Lens separation repair

I bought this lens cause it seems interesting, a big leaf shaped spot in the lens front. This lens seems to be a bit rare, lens separation repair, I found nearly no information about it. Here one of the test images, one could see the effect of this defect in the unsharp lens separation repair - for example very good in the big light spot right at the bottom: Further images with visible image decline:. I opened the lens for this repair.

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Lens separation repair

Hello, my friends and readers! It is getting really cold these days and I am getting lazier to do even the most basic of tasks and prefer to just hide under the thick blanket. I am sure that some of you guys have seen this and wonder what this is and how do these affect the lens and the images it captures. Age, temperature, humidity, contamination, atmospheric pressure, hygiene, stress, poor quality control and other factors will all contribute to the deterioration of our lenses. Some of them look serious but do not actually do anything much while some of them are difficult to spot yet they will affect the resulting image when shot with just the right conditions. I myself have seen plenty of these since I frequent the camera shops here almost everyday and even with that, some things still get past my eye. I wrote a lengthy post regarding fungus on lenses and now, I will begin talking about the lesser known problem of cement separation. This topic is kind of difficult to fit in a single post so I will write it in separate parts depending on my mood. What is cement separation? Lots lenses have elements that are cemented together to form a single unit.

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Remember Me? Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Last Jump to page: Results 1 to 10 of Thread: Any tips on how to repair lenses with Balsam Separation? Any tips on how to repair lenses with Balsam Separation? Hi all, So I bought two lenses suffering from Balsam Separation on the cheap that I would like to try and fix. The inner-rear elements that had been cemented together with Balsam that has since separated and has created somewhat of a foggy haze inside that would absolutely affect shooting.

Remember Me? Last Jump to page: Results 1 to 10 of Thread: One way to fix lens separation. One way to fix lens separation There are quite a lot of posts that describe how to fix the Canada balsam problem. Lens in water, and ready for heat up. I heated it up until it boil, and then cool down for 10 mins, you can see the rainbow get larger! Re: One way to fix lens separation Second round, re-heat and cool down After 10 cycles, you can see Well, until the rainbow is disappear, let the len cool down in the water, and you are ready to re-glue. It took me one hour to separate the lens, quite fast in my standard!

Lens separation repair

Balsam separation is used to describe lens elements that have started to delaminate. The description was originally specific to Canada balsam. However, also applies to modern lenses that use various epoxies. What balsam separation looks like will depend on the lens coatings. It most commonly looks like a white or reflected rainbow halo around a group of elements in the lens. White colors will appear on lenses that have no or few coatings. The delamination does not always occur around the outside of the elements. You will be able to see the separation more easily than a small amount of haze or fungus. Canada balsam is turpentine made from balsam fir tree resin.

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Already have an account? Pentax Items for Sale. Recent Updates. For Sale Konica 1 and Konica 3M rangefinder cameras. I seem to recall that balsam melting temp was higher than the temp of boiling water. Articles and Tutorials. I also sanded it using a fine-grit sandpaper just to make the cracks smoother as well as to remove the paint from where some of the Schneideritis is. A few random pictures will probably not show much unless it is really significant. But the lens is still horribly bad. AgX Deleted Mar 15, I would only avoid it if there is an advanced case of balsam separation, fungus means nothing to me. I examined the lens and so far, there is little traces of the cracked cement visible.

I overhaul every Zeiss lens.

This post has a lot of useful information here and there and it will be beneficial for you to read this. For Sale Konica 1 and Konica 3M rangefinder cameras. Heat up water slowly - with balsam-separated lens element inside - until it boils. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. Posts: 42, If I can force you to read this, I would. Brad Bireley Mar 9, Pentax Stores Pentax Retailer Map. Hi all, So I bought two lenses suffering from Balsam Separation on the cheap that I would like to try and fix. With newer lenses with UV cured glue instead Canada Balm complete lens group delamination is harder to get.

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