Low cost traductor

Mimosa time.

Cost of translation depends on how big the text is. Basic unit of accounting is conversion page. In the case of normal translations one page is equal to signs with spaces. Send us a mail with source material and specify the target language, type of translation and expected time of realization of translation. After consulting translators our specialists will prepare for you free price evaulation.

Low cost traductor

In English, and Polish. Email:piekar66 hotmail. Yes, the problem was solved yesterday but not by me. Marcin came over to see what he could do to get the new television working right but could only take it so far. In the evening my neighbor came over and got it a little farther along but still not completely. He called his sister who also had a new TV a few weeks ago and she learned enough about it to get my set running properly. Marek called her and via the iPhone, she was able to see my set and direct Marek to click the right buttons. Tonight we enjoyed our first movie on this BIG screen. My calculation of the screen width was right and I only had to move the right-side cabinet to let it fit in the space. Undoubtedly, the bigger screen makes everything look better and nature scenes are sharp and colorful. Joan loves it. On the way home, I stopped at Radek's sisters' house and she gave me her recipe for a very good cheesecake.

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