michael douglas movies list

Michael douglas movies list

Michael Kirk Douglas born September 25, [2] is an American actor and film producer.

Academy Award winner Michael Douglas has had a career of almost 50 years in feature films. Director: Richard Attenborough. Starring Michael Douglas, Alyson Reed. Director: David Miller. Writer: David Manber. Director: Joel Schumacher.

Michael douglas movies list

American actor and producer Michael Douglas began his film career with a brief uncredited role in Cast a Giant Shadow His performance in Hail, Hero! Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history. Tools Tools. Download as PDF Printable version. Douglas in American actor and producer Michael Douglas began his film career with a brief uncredited role in Cast a Giant Shadow Douglas [84] The F. A Father

A conservative judge is appointed by the President to spearhead America's escalating war against drugs, only to discover that his teenage daughter is a crack addict.

Sequel to Marvel's superhero flick Ant-Man, which sees the eponymous shrinking hero Rudd joining forces with the Wasp Lilly to rescue her long-lost mother Pfeiffer from a quantum realm. Silly yet also subtle, the film brims with chemistry from its strong cast. Hunting in the Mojave desert, insurance mogul Madec Douglas accidentally kills a man and proceeds to hunt down his guide Ben Irvine , a witness to the killing. What could have been a tense chase becomes a preposterous exercise in campy excess, with good actors wasted on flimsy characterisation and a daft plot. A winning addition to Marvel's cinematic universe, Ant Man follows Dr Hank Pym Douglas as he fails in re-sizing himself, but unexpectedly imbues himself with the ability to talk to and control insects. With winning performances from Rudd, Cannavale and Douglas, this charming and eccentric heist film has a great sense of….

For the past 50 years, Michael Douglas has been entertaining fans worldwide and has received some incredible accolades over his illustrious career. Starring alongside fellow veteran actor Alan Arkin, The Kominsky Method was one of the most beloved comedies Netflix released in Sandy Kominsky was briefly a successful actor in Hollywood. Now retired, Sandy has become a much revered acting coach. Meanwhile, his best friend and agent Norman recently lost his wife to cancer and struggles with her loss. The longtime friends face challenges they never expected late in life such as love, pain, loss and the eternal job of being a parent. New Yorker Dan Gallagher has a pretty good life.

Michael douglas movies list

Michael Kirk Douglas born September 25, [2] is an American actor and film producer. His early acting roles included film, stage, and television productions. Douglas first achieved prominence for his performance in the ABC police procedural television series The Streets of San Francisco , for which he received three consecutive Emmy Award nominations.

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January 4, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest — Summertree R 88 min Drama 5. Douglas plays a car magnate seemingly on a destructive mission to ruin both his personal and professional lives. Get Bruce! Ghosts of Girlfriends Past as Uncle Wayne. Headline Hachette Book Group. David O. Grady, who has written one novel, is having problems finishing his second, so he distracts himself by having an affair with Sara Frances McDormand , who just happens to be the husband of his English department boss Richard Thomas. Jimmy Kimmel Live! Running PG min Drama, Sport 5. What to Watch. Zanuck Jean Hersholt Jack L. September 2,

Birthday September 25, 79 years old. Looks like we're missing the following data in en-US or en-US Login to edit.

For his performance as Oliver, Douglas received his third Golden Globe nomination for his film acting. The Drivetime. Directed By: Robert Zemeckis. Solitary Man. World Music Awards. Michael Douglas is very charming as President Andrew Shepherd. A keen young reporter Fonda gets embroiled in all manner of trouble when she tries to expose some dangerous secrets surrounding an accident at a nuclear plant. Kirk Douglas Diana Dill. Haywire R 93 min Action, Drama, Thriller 5. The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

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