Legend of the galactic heroes empire

In humanity's distant future, two interstellar states — the monarchic Galactic Empire and the democratic Free Planets Alliance — are embroiled in a never-ending war. The story focuses on the exploits of rivals Reinhard von Lohengramm and Yang Wen-lias they rise to power and legend of the galactic heroes empire in the Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance, respectively. An anime adaptation of the novels, produced by Kitty Filmsran from to There is also a manga based on the novels, with art by Katsumi Michihara.

Ruled by a kaiser or emperor , the Empire was, for much of its history, an autocratic monarchy structured around a rigid European-style feudal system. Its flag was the white crest of the Goldenbaum Dynasty, a stylised crowned two headed eagle, on a black background. The seat of government was based on the planet Odin , in the Imperial palace of Neue Sanssouci. The history of the Galactic Empire began with the Golden Age of Humanity : under the supervision of the Galactic Federation , humankind spread out across the galaxy: exploring, settling, discovering. For two centuries humanity enjoyed an age of unprecedented peace and prosperity. But it was not to last.

Legend of the galactic heroes empire

Back to the Legend of the Galactic Heroes characters page. Stuck in Feudal Future , Imperial soldiers get promoted for their families and not for their talents. Then everything changes when young Reinhard von Lohengramm, with both the ambition and talent, manages to climb the ranks and change the system from within. Due to length, the page has been subdivided between Reinhard's Lohengramm Dynasty and the Goldenbaum Dynasty which preceded it. General Tropes Aristocrats Are Evil : The High Nobles serving under the Goldenbaum Dynasty seem almost entirely comprised of hedonists with ego way higher than their competence, who aren't above killing lower-ranking citizens or even lower-ranking nobles for the slightest annoyance. This is the prime reason why Reinhard and his confidants conspired to destroy the status quo in its entirety, leaving behind a vestigial core of nobles who actually live up to their duties or at the very least wisely stayed out of Reinhard's way to serve as a new aristocracy. Bling of War : Regardless of the adaptation, Imperial soldiers get a more decorated uniform the higher their rank is, with fleet admirals sporting a Badass Cape. Blue Blood : Although Reinhard does not give out aristocratic titles, the members of his high command are treated like nobility. Large houses, enormous salaries, limousines that drive them around and the way subordinates in the military talk about them it's less "my superior" and more 'my liege'. Crapsaccharine World : Life can seem remarkably calm and pleasant if you're a High Noble or have good connections. On the other hand, the Empire is simmering with social unrest, taxing serfs, commoners, and lower-ranking nobles alike, while its soldiers die in droves both against the Alliance and in petty feuds among said High Nobles. And that's not counting the cutthroat court intrigue on top of it all, at the expense of keeping the Empire stable. Days of Future Past : Deliberately invoked with the Imperial capital world of Odin, which Kaiser Rudolf remodelled to meet his Germanic ideals, looking more akin to 18thth Century Europe than the futuristic heart of an interstellar monarchy. Decadent Court : The High Nobles, especially, are completely self-serving and irrationally dismiss any notion that pride alone won't win any battles.

The Empire technically had no foreign policy as it laid claim to being the sole government over all of humanity. A strength of the Empire's centralized and ironfisted government is that it can pull off massive projects on a scale not seen within the Alliance. Reinhard allowed the kidnapping to be carried out, and the high nobles established a government-in-exile within the Free Planets Alliance.

A nearly five-hundred year old totalitarian state, the Galactic Empire encompasses most of the human colony worlds within the galaxy, including Earth. Ruled by a Kaiser, or Emperor, the Empire was structured around a rigid feudal system that lasted all the way to the end of the Goldenbaum Dynasty. When Reinhard von Lohengramm ascended to the throne, founding the Goldenlohen Dynasty , he abolished the caste system and instigated a number of civic and military reforms, granting the citizenry freedoms they had not held for five centuries. Founded in the first Imperial Year, when Rudolph von Goldenbaum declared himself Emperor or Kaiser , the early Galactic Empire was a brutal place, where the citizens were kept in order through fear. The most infamous example of Rudolph's harsh societal reforms was the Inferior Genes Exclusion Act , which enabled the mass-sterilization of the handicapped, the murder of the mentally ill, and eventually became used to justify the creation of a police-state, where any form of government protest could and would be met with imprisonment, exile, or execution. Rudolph's successor, Kaiser Sigismund I , was instrumental in consolidating the Empire's power, and firmly establishing as the de facto government of all human territories.

