mayan galactic signature

Mayan galactic signature

Every day and every person has a Galactic Signature. There are unique possibilities! Each signature is a combination of a "Tribe" and a "Tone.

Bridging our male and female aspects - a wee theory The first mayan calendar that I discovered was Tortuga's 'Dreamspell' calendar. I and my friends were continually blown away by how well this calendar 'worked'! Our Galactic Signatures were bang on, our Wavespells were always intense and significant, our year cycles oh-so accurate, our 4 revolving Theme Years very telling and true. In a nutshell, Dreamspell worked! Just as western astrology is divided the siderealists vs the traditional , so is the mayan calendar community. I wondered how the Classical mayan calendar would fit into the big picture for me.

Mayan galactic signature

The day you were born on the 13 Moon calendar is coded by your Galactic Signature. By playing the role of your galactic signature, you allow yourself — your mind, body and spirit — to vibrate to that particular frequency and you broadcast it out to everyone around you. This is your gift to the world. Hunab Ku — a day of pure timelessness. If you were born after noon local time, use March 1 to find your galactic signature. Taking the role of your Galactic Signature is the first step in entering the fourth-dimensional synchronic order. Meditate on the codes and see what insights arise. The next step is to learn the 13 Moon calendar and follow it each day. Click here to download a free 13 Moon calendar. Find who shares your galactic signature. You can also decode Galactic Signatures with the Galactic Compass. Decoder widget created by Ash Mystic

Decode yourself and people in your life, to see what synchronicities are revealed! Mayan galactic signature eh? Practice the art of acceptance and allowance in order to embody unconditional love.


Has strong emotions or personal forces that affect others deeply. Mayans think that Serpent people are charismatic yet, mysterious. You are always noticeable, but very little is known about you. You are passionate, striking, and have strong instincts, making you a natural leader. You can act as a bridge between the limited world and the spiritual yearnings. Knowing your high spiritual potential, you can use it for psychic or spiritual healing.

Mayan galactic signature

The Maya understood that Time is the Cosmic Canvas upon which we paint the legacy of our human lives. A life well-lived is a celebration, a communion, and a co-creation with the natural cycles of the Cosmos and the intelligence of the Divine. Thousands of years ago, The Maya built a thriving civilization with relics that stand to this day, and a calendar system that still teaches us how to synchronize ourselves with the higher harmonic order of our galaxy. The Wisdom of the Galactic Mayan Transmission reveals that in order to transcend the limitations of 3D consciousness and move towards planetary peace and harmony, humanity must first re-align to Natural Time. In so doing, we once again see ourselves as cocreators of a collective story with the Earth,..

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You can also decode Galactic Signatures with the Galactic Compass. Follow your gut-level intuitions and instincts to make choices in the moment. Lighten up! Open to receive. Listen to the part of you that is calling for death and transformation. Actively move towards learning through relationships. Bridging our male and female aspects - a wee theory Being love's presence sets you free. Explore your growth edges by facing challenges. Use commitment, focused intention, and openness to help you complete. White Wizard Ix. Your Dreamspell Signature represents your Potential, your Destiny.

The coming new era on our planet has everything to do with a change of timing frequency. The 13 Moonday calendar is a simple tool that helps us to raise our frequency and gives us a new lens to view both our day-to-day and planetary events. Because both the Gregorian and 13 Moon calendars operate with 52 seven-day weeks annually days , the 13 Moon calendar provides a perfect daily transition tool for hooking back up with the higher-dimensional order!

Intiana blends Galactic Dreamspell Astrology with intuitive wisdom and psychic insight. Blue Storm Cauac. Be transparent, innocently allowing magic to come through you rather than needing to create it. Attune yourself to the clear signals from your inner guidance. Galactic Decoder. Way show-er, harmony, beneficial combinations, expanded love, elegance, mystical visionary, starseed, octave, clear perspective, Mind of Light. Actively move towards being an open channel. Use discrimination. Change, disintegration, letting go, stripping away, complexity moving to simplicity and liberation! Actively move towards transcendence. I've been using them for 2 years now, and they really changed my life! Nuts eh? Open to heart-knowing and limitless possibilities.

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