mumsnet sex forum

Mumsnet sex forum

O bserving the ongoing furore concerning Mumsnet, and the fact that some threads stray into salacious territory from the now-infamous post-coital penis cleansing rituals to unusual sexual venues, and beyondI've been waiting patiently to feel outraged by the site's ethical degeneration, waiting to start fuming at how it has let womankind down, mumsnet sex forum. At the very least, I hoped to form a more-in-sadness-than-anger po-face.

We have a great family with 8 grandchildren. Our granddaughters are like friends and I love to go out shopping with them and they can talk to me about anything. I go to the gym, I do voluntary work and I have lots of lovely friends who would probably say I look pretty good for my age. My husband plays golf, keeps pretty fit and we have wonderful holidays together. However, I am not a bit interested in sex anymore. I would rather go to bed with a good book. He is still attractive but like many 70 year olds spends most of the time looking for his glasses or phone while moaning about the government.

Mumsnet sex forum

Mobile version of the Forum Click here. Menu Menopause Am I at the Menopause.? Menopause Matters Forum. Please login or register. News: Mobile version of the Forum Click here. Home Help Search Login Register. Honeyb X. Joyce Guest. Needed a good laugh! Claireylou Member Posts: Both hubby and myself laughing so hard we're both aching. Wonderful, Thank you xxx. Winterose Member Posts:

We are all different and there is mumsnet sex forum normal in the bedroom. While I do enjoy its handy edit of the nuttier scrapings of the female mind, I sometimes read with one eye closed.

A feminism forum for sex and gender discussions, feminist chat, theory and intersectional feminism. Today Yesterday Please create an account or log in to access all these features. Start a new thread.

Mumsnet has not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. Many Mumsnetters experiencing domestic abuse have found this thread helpful: Listen up, everybody. So here goes… realise that I may be opening myself to a mumsnet blasting but…. I have two beautiful children one with additional needs. One child sees dad, one child doesn't.. I do have some spare time during the school day but not every day. I would love a relationship at some point… but my god what I really want at the moment is someone who actually wants me or would do a good impression of it to kiss me and jump my bones! I am a larger lady, but never had a problem finding a man perhaps the wrong one!

Mumsnet sex forum

You need to have been registered for 7 days to post in the Sex forum. Ladies wondering when you first start seeing somebody what's the longest you've gone not having sex? What's too long haha X.

Rants and bants

Women talk about sex in different ways, ranging from discreet to smutty to downright filthy. Before his conviction last year, neurosurgeon Christopher Duntsch maimed 32 victims in Texas. Amanda Hoover. Flip Customise Go to page. Next court case. This is why sexuality should never be muzzled on Mumsnet. How about Mumsnet users who don't like the sex-talk? It's a shame the cosy contentment, love and companionship of old age isn't enough for some. Partner wanting to wear womens clothes during sex For desktop support. Lots of cuddling and affection to make our partner feel loved and wanted on both sides is the most important imho.


Is it usual to go off sex at 65 Posts. An idea, where there is an imbalance, why isn't research looking into a ''dampening down'' drug? Needed a good laugh! Tory donor's alleged Diane Abbott remarks were racist, says Kemi Badenoch Both hubby and myself laughing so hard we're both aching. By definition, these are women who've "done it", perhaps even more than once the harlots. In June, Mumsnet brought in tougher moderation rules after activists threatened to boycott companies who placed adverts on the site. He has no interest at all. Women athletes launch landmark case against transgender inclusion Stephanie Hayden Smith to Bosch, these are our picks for what you should be watching on the streamer. No more puberty blockers for children from the NHS - reported in the Times! Charlie Hunnam 'got cold feet' over Fifty Shades of Grey. Claireylou Member Posts: As long as the two of you are in sync with each other and understand each other's needs that's the main thing.

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