monster hunter background

Monster hunter background

Many people run when there is a monster hunter background on sight, monster hunter background. A few not only don't flee, they fight and try to kill the creature. They are monster hunters. Slaying or trapping monsters across various landscapes as part of quests given to them by locals or by request of an organization it's not uncommon for them.

The quiet life of your community suited you just fine; a modicum of peace and prosperity was had in your home, and you realize now that it was all taken for granted. A day came when the regular routine - the smiling faces of passers-by, tradesmen and crafters at their work, farmers tilling the fields - came to a crashing end. A great beast attacked your land and your people, and the best and bravest among you were cut down with such unbridled ferocity that many fled, and those that remained believed your final doom had arrived in the form of an array of gnashing fangs and baleful eyes. But all was not lost, though it was entirely by sheer luck and coincidence that the salvation of your people affected itself through the most unlikely of agents - you. No grand scheme, no great cunning, no bravery bore you the victory over the monster, but you have nonetheless been lauded as a hero; a mighty warrior. That reputation followed you no matter where you went, and tales of the fearless slayer of beasts precede your presence even when it seems most should be ignorant of the event.

Monster hunter background


Jump to: navigationsearch. Exploitation It is only to harness the power of my prey that I do as I do, and with it, destroy my foes.


The quiet life of your community suited you just fine; a modicum of peace and prosperity was had in your home, and you realize now that it was all taken for granted. A day came when the regular routine - the smiling faces of passers-by, tradesmen and crafters at their work, farmers tilling the fields - came to a crashing end. A great beast attacked your land and your people, and the best and bravest among you were cut down with such unbridled ferocity that many fled, and those that remained believed your final doom had arrived in the form of an array of gnashing fangs and baleful eyes. But all was not lost, though it was entirely by sheer luck and coincidence that the salvation of your people affected itself through the most unlikely of agents - you. No grand scheme, no great cunning, no bravery bore you the victory over the monster, but you have nonetheless been lauded as a hero; a mighty warrior. That reputation followed you no matter where you went, and tales of the fearless slayer of beasts precede your presence even when it seems most should be ignorant of the event. Though you could no longer bear the undue praise heaped upon you, and the avalanche of demands for your "services," the memory still gnaws at your mind and your name is unfortunately recognized far and wide, no matter how distant from your lands you travel. As the bearer of this unfortunate reputation, what specific moment or event did you decide to finally leave the place of your birth and livelihood?

Monster hunter background

You are haunted by something so terrible that you dare not speak of it. It might come to you as a shadow on the wall, a bloodcurdling nightmare, a memory that refuses to die, or a demonic whisper in the dark. The burden has taken its toll, isolating you from most people and making you question your sanity. You must find a way to overcome it before it destroys you.

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Hunter's Origin In your past there was a moment that triggered in your soul the urge to start a life hunting those beings that become a menace to peace and security of people. This is a quality article! There are horrid and fantastical things that require more training and expertise to trap and kill, and that is when those with your skills are called upon. Some don't care about the type of creature they fight, other prefer or are more specialized in beasts, aberrations, dragons, undead or just plain monstrosities. A day came when the regular routine - the smiling faces of passers-by, tradesmen and crafters at their work, farmers tilling the fields - came to a crashing end. Do you wish to escape to a land where you can finally be free of this nuisance? Exploitation It is only to harness the power of my prey that I do as I do, and with it, destroy my foes. Personality Traits d8 Personality Trait 1 I don't run from evil. Evil Bonds d6 Bond 1 I keep my thoughts and discoveries in a journal. You are now honoring your ancestors by following their steps. Optionally, a silvered weapon at DM discretion. My reputation is ill-deserved - having never slain a monster, I ply the refuse from desiccated corpses. Or, perhaps, have you come to enjoy and even revel in the misconception, embellishing the existing tales as it suits your own needs, actively exploiting the fable to further your own ends?


Feats 41 For 5e Feats 41 For 5e. The Battlemind The Battlemind. You also know how to harvest and preserve any of these parts from a creatures corpse. Skip carousel. Uploaded by Martin Alberto Morales Lopez. Alternatively, perhaps monster hunter is a title you take as a humble hunter of the plethora of things outside the normal range of beasts. A day came when the regular routine - the smiling faces of passers-by, tradesmen and crafters at their work, farmers tilling the fields - came to a crashing end. You felt that was your destiny to purge those beasts from the world. Good 4 Destiny. You are now haunted by the innocents you slaughtered, and that impulses you to avoid something similar happens to others.

1 thoughts on “Monster hunter background

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