organization : With the addition of Licht and Dorothy, there are a total of seven people in demon lord Aria's faction, including Aria herself. The dungeon "dystopia" is enormous, leading to the faction facing defeat by exhaustion prior to Licht's arrival. Rag Tag Bunch Of Misfits : Demon Lord Aria is a Marionette Master specializing in producing "servants" but this takes too much time and effort for her to do again after her resurrection. Rose is a daywalking vampire with an army of bats. Tisse and Iriss are a pair of high-elf sisters that are literally inseperable and summon "sprites" to paralyze their enemies, monster, human, or whatever, and Faris is a stoic little girl who rebounds any damage to her attacker, and when met with hostility, responds by slicing her throat to take her enemy down with her.

Reasonable Authority Figure : She agrees to let her people intern in the dungeon Dystopia in exchange for Dystopia's aid in dealing with monsters and other hostile forces. Last edited: Jul 10, Mystical White Hair : His platinum blonde hair highlights his special nature.

No one bothered to check and see if he truly died. Humanity didn't know that it is at this moment that their biggest mistake ever has been made. Rather than giving him a hearty send-off and a decent severance package, they led him into an ambush disguised as a ruins investigation, and sell him to the kingdom's executioners, who present an execution order from the king because someone outed his skill [Resurrection], thus triggering the king's paranoia and resulting in Licht's unjust execution. Sadistic and lazy, the executioner makes a sick little game out of the execution itself, demanding gratitude that Licht wasn't given an excruciating and long ordeal, but rather a quick and "painless" death. Licht is summarily stabbed in the chest and thrown off a cliff, but the executioner never bothered to make sure Licht actually died. Licht's skill triggered automatically, reviving him back to perfect health.

Hide Ads Login Sign Up. Add to My List. Add to Favorites. Type: Manga. Genres: Adventure Adventure , Fantasy Fantasy. Theme: Mythology Mythology. Demographic: Shounen Shounen.

My cheat skill resurrection revived me

The resurrection of Jesus Christ requires a response. You are about to hear from Mark about this resurrection and will be required to respond in some way. Clearly, these women were expecting to find a sealed tomb and a dead body. They were not anticipating the resurrection. But, why not? Jesus had told them several times exactly what was going to happen. Well, the notion of someone dying and coming back to life is crazy. So the women had every reason to think Jesus would still be dead when they approached the tomb, just like we would. They were getting ready to put Jesus behind them and move on with their lives.

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Gyut The leader of the Resaga punitive force against Dystopia. Licht was executed for the "crime" of having the [Resurrection] skill. No one bothered to check and see if he truly died. He's the only one who objected to Licht being sold to executioners, but not because doing so is inherently wrong, but because the party would be greatly weakened. Gone Horribly Right : When Aria sends him a letter seeking an alliance, or at least a peace overture, he launches an attack at her dungeon, seeking to provoke her into a fight. Tears of Blood : How he dies after he got hit by Tisse's "sprites. Sure, they might have died from overwork the last time around, but it wasn't her fault; she did the best with the crappy hand she was dealt. When she's resurrected, she happily joins Licht and helps the demon lord in Dystopia as a result. She uses the maid's corpse to backstab the guy that was strangling her. Daywalking Vampire : She can operate in daylight just fine if she has to.

Up to date with the currently translated manga. Common to All The manpower shortage is worse than I could have imagined. Designated Villain : In universe.

If he had been in the bath with them, the assassin would have succeeded and been long gone by the time anyone realized it. Mystical White Hair : His platinum blonde hair highlights his special nature. Licht is summarily stabbed in the chest and thrown off a cliff, but the executioner never bothered to make sure Licht actually died. He does indeed listen to his aides, who recommended seeking allies, not just from the neighboring human kingdoms, but from non-human races like elves and dragonians, before it's too late. Sorry we have nothing ready to greet guests! Even so, an adventurer with average combat ability is stronger than normal humans altogether. Licht is shocked and outraged, Berne is both terrified and more than willing to believe what Aria's saying at that point. Strange Minds Think Alike : The human king of Resaga and the Demon Lord Licht resurrected in the dungeon "Dystopia" both independently and simultaneously decide they need allies from other races the moment Licht's former party members go silent. I know how you feel right now, Licht. Description: Licht, a young man who has the special ability, [Resurrection], makes his living as a member of an S -Rank Adventurer's Party. Did Not Think This Through : When he sold out Licht, he expected that skilled and competent healers would figuratively fall out of the sky and into the party's lap, fighting over filling the now vacant position.

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