Monthly horoscope november 2022

We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we love. Halloween may have come and gone, monthly horoscope november 2022, but Scorpio season will continue to deliver ghosts and ghouls. Scorpio season is a period of surrender and shifting.

Scorpio season brings an intense, often extreme energy that invites us to sink deeper into our greatest desires and compulsions—and The Sun, Mercury, and Venus moving through Scorpio for the first two weeks of the month make space for indulgences that might feel otherwise feel off limits. The main challenges this month come in the form of shame and discomfort getting in the way of what you want. When traveling, those roadblocks may be language barriers, cultural differences, or a lack of resources or finances. Will you allow these challenges to define your experience? Consider how an act of surrender can free you from discomfort. All signs will want to pay attention to the lunar eclipse on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8, which will heighten tensions and bring revelations around the ways in which we grasp certain people and situations in the name of comfort and consistency. What are you forcing, pushing, or holding on to that is ready to be released?

Monthly horoscope november 2022

Read your sign's horoscope predictions to see what's in store for you this year or check out each sign's personality profile to learn more about the zodiac. Welcome to November, star children. When the month begins, we're still in intense Scorpio season and likely recovering from Halloween celebrations. The first week or so is an excellent time to rest and catch up on sleep, as when the sun enters bold Sagittarius later this month, your schedule is likely to become filled with holiday invites and other social obligations. But let's back up. Tuesday, November 8 , brings a full moon and lunar eclipse in sensual Taurus. As you may remember from last month which also came with an eclipse , while these celestial events are pretty, they can also be petty. Avoid the eclipse-driven drama by engaging in self-soothing activities, such as sleep , eating delicious foods, and opting for intimate dinner parties with friends over ragers. Many of us will have love and sex on the mind when the romantic planet Venus enters bold Sagittarius on Tuesday, November As a fire sign, Sag will add sparks to your personal life, whether you're engaging in roleplay with a partner or reconnecting with yourself through the power of sex toys.

Read your full November horoscope here, Aquarius.

Wedding Directory. Diaries of a Working Woman. Myntra Masterclass. To India With Love. You are worthy of the life you desire. You are worthy of the blessings you have been calling in. Your guidance this month is to allow yourself to receive the abundance that has always been yours.

Once the Sun moves into Sagittarius on November 22, a positive upswing is unleashed. The next day, November 23, the Sagittarius new moon arrives AND optimistic Jupiter the ruler of Sagittarius ends a four-month retrograde. With witty Mercury and playful Venus both in Sagittarius, Thanksgiving might just seem like it did in the old, pre election days. An astrologer can dream! That would be more than enough to make anyone opt for a mail-in ballot. But at this lunar eclipse, the moon will also make acute contact with Uranus , Saturn , Mercury AND Venus , locking into a tense T-square a challenged degree angle. The moon and volatile Uranus, the sign of sudden changes and revolution, will be a mere one degree apart in Taurus, traveling in conjunction on November 8. This definitely has us worried about erratic behavior at the polls, especially given the rise of gun violence which can coincide with Uranus transits this year. Voters, please be careful out there…and please vote. Uranus rules technology, and this moon-Uranus mashup could incite another round of radical uprising.

Monthly horoscope november 2022

This November, prepare for dramatic redirections as the total lunar eclipse in Taurus will stir up shocking endings in your work and financial life on Nov. You may feel a deep calling to pack a bag and travel to a new destination on Nov. Make the most of this energy by sharing your love generously. This will cause you to muse on bigger questions about the meaning of life and your purpose. This expansive and learning-focused energy is great for picking up a new skill or learning a language. Sagittarius season will begin on Nov. Come Nov. Jupiter — the ruling planet of Sagittarius season — will end its retrograde in dreamy Pisces on Nov. Brace yourself.

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You have attracted this connection into your life for a reason. Power crystal: Black onyx to work through grief and anxiety and to feel centred at this time. Mid-month, there will be a lot of focus on your relationship with your siblings chosen or blood , neighborhood, and your communication skills. Letting go creates room for something better and more aligned. But you're more than just a water sign. And on the 15th, Venus trines Jupiter in your sign, which could spike your good fortune, especially in terms of opportunities for personal growth. And around November 8, when the lunar eclipse and full moon lights up the area of your chart that sits opposite that one — your career zone — you might have to contend with a crisis related to work-life balance. Your mind will keep telling you what you could have done things differently or how they could have shown up. Then, from November 10 to 14, a flurry of planets make harmonious angles to one another in your romance and adventure sectors. What's in store for your sign this year? To be sure, it's possible to feel crushed under the weight of other people's expectations.

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How do you feel when others are involved? Regardless of your parenting plans, this is a great time to do a full health and wellness check. Of course, overindulgence is not the goal, but a deep sense of enjoyment is. Read our horoscope predictions to find out. To expect life to be rainbows and butterflies at all times would be a rejection of life in all its glory. What is a twin flame, and how is it different from a soul mate? My Account. And on the 15th, Venus trines Jupiter in your sign, which could spike your good fortune, especially in terms of opportunities for personal growth. Sagittarius is the sign of higher learning, travel, and adventure, so it's appropriate that it also falls around the start of the holidays. So, speak your truth in every situation despite the fear of how you will be perceived by other people. Consider blowing off steam by staying busy. November starts off as a fairly social month for you probably because you have so many Scorpio friends but it ends in retreat mode, giving you time and space to explore your own mind and psyche in a setting that supports you doing so. Getting out of town to clear your head will serve you well at the end of an exhausting month, and you deserve it. PS: You are more powerful than you will ever know.

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