mcgill final exams

Mcgill final exams

Final examinations in regularly scheduled courses are held during the final examination period at the end of the term. Mcgill final exams format of the final exams can be either online or in person, depending on the situation, mcgill final exams. The dates of the final examination periods are listed at mcgill. In some courses there is no final examination; your final grade in these courses is determined by different forms of assessment s indicated in the course outline.

Please wait until the official exam dates are announced before making other commitments during the exam period. During the Summer session, exact locations for exams will be published 2 weeks prior to the exam period. There are no supplemental exams for these courses; if you fail a course, you must repeat it. Academic accommodations are available for students with documented disabilities that may be permanent, temporary, or episodic. If you require academic exam accommodations, please contact Student Accessibility and Achievement to book a New Registration appointment as soon as possible to ensure that you are able to meet exam registration deadlines. You can book an in-person or virtual New Registration appointment online via the Student Accessibility and Achievement website, or call McGill University Fr.

Mcgill final exams

The Final examinations schedule will be available two 2 weeks prior to the Final Examination date s of each individual summer session May, June or July. Please check the dates and times a couple of days prior to your exam to make sure no modification has been made. Note: When a course ends earlier or later than the final exams dates displayed in the table below, the final exam will not be scheduled on one of these dates. On Minerva, the end date of a course includes the examination period. Should there be a final exam, it should be no later than June Note: All final examinations are governed by University examination regulations. Students writing examinations who do not abide by the norms outlined in the Code of Student Conduct will face disciplinary measures. If you have two 2 exams scheduled on the same day at the same time, you will be notified by the exams office about the new time of your rescheduled exam. Conflict exams are normally written on the same day in a room set aside for such exams. For more information, please visit the examinations website. Should you not receive a notice from the Exams office about your conflict please complete the Final Examination Conflict Form for Summer Studies and forward to:. Email: summer. You may request to write a deferred exam if you have missed your exam due to illness or other extenuating circumstances. Requests due to minor illnesses cold , minor personal matters, or scheduling conflicts travel plans will not be approved. Deferral requests for final exams that are scheduled on the official summer final exam dates posted above should be submitted through Minerva.

If your deferred exam request is refused The refusal could be for any number of reasons, including but not limited to: You did not provide a valid reason for your request; Your medical documentation was non-specific, mcgill final exams, inadequate, or missing; You have made previous requests for similar or the same reasons and there is no evidence that you have taken measures to address the challenges you are facing during exam periods. Should there be a final exam, mcgill final exams should be no later than June

Click here for a complete list of buildings where exams are held, along with maps and addresses. Formally scheduled final exams are three hours long. You are obliged to remain in the exam room during the first hour and during the last fifteen minutes. You can arrive at the exam up to one hour after it has begun, but you will not be given extra time. Midterms, lab exams, and In-Department exams may be less than three hours in length.

Final examinations in regularly scheduled courses are held during the final examination period at the end of the term. The format of the final exams can be either online or in person, depending on the situation. The dates of the final examination periods are listed at mcgill. In some courses there is no final examination; your final grade in these courses is determined by different forms of assessment s indicated in the course outline. During the first week of class, students will be provided with a course outline, which along with other details, will include the types of assessment to be used in the course and the weight accorded to each assessment. Instructors are not permitted to grant any special treatment regarding examinations to any student. Students who believe there are circumstances which might justify making special examination arrangements for them or which might legitimately be taken into account in evaluating their performance should apply to the Associate Dean or Director of their faculty. It is the responsibility of the student to confirm the date, time, format for online or location of an in person examination by checking examination schedules posted on mcgill. No student will be allowed to enter an in person examination later than one hour after it has started. Supporting documents must substantiate your claim of incapacity or inability to attend your exam s on the given date s.

Mcgill final exams

These regulations shall apply to undergraduate and graduate courses, up to and including level, that are evaluated by the use of written final examinations. These regulations are governed by the University Student Assessment Policy. These regulations pertain to final examinations that are supervised by Enrolment Services for the faculties of Arts, Education, Engineering, Management, Religious Studies, and Science, and the School of Nursing. Except where otherwise indicated, these regulations shall also apply to all faculties and schools who administer their own examinations. For a full list of university exam regulations, consult the eCalendar. When the final exam schedule is announced, some students may find they have conflicting exam times or are scheduled on an exam date that interferes with religious observance. Consult the Conflicts page to see if you qualify for an academic or religious conflict. If so, follow the steps to report the conflict. Note: Travel arrangements do not constitute a conflict.

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Applying for a deferred exam does not guarantee approval. These regulations, and any variations to them, shall be made known to students by each faculty. You are obliged to remain in the exam room during the first hour and during the last fifteen minutes. Exam reread fees apply; refer to the Student Accounts website for fee amounts and information. In both cases the first step is to discuss your grades with your instructor, for explanation and possible adjustment. Approximately two weeks before the start of the exam period, you should have received an email from the Exam Office telling you what to do. Current student Contact Form. Religious Studies. It is your responsibility to inform your Student Affairs office or Service Point, for Arts and Science students that you wrote the final exam at the originally scheduled time. Science including B. You can request a formal reread of a final examination once you have discussed it with your instructor.


Note for the Faculty of Law: Regular supplemental examinations are available to a student who has failed a course, but who is not required to withdraw from the Faculty. All deferred formal final exams will be held in August, concurrent with exams deferred from the Winter term. If you are unable to complete your exam, you will receive a grade of "J" until your deferred application is accepted, at which point an "L" grade will be assigned for the course. Summer Examinations Schedule The Final examinations schedule will be available two 2 weeks prior to the Final Examination date s of each individual summer session May, June or July. Note for the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences: The Faculty offers deferred exams for medical reasons and exceptional circumstances to be approved by the Associate Dean Student Affairs for the Fall and Winter periods. Current student Contact Form. If your request is approved, you may be permitted to write it during the next deferred exam period. You cannot defer a deferred exam. Conflict exams are normally written on the same day in a room set aside for such exams. If in doubt about whom to contact, ask your Academic Advisor. Note for Medicine and Health Sciences: Refer to mcgill. For information regarding deferred examinations in the Faculty of Engineering, please see mcgill.

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