mar chrysostom college

Mar chrysostom college

Access premium articles, webinars, resources to make the best decisions for mar chrysostom college, course, exams, scholarships, study abroad and much more with. View Photos. PathanamthittaKerala. Enquire Brochure Compare.

Mar Chrysostom College is a dream venture of the Catholic Diocese of Pathanamthitta which owes its existence to the farsighted vision of its founder His Excellency Yoohanon Mar Chrysostom. Started in June as a self financing college affiliated to the University of Kerala, it is determined to provide quality education by inculcating ethical, social and human values in students who are in exploration of a brilliant career. The course has been specifically designed and streamlined to impart historical perspective on the language, its tradition and literature to the students. The undergraduate course in Mathematics is designed to develop students with respectable intellectual levels. To nurture commerce professionals with a high level of knowledge and competence to effectively contribute to society with commitment and integrity.. The Department of Psychology is committed to provide insightful and innovative learning experiences which help to foster professional and personnel development among students.

Mar chrysostom college


Sa-adiya Arts and Science College, Kasaragod. By Course Top B.


Knowledge is often most appropriately extolled as the ultimate power and education entails the formal process of acquiring it. Commandeered and guided by the most Rev. Yoohanon Mar Chrysostom, we are pledged to promote quality education. We aim at nurturing young men and women to emerge as resourceful leaders and conscientious citizens. The College situated at Amalagiri Hills, near Paranthal, merges with the idyllic surroundings to provide the ideal learning environment to the student. I thank God and remain grateful to have been offered to the opportunity to be at the helm of this infant institution in its early years to seek with you means to weather whatever teething problems it encounters. Naturally, I owe a debt of gratitude to the entire staff and students of the college in becoming willing partners in this epic and noble struggle to reach heights of academic eminence. Principal's Message Home Principal's Message. Itty Varghese Email ittyadoor gmail. Message From The Principal Knowledge is often most appropriately extolled as the ultimate power and education entails the formal process of acquiring it.

Mar chrysostom college

Syriac is a Semitic language which is read and written from right to left. As an additional language for graduate students, the basics of this language are taught. A student will be capable to read and write this language after this course. The syllabus is divided into three parts. In the first part, the grammar of this language is dealt with and in each semester it is taught in continuation. In the second part, small poems and prose from early literature and holy Bible are taught. This includes morality, history, stories and biblical texts. In the third part, a detailed history and development of Syriac language and literature and history of Syrian churches and people of Kerala are taught. The liturgical language of all the Syrian churches all over the world are Syriac. Their liturgy, commentaries, and theology are developed in this language.

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Colleges in Kerala. Request Information Enquire Now. Back to top. Access premium articles, webinars, resources to make the best decisions for career, course, exams, scholarships, study abroad and much more with. Close Modal. Com Colleges in Kerala. Colleges in Pathanamthitta. Com B. Top B. By Course Top B. Get admission in top colleges accepting applications Click on Apply to check the best colleges that might interest you. To nurture commerce professionals with a high level of knowledge and competence to effectively contribute to society with commitment and integrity.. Sa-adiya Arts and Science College, Kasaragod.

John Chrysostom is the heavenly patron of Mar Chrysostom College. He is an important early church father and considered the most prominent doctor of the Greek Church, the greatest preacher ever heard in a Christian pulpit. His Excellency Yoohanon Mar Chrysostom, the Bishop Emiritus of the Diocese of Pathanamthitta is a sacred personality who has inspired thousands through his pastoral zeal, missionary activities, ascetic view of life and untiring efforts for social and human well being.

Colleges in Pathanamthitta. Be Part Of A Great Institution Mar Chrysostom College Started in June as a self financing college affiliated to the University of Kerala, it is determined to provide quality education by inculcating ethical, social and human values in students who are in exploration of a brilliant career. Applications for Admissions are open. Interested in this College? View All Photos And Videos. PGM College, Kangazha. Com Colleges in Pathanamthitta. Admission Contact Us. Colleges in Kerala. Convocation and Founder's Jubilee Celebration 14 January, Speak for India 22 February, Close Modal. Started in June as a self financing college affiliated to the University of Kerala, it is determined to provide quality education by inculcating ethical, social and human values in students who are in exploration of a brilliant career. Educating young minds to enlightenment and empowerment.

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