Lars star wars

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Owen Lars was a moisture farmer, and the adoptive father of Luke Skywalker, from the desert planet Tatooine. Following the death of his father and adoptive mother, Lars married his girlfriend, Beru Whitesun , and they struggled to maintain their homestead. Lars and his wife were contacted by Obi-Wan Kenobi , and they were tasked with caring for Skywalker's infant son, Luke. Lars believed that Skywalker had died due to his role as a Jedi, so to protect Luke, the farmer forbade Kenobi from visiting or training the boy. In the following years, Lars prevented Luke from knowing the truth about his father, and he kept the boy busy with farm work. Imperial stormtroopers tracked the droid to Lars' homestead, where they interrogated and murdered both him and his wife. When Skywalker discovered that his family had been killed, he left Tatooine with Kenobi to train as a Jedi, joining the Rebel Alliance and destroying the Death Star in the Battle of Yavin.

Lars star wars

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Cliegg Lars was a human male moisture farmer from the desert planet Tatooine. He lived and worked on a family farm he inherited from his parents with his son from his first marriage , Owen Lars , and Owen's girlfriend Beru Whitesun. Though the Lars family was content with their simple lives, they became involved with the White Suns liberation movement, which helped free Tatooine's slaves. Because of his work with the movement, Cliegg met his future wife, Shmi Skywalker Lars. Through his marriage to her, Cliegg would be the step-father of Anakin Skywalker and the step-grandfather of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa. Cliegg won Shmi's freedom in a bet with her enslaver, Watto , and the two moved to the Lars homestead, where they married and lived happily as moisture farmers. Using a deprogramming device the family had designed to remove Shmi's transmitter chip , the Larses secretly helped emancipate escaped slaves. One day, however, Shmi was captured by a band of Tusken Raiders. Cliegg organized a posse to rescue her, but the attempt failed, and he lost his leg in the process.

It's a tragic end for Cleigg as he lived a life with more lost than gained. His love for his wife was genuine, and her loss may have taken away his will to live.

Helping with the dreary chores required to keep the farm profitable, Owen relies on his nephew, Luke Skywalker, whom the couple raised since birth. Like most moisture farmers on Tatooine, Lars is fiercely protective of his land and his family. When there is an intrusion on the tranquility of the Lars Homestead, Owen defends his home. Luke nearly misses the opportunity to meet the trusty Artoo when his uncle purchases a different astromech from the Jawas. When the red astromech blows a motivator, though, Luke convinces his uncle to pick up the little blue unit, R2-D2. For the most part, the Clone Wars were but a rumor on Tatooine. But soon after the Republic fell and the Empire rose in its place, a new visitor arrived at the Lars farm.

Helping with the dreary chores required to keep the farm profitable, Owen relies on his nephew, Luke Skywalker, whom the couple raised since birth. Like most moisture farmers on Tatooine, Lars is fiercely protective of his land and his family. When there is an intrusion on the tranquility of the Lars Homestead, Owen defends his home. Luke nearly misses the opportunity to meet the trusty Artoo when his uncle purchases a different astromech from the Jawas. When the red astromech blows a motivator, though, Luke convinces his uncle to pick up the little blue unit, R2-D2. For the most part, the Clone Wars were but a rumor on Tatooine. But soon after the Republic fell and the Empire rose in its place, a new visitor arrived at the Lars farm. He forbade Obi-Wan from visiting, and told Luke his father had merely been a navigator on a spice freighter.

Lars star wars

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Owen Lars was a human male from the desert planet Tatooine who worked as a moisture farmer. Lars married his girlfriend, Beru Whitesun , and they toiled to maintain the homestead. Lars believed that Skywalker had died due to his role as a Jedi , so to protect Luke, the farmer forbade Kenobi from visiting or training the boy. In the following years , Lars prevented Luke from knowing the truth about his father, and he kept the boy busy with farm work.

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But everything changed sometime later when he traveled to Mos Espa and met Shmi Skywalker. Content approaching. Cliegg Lars' and Shmi's graves must be down below. Cliegg organized a posse to rescue her, but the attempt failed, and he lost his leg in the process. As Luke never liked Lars' moisture farm and didn't want to become a farmer, he eventually became a Jedi Knight like his father before him and eventually a Jedi Master following the end of the Galactic Empire. In the dining room, Cliegg informed Anakin of Shmi's disappearance and his failed rescue attempt while Beru served everyone drinks. Lars was a male human with light skin and blue eyes , and he stood at a height of 1. Anakin is dead, Ben, and I won't let you make the same mistake twice. Some of those they helped died during the chip's removal, but the Lars family remained devoted to their cause and Shmi worked endlessly to improve the device. Owen and Beru worked hard to maintain the farm [17] that Cliegg had founded. However, he still made sure to cherish the things he had. It's no secret that, eventually, Luke Skywalker would grow up on the Lars homestead.


Kenobi knocked the Wookiee over with the Force and turned his attention to rescuing Lars. Parts of this article are no longer up to date. During the course of their visit, the shop owner assumed that Luke's uncle was a patient man, to which Owen emphasized that he was not patient. Vader was haunted by his memories of his mother's death and his visit to the farm. Royce Hemlock Dr. Cliegg told the Jedi about Shmi's kidnapping, telling the Jedi that she was dead. In , Edgerton expressed enthusiasm in reprising the role for a rumored Obi-Wan Kenobi Anthology film. Start a Wiki. Don't have an account? Beru believed that Skywalker was doing chores, but in actuality, Skywalker was searching for R2-D2, who had run off in search of Kenobi. Good-bye, my darling wife, and thank you. Fearing that Skywalker was too much like his father, Lars denied his nephew's wish, stating that his help was still needed and that he could enroll in the following year.

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