mother vore

Mother vore

Places of Interest: Unique Wedding Invitations for unique wedding needs. Color Copiers found here. Baby Names can be hard to pick.

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Mother vore


Personal Stories. An Embedded Poll?


While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. In a world where people can swallow other people whole, digest them painlessly, and reform from being digested, a mother enjoys swallowing and digesting her six children to have an evening to herself. Safe, soft, consensual, non-fatal, non-sexual child-on-child vore. Digestion and implied reformation. What is says on the can. Or, a young predator eats her sister and is in turn swallowed by her father.

Mother vore

Angela and Dean. Julie and Michelle. Marie, Angel and Damon. Famous Moms. Problem Families. View Portfolio.

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Read a Newbie. Site News. When I look at my own reflection a nearby lake, I saw a vision of my mother. It's a nice cozy bed in there, and you won't feel any pain. Download Submission. I walk alone in the woods in a bright day. There's nothing to be afraid of. Color Copiers found here. No digestion. After a week, I start to open up my eyes and I can see the world around me for the first time. Search All Items. The Dragonite has taken me underneath a apple tree. I keep telling mom I wonder if cats do fly, but we don't fly in this world. View Portfolio.

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In.

Thus, he is raised by a Dragonite and you know the rest of the story. No digestion. Contest Entry. Noticing Newbies. As far as I know, no one has ever made a mother vore Interactive and I want the first one to be a good one. If you add to a Writer's choice, please have three families. If I find your chapter exceptional, I will award Product Reviews. Paging: Next Item. Remember that there are only six spaces, so don't wait. I heard a voice Please leave a description in your family choice chapter similar to the ones I have made in the family choice chapters. Vanilla: Do you think I can grow big, just like you? This is an interactive story.

3 thoughts on “Mother vore

  1. Willingly I accept. An interesting theme, I will take part. Together we can come to a right answer. I am assured.

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