Ruled by a kaiser or emperor , the Empire was, for much of its history, an autocratic monarchy structured around a rigid European-style feudal system. Its flag was the white crest of the Goldenbaum Dynasty, a stylised crowned two headed eagle, on a black background. The seat of government was based on the planet Odin , in the Imperial palace of Neue Sanssouci. The history of the Galactic Empire began with the Golden Age of Humanity : under the supervision of the Galactic Federation , humankind spread out across the galaxy: exploring, settling, discovering. For two centuries humanity enjoyed an age of unprecedented peace and prosperity. But it was not to last. By the third century of the Universal Calendar , the galaxy had entered into a period of stagnation. The great Galactic Federation was decaying, rotting from the inside. Desperate to restore their nation to its former glory, the people of the Federation turned to a war hero-turned-politician to guide them.

Legend of the galactic heroes empire

A nearly five-hundred year old totalitarian state, the Galactic Empire encompasses most of the human colony worlds within the galaxy, including Earth. Ruled by a Kaiser, or Emperor, the Empire was structured around a rigid feudal system that lasted all the way to the end of the Goldenbaum Dynasty. When Reinhard von Lohengramm ascended to the throne, founding the Goldenlohen Dynasty , he abolished the caste system and instigated a number of civic and military reforms, granting the citizenry freedoms they had not held for five centuries. Founded in the first Imperial Year, when Rudolph von Goldenbaum declared himself Emperor or Kaiser , the early Galactic Empire was a brutal place, where the citizens were kept in order through fear. The most infamous example of Rudolph's harsh societal reforms was the Inferior Genes Exclusion Act , which enabled the mass-sterilization of the handicapped, the murder of the mentally ill, and eventually became used to justify the creation of a police-state, where any form of government protest could and would be met with imprisonment, exile, or execution.

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Heinnesen was sent to a labor camp in the Altair star system, where he promptly organized his fellow serfs in a revolt against their Imperial lords. The Battle of Rantemario , despite the timely intervention of the Yang Fleet , saw the near-obliteration and utter defeat of the Alliance forces. Namespaces Page Discussion. At this point, the FPA forces realized they had no choice but to retreat. Common Create a new page Add an image Random page Recent changes. On hearing that Yang was dead, he was enraged and declared it the worst news that Hildegard had ever given him. K-Factory [e]. Nonetheless, politically the Empire remained an authoritarian monarchy, with the Internal Security Department being created as the new secret police, led by the former head of the Social Discipline Office Heydrich Lang. The defeat would trigger a mass exodus of refugees, dissidents, disaffected nobles, and criminal elements to the Alliance, swiftly increasing its size and power. Ruled by a Kaiser, or Emperor, the Empire was structured around a rigid feudal system that lasted all the way to the end of the Goldenbaum Dynasty. Retrieved Reinhard commanded a Destroyer in action at the 5th Battle of Iserlohn Fortress , destroying an Alliance cruiser and was then promoted to Commander , taking command of the cruiser Herrschrichlenchen in December It did not recognize the Free Planets Alliance as a nation and they were always called the "rebels" officially within the Empire.

The year-long stalemate between the two interstellar superpowers, the Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance, comes to an end when a new generation of leaders arises: the idealistic military genius Reinhard von Lohengramm, and the FPA's reserved historian, Yang Wenli.

In the military, high nobles were almost always promoted for the sake of being nobility. Reuenthal is a mix of charismatic and mastermind, while leaning more towards the latter. Even during a period when the Alliance's government was most corrupt levels, a person could get away with criticizing the government without fearing reprisal from it. The accusation devastated Reinhard who had allowed the attack to happen to bring an early end to the civil war. Of the total high nobles that joined the Lippstadt League, were arrested, but the ringleaders of the conspiracy, Littenheim and Braunschweig, managed to escape Odin. Miscellany Interview translations. March 4, part 1 April 1, part 2 May 13, part 3. The great Galactic Federation was decaying, rotting from the inside. Its currency was the Imperial Mark. Website: ultra. What nonsense.

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