Macdonald clan crest

The Clan Mac Donald is the largest of the Scottish clans, and was at one time the most powerful, with territory stretching from Kintyre to Lewis. But the man who laid the foundation of the clan's greatness was Somerled Mac Gillivray. By the time he macdonald clan crest assassinated in he ruled over most of Argyll, macdonald clan crest, the Isle of Man and the Western Isles. His grandson, Donald, Lord of Islay and Kintyre, gave his name to the clan.

Copyright Notice. History of Clan MacDonald: Clan Donald is beyond doubt the largest of all the Highland clans, at one time controlling virtually the whole of Scotland's western seaboard from the Butt of Lewis in the North to the Mull of Kintyre in the South, with possessions in Ireland and the Isle of Man. Somerled, who was Lord of Argyll in the 12th century, made repeated attempts to repel the Viking invaders, but solved the problem by marrying Ragnhildis. Through marriage and conquest, he was able to acquire control of the Western islands and, after his death, his sons inherited their shares. It is important to understand, however, that Clan Donald has various branches with their own Chiefs. The name of Clan Donald itself derives from Donald of Islay, great-grandson of Somerled, who had a number of children, but in particular two sons, Angus Mor and Alasdair Mor. Angus Mor's son, John of Islay, supported Robert the Bruce in his bid to become King of Scots and as a result, was granted many of the vast possessions held by his ancestors.

Macdonald clan crest

The Lord Lyon King of Arms , the Scottish official with responsibility for regulating heraldry in that country, issuing new grants of coats of arms, and serving as the judge of the Court of the Lord Lyon , recognises under Scottish law the High Chief of Clan Donald. Historically the chiefs of the Clan Donald held the title of Lord of the Isles until and two of those chiefs also held the title of Earl of Ross until Queen Mary of Denmark is member of Clan Donald. The MacDonnells of Antrim are a cadet branch of the MacDonalds of Dunnyveg but do not belong to the Scottish associations and have a chief officially recognised in Ireland. It remains uncertain if the Clann Somhairle are also descendants in some manner, through one or another of the above dynasts, of the House of Ivar , but this is commonly argued. Tradition gave Somerled a Gaelic descent in the male line, [4] [6] as the medieval seanchaidhean Gaelic historians traced his lineage through a long line of ancestors back to the High Kings of Ireland , namely Colla Uais and Conn of the Hundred Battles. The title and territory of the Earl of Ross had originally been held by the Chief of Clan Ross but had passed through an heiress to the Leslie or Lesley family in the early 15th century. In , Donald secured Dingwall Castle which was the principal seat of the Earldom of Ross, after he had defeated the powerful Clan Mackay who were supporters of the Stewart confederacy at the Battle of Dingwall. Donald prepared for war and proclaimed himself "Lord of Ross". MacDonnell migration to the Glens and Rathlin Island increased in the early 16th century after the clan had rejected overtures from an increasingly powerful James IV , King of Scotland. Loss of the Lordship of the Isles fractured Highland society and the MacDonalds in particular, who were left holding lands on either side of the Irish Sea, rather than a unified block of territory. Their attempts to re-establish control destabilised Western Scotland for generations; the charge of 'Slaughter under trust', later applied after the Massacre of Glencoe in was introduced in to reduce the endemic feuding that resulted.

Creadran Cille Knockavoe Glentaisie Kinsale. Moncreiffe of that Ilk, Sir Ian. The Campbells and the Macdonalds.


One of the oldest Scottish clans, Clan MacDonald was once so powerful they ruled much of western Scotland. Its origins, like those of Clan MacDougall, go back to Somerled, a warrior born about He was styled Lord of the Isles, and was killed at the Battle of Renfrew. The MacDonald lands covered most of western Scotland and the northwest seaboard, and the clan was so powerful that its chief wielded almost as much power as the king. The Maclan MacDonalds will forever be known for the fate that befell them at the Massacre of Glencoe in , but the MacDonalds were no angels, frequently attacking and capturing Urquhart Castle on Loch Ness, for instance — on one occasion in they stripped Urquhart of its furniture, canon and gate. Finlaggan Castle on Islay, and Armadale Castle on Skye, are considered the spiritual homes of the clan. Find out more: www.

