Ley lines new york

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This is pretty much a word of mouth legend, but it is mentioned in passing in print see Shadows of the Western Door, for one. The major roads are spokes that lead off of downtown. The energy channeled by this alignment makes everything in the city…weird. It should probably be stated that I thought that this may have been the stupidest thing that I had heard in months…and completely fabricated, until I started hearing rumblings and hints at this story in different sources. Ley lines, for those who may not know, are a controversial concept that places can fall on a series of lines and conduits that channel metaphysical power into areas. Part of the controversy is that when the concept was originally developed in the s, even the man who generated the idea attached no significance to these lines other than being a type of ancient roadway to places of importance. As the idea developed throughout the 20th century, it took on new significance.

Ley lines new york

The idea was developed in early 20th-century Europe, with ley line believers arguing that these alignments were recognised by ancient societies that deliberately erected structures along them. Since the s, members of the Earth Mysteries movement and other esoteric traditions have commonly believed that such ley lines demarcate " earth energies " and serve as guides for alien spacecraft. Archaeologists and scientists regard ley lines as an example of pseudoarchaeology and pseudoscience. The idea of "leys" as straight tracks across the landscape was put forward by the English antiquarian Alfred Watkins in the s, particularly in his book The Old Straight Track. He argued that straight lines could be drawn between various historic structures and that these represented trade routes created by ancient British societies. Although he gained a small following, Watkins' ideas were never accepted by the British archaeological establishment, a fact that frustrated him. His critics noted that his ideas relied on drawing lines between sites established at different periods of the past. They also argued that in prehistory, as in the present, it was impractical to travel in a straight line across hilly or mountainous areas of Britain, rendering his leys unlikely as trade routes. Independently of Watkins' ideas, a similar notion—that of Heilige Linien 'holy lines' —was raised in s Germany. During the s, Watkins' ideas were revived in altered form by British proponents of the countercultural Earth Mysteries movement. In , Tony Wedd put forward the belief that leys were established by prehistoric communities to guide alien spacecraft.

Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club —82 : — Tadworth: World's Work. His obsession with leys was a natural outgrowth of his interest in landscape photography and love of the British countryside.


Ley Lines are said to be the veins of the earth and crisscross the entire planet. Ley Lines can vary in width and believed to be the life blood of Mother Earth. Usually the names given to represent these invisible lines are translated to an equivalent of 'spirit', 'dream', or 'energy' paths. However, apart from the physical presence of the sites themselves, proving the presence of a 'connection' between them is something that researchers have found notoriously elusive. The Virtual Globe: Cesium is a complete platform for 3D geospatial data—handling everything from optimization to visualization to analytics. At the heart of our platform is 3D tiling, which transforms massive and diverse 3D geospatial data into streamable 3D content ready to be used in your application and in any environment. We are working with some amazing sites around the world. Feel free to participate at the Leylines-Hub. The team making all this possible.

Ley lines new york

A decade ago, I wrote an article about Auburn having multiple "ley lines" intersecting at the top of the hill at Fort Hill Cemetery. As stated in that article, ley lines are corridors of ancient and sacred sites, like standing stones and circles, churches, abbeys, cathedrals and burial grounds. The most famous monuments built upon the energies of these lines include: the circle of stones at Stonehenge, Macchu Pichu in Mexico, the Parthenon and the Acropolis in Greece, as well as the pyramids of Egypt. There are so many others! For decades, there was a considerable amount of interest by British archeologists and anthropologists. The earliest were the "mound builders," indigenous peoples of North America's Great Lakes area who constructed various styles of earthen mounds for religious, ceremonial, burial and elite residential purposes, between about B. Ley lines are said to be the veins of the Earth, and crisscross the entire planet. They are created through cracks in the tectonic plate, through which the natural energy is released. Thomas Jefferson's European-style excavation of a mound near his home brought the mound builders to the forefront in the late 18th century.

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From the s through to the s, the archaeological establishment blossomed in Britain due to the formation of various university courses on the subject. It was only in the s that professional archaeologists in Britain began to engage with the ley hunting movement. This is pretty much a word of mouth legend, but it is mentioned in passing in print see Shadows of the Western Door, for one. Wikimedia Commons. The archaeologist Richard Atkinson once demonstrated this by taking the positions of telephone booths and pointing out the existence of "telephone box leys". You can obtain a magnetic map of your locale from the Office of the Geological Survey, Washington, D. Leave a comment Cancel reply. These window areas seem to form larger circles of activities. Hauser, Kitty Independently of Watkins' ideas, a similar notion—that of Heilige Linien 'holy lines' —was raised in s Germany. S2CID There are also some things that may differ between the final episode and this draft script. So much history has happened here: important events, famous buildings, the lives of a higher-than-average number of people for hundreds of years, and many, many people prior to the centuries of settler colonialism. Williamson, Tom; Bellamy, Liz

So, why does this matter to you? To find out, lets first take at trip to the lovely English countryside, where we find Silbury Hill ….

Ley lines, for those who may not know, are a controversial concept that places can fall on a series of lines and conduits that channel metaphysical power into areas. Regal, Brian A study by David George Kendall used the techniques of shape analysis to examine the triangles formed by standing stones to deduce if these were often arranged in straight lines. I was looking for one that was overlaid over a google map, which you could zoom in on, etc. Proponents of Watkins' ideas sent in letters to the archaeologist O. Email Required Name Required Website. Material Religion. Series A General. JSTOR So that adds to this sense of a bunch of emotionally volatile young people all being crammed together in a small space.

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