modanisa customer service

Modanisa customer service

Modanisa has a rating of 1. Reviewers complaining about Modanisa most frequently mention customer service, order number, and many times problems.

Companies are selected automatically by the algorithm. A company's rating is calculated using a mathematical algorithm that evaluates the information in your profile. The algorithm parameters are: user's rating, number of resolved issues, number of company's responses etc. The algorithm is subject to change in future. Contact Modanisa Customer Service. Reviews 0.

Modanisa customer service

You can contact via their contact page. Additionally, additional information can be found on customer service page and FAQ page. Note that supports live chat. You can chat with an agent on their live chat support page. You can also contact through their social media pages. Try contacting customer service team on their social pages via direct messaging or by using comments or mentions. Here's a list of social media pages you can try:. You can contact them and find additional information on their products and services via their mobile apps. You may find additional ways to contact on their website. Please help the community by sharing any additional tips for contacting here in the comments. Brand Directory.

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Quick, convenient customer experiences in five languages are in fine style with WhatsApp Business Platform. Success story results will vary, as they depend on a variety of factors. Headquartered in Turkey, Modanisa now sells everything from casual looks to eveningwear to shoes and accessories across five continents. As Modanisa meets increasing customer demands for chic modest clothing, the company needed a fast, cost-effective way to answer customer questions in a single interaction. But as Modanisa expanded, now offering service in six languages, the teams at its call centers experienced volume surges that made it difficult to resolve customer issues in a single call. Though roughly 68 percent of Modanisa customers engaged with the company via phone, each call center agent could only help one customer at a time. Customers often cycled through a queue to find a representative who spoke their language, causing increases in follow-up calls and customer tickets.

Quick, convenient customer experiences in five languages are in fine style with WhatsApp Business Platform. Success story results will vary, as they depend on a variety of factors. Headquartered in Turkey, Modanisa now sells everything from casual looks to eveningwear to shoes and accessories across five continents. As Modanisa meets increasing customer demands for chic modest clothing, the company needed a fast, cost-effective way to answer customer questions in a single interaction. But as Modanisa expanded, now offering service in six languages, the teams at its call centers experienced volume surges that made it difficult to resolve customer issues in a single call. Though roughly 68 percent of Modanisa customers engaged with the company via phone, each call center agent could only help one customer at a time. Customers often cycled through a queue to find a representative who spoke their language, causing increases in follow-up calls and customer tickets. To alleviate the rising costs of operating call centers—while focusing on more effective customer communications—the Modanisa team partnered with international conversation management company MindBehind in developing a new communications channel. With the widespread popularity of WhatsApp across Turkey and the Middle East, building a customer service chatbot on WhatsApp Business Platform was as sharp as pairing a crewneck dress with a brightly colored shawl.

Modanisa customer service

You can contact via their contact page. Additionally, additional information can be found on customer service page and FAQ page. Note that supports live chat. You can chat with an agent on their live chat support page.

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Frankly, I don't recommend Modanisa. By Shima Mima. Good site, reliable: when there was a problem in my shipment during covid they gave my money back with out any problems. More contact details. As Modanisa meets increasing customer demands for chic modest clothing, the company needed a fast, cost-effective way to answer customer questions in a single interaction. We have over 1,, users and companies will listen to us. We care about your feedback to give you a better service and a great experience. Tip for consumers: Don't order anything you might not want to keep. Customer service. Modanisa in the News! Consumers Call the Most From.


I kept one box and returned the other two directly to the FedEx driver. Modanisa has a rating of 1. Prevent apps from taking your money without permission. I also have to say there customer service are horrible so they have a very poor service and quality. Top Critical Review. Dear Lina S, Greetings from Modanisa! Top Positive Review. Learn More. I kept on checking for my order status, on October 21st it said that waiting for supply, then on the 25th of October it said dispatching and today on the 26th of October I checked and it said order canceled. If the bust is smaller than 94cm on the model shown, then you must order larger i dont bother to order those dresses though as they are obviously for petite people. Follow Lina S. I really hope a Muslim based company can do better! Brand Directory. One of the worse customer service ever. With the expertise of MindBehind developers, the team integrated more than 10 distinct web services into WhatsApp, including an image recognition feature that invites a customer to send a picture of the evening abaya they like and matches it exactly to the Modanisa catalog.

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