Macdonald clan crest

The ship is a symbol of the courage and determination of the family's ancestors, who set out on a journey of exploration and discovery. It is a reminder of the adventurous spirit that has been passed down through generations. The cross in heraldry is the most widely used religious symbol and represents Christ's rise from the dead to claim victory over sin. The lion symbol represents the ferocious nature of family members, their bravery and valor. It is one of the oldest symbols in heraldry and is considered to be one of the most desirable to have on a coat of arms. The fish is a creature and symbol that holds enormous positivity in heraldry. It signifies trueness of mind and the virtuous nature of family members and those who possess a deep heritage of such attributes. The red color known as Gules traditionally symbolized martyrdom and the historic military strength of family members when called upon in times of war.


In , Donald secured Dingwall Castle which was the principal seat of the Earldom of Ross, after he had defeated the powerful Clan Mackay who were supporters of the Stewart confederacy at the Battle of Dingwall. Its persistence in Gaelic folklore was partly driven by deliberate policy, since Montrose used it as a means of recruiting. Cambridge University Press. The first is that he was killed by the MacDougalls in in Ireland though this may have been his uncle, also named Alexander ; the other is that he fought against Robert the Bruce in Galloway in , was captured by Edward Bruce, escaped to Castle Sween in North Knapdale, was recaptured by Robert the Bruce and taken prisoner to Dundonald Castle in Kintyre where he died. The Massacre in History War and Genocide. Potter, Inc. Edinburgh: Johnston and Bacon. Flora Mac Donald was born in South Uist. Last MacDonald Lord of the Isles. Archived from the original on 21 July Rebellion: Britain's First Stuart Kings, — Edinburgh: William Tait, The Mac Donalds of Glencoe were massacred by a government army which was billeted on them in All sides committed atrocities, leading to a series of tit for tat responses, exacerbated by long-standing animosities; in on Rathlin Island , soldiers from a predominantly Clan Campbell -recruited unit led by Sir Duncan Campbell threw scores of MacDonnell women over the cliffs to their deaths on rocks below.

The Lord Lyon King of Arms , the Scottish official with responsibility for regulating heraldry in that country, issuing new grants of coats of arms, and serving as the judge of the Court of the Lord Lyon , recognises under Scottish law the High Chief of Clan Donald. Historically the chiefs of the Clan Donald held the title of Lord of the Isles until and two of those chiefs also held the title of Earl of Ross until Queen Mary of Denmark is member of Clan Donald.

John of Islay, Lord of the Isles. New York : W. Despite their Celtic origin several Mac Donald chiefs took part wholeheartedly in the Highland Clearances, when loyal clansmen were evicted to make way for sheep which were more profitable for the 19th century absentee landlords. Edinburgh: William Tait, The two split; Mac Colla's ravaging of Campbell lands was still remembered with deep bitterness years later. The Wars of Independence brought ruin to some Mac Donalds and prosperity to others. Scotland initially stayed neutral in the First English Civil War but became involved in ; the shifting alliances only make sense if one understands that in Scotland, both Royalists and Covenanters agreed the institution of monarchy was divinely ordered but disagreed on the nature and extent of Royal authority versus that of the church. Her family were anti-Jacobite yet she risked life and freedom to save Prince Charles Edward Stuart after Culloden in Revisited edition Finlaggan Castle. Donald prepared for war and proclaimed himself "Lord of Ross". Despite attempts by various MacDonald leaders to re-establish the old order, particularly against the rise of Campbell power in their region, by the 17th century the various Clan Donald branches — Sleat, Clanranald, Glengarry, Keppoch and Glencoe — had all become independent. It remains uncertain if the Clann Somhairle are also descendants in some manner, through one or another of the above dynasts, of the House of Ivar , but this is commonly argued. HarperCollins Publishers. New York: Clarkson N.

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