mark longo naked

Mark longo naked

Mark, however, was hesitant to join in the funfair.

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Mark longo naked


HeCe Superior Member. Thread starter bcub Start date Aug 25, Tags mark peanut squirrel tick tock.


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Mark longo naked


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It's just it seems like free money, you are missing something, there is another aspect, there's a bit of information that you don't have that someone else has, that could end up being very costly. That little bit of second guessing and pulling my hand down probably saved my career because that probably would have put you up with a wiped out our firm and probably would have been, it would have been difficult to get another job as a new trader if I just swept up Andrew Stotz and leave where you are now. Mark, however, decided not to join the bandwagon. Andrew Stotz There you go. My handsome Muslim banker - Mind control. He reported me because of my earlier post about trading. And, and so you know, occasionally as an institutional analyst, if I walked into that room, they'd be like, Well, what's going on? Basically, occasionally they did some trades by phone. So it's a great opportunity. Andrew Stotz Great listeners, there you have it another story of loss to keep you winning. It fits all of your conditions and more. So I wait a couple of you may or may not pass another phone rings another broker he talks to his customer next thing you know he's barking out an order for very similar puts. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. He says, Why just called the chairman. And then you could of course, branch out to the nearly other dozen other shows that we have going on throughout the week.


Replies 9 Views 10K. Mark Longo I would just say, you know, be safe out there. And those brokers pick up their pick up their phones, and they start talking to customers and they turn around and they start calling out orders also or markets they want markets for puts no one wants a call. Mark Longo I think it was two cans of string ties together. Here you are in New York? Fellow risk takers, this is your worst podcast host Andrew Stotz, from A. The second thing i i want to talk about is, like you were saying how sometimes you know you've got a things going on behind the scenes that you may not know. Last question. What do you what can you tell us? We love more people trading options. And my scanner says this is this is, you know, two standard deviations above the normal for this, this volatility on this option I have to sell that's when I say wait a minute, back off looked at gift horse in the mouth. Thread starter bcub Start date Aug 25, Tags mark peanut squirrel tick tock.

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