modern comedy monologues

Modern comedy monologues

Tara's comedic monologues for men, women, teens and children range in actor age from 4 years old to mature adult. These monologues are great for auditions, showcases, competitions, workshops, classes, monologue slams, videos, modern comedy monologues, performances etc, but please seek permission of use first by contacting Tara with your desired use of the monologue. You must always give proper credit.

Everything you do irritates me. You leave me little notes on my pillow. It took me three hours to figure out that F. But last night was the topper. Oh, that was the topper.

Modern comedy monologues

Looking for a great comedic monologue? You have come to the right page. We have put together a massive list of comedy monologues for men and women, from theatre, film and TV. We aim to cover all bases — some are from classical playwrights, and others from contemporary TV series. These monologues will work well for auditions, perhaps a showreel update or for just some self-taping fun. I find actors always have great dramatic pieces on their casting profiles, or at auditions, but rarely have a great comic monologue. Having a really great comedy piece will make you stand out and allow you to show off your range as an actor. Some are laugh out loud, but others are more subtle. How to approach a comedy monologue: The key to comedy is to play the truth of the situation. Too many actors play up the comedy, trying to make a monologue funnier than it is. In fact, we have to trust the playwright or screenwriter and just fully commit to the situation. How to pick a comedy monologue: I recommend reading a bunch of monologues below and then just making a gut choice.

So she gives me this letter to bring to a urologist at the hospital.

Join StageAgent today and unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. Research Playwrights, Librettists, Composers and Lyricists. Browse Theatre Writers. Farmer Lee and the Aliens. Finian McLonergan. Finian's Rainbow. Text Video.

This site offers free, printable monologues for actors. You can use these monologues for auditions or as short, stand-alone pieces. We offer both carefully-selected classic monologues from public domain plays and original monologues written in contemporary speech on modern topics. All of them are free for you to perform, with no royalties or licensing. Contact us. Privacy Policy. All the world's a stage. Subscribe to the Free Printable newsletter. No spam, ever!

Modern comedy monologues

Hey there comedy lovers! Whether you prefer modern wit, timeless classics, or cinematic treasures, our blog post is your ultimate destination for a hearty dose of laughter. Get ready to explore the realm of comedic monologues and uncover gems that would make Shakespeare himself crack a smile! The messy one is losing his mind because his neat-freak friend is driving him crazy! Everything you do irritates me. You leave me little notes on my pillow.

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I jingle. And you told us to really try to think like our character, like, what would a shepherd be doing if he was just out there with the sheep all day? In the monologue, Brandy admits her initial attraction was because he is Santa, but she assures him that he has other qualities, outside of his beard and red suit, which she has grown to appreciate. To read the complete full-length play, Movements of the Wind , from which this monologue comes, click below:. Read the play here. Now a dead cow weighs half a ton. Instead, this girl in the odd dress just keeps…well…standing there. Around a month ago, I made the mistake of stopping by to have a cuppa tea with Sylvie, my favorite reindeer, and Mrs. Back to square one. A camping pack has just fallen off the jeep and a rhino charged at it while the jeep was driving. You know I hold true to my convictions. I love you madly.

Tara's comedic monologues for men, women, teens and children range in actor age from 4 years old to mature adult. These monologues are great for auditions, showcases, competitions, workshops, classes, monologue slams, videos, performances etc, but please seek permission of use first by contacting Tara with your desired use of the monologue.

Is he crazy? I mean, what is that?! You knew I was. This hat is Nan, our maid. With all the other cows standing around in the dark, watching. And teach me about art and life and magic and I thought you could make me feel like a beautiful woman instead of the girl nobody wanted. Grace, a beautiful customer, has convinced him to give her a free disposable camera, and to wrap it with a roll of wrapping paper from his store. About the play, Movements of the Wind : As wind sweeps through a garden, its inhabitants must confront the volatile effects of Mother Nature, as well as their own changing nature. Writhing under a sense of intolerable injustice. He is the sales clerk at a gift shop on a small isolated island. Marginalized metro-sexual tubs of butter incapable of threatening our own shadows.

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