landkreuzer p 1000 monster

Landkreuzer p 1000 monster

The Landkreuzer P, landkreuzer p 1000 monster. This vehicle is ready to be played, in-game right now, that's right you can play it right now - but it's a special vehicle, will you be able to unlock it? Find out how with this special article from the Wiki Share Program.

The super-heavy German tank Landkreuzer P. The leadership of Germany during the Second World War was interested in the creation of various miracle weapons capable of deciding the outcome of any battle by their appearance alone. Although the super-heavy tanks E and Maus managed to be translated into the prototype stage, the Ratte project existed only on paper. This study influenced the idea of creating a project for a super-heavy Landkreuzer tank weighing about tons. On June 23, , an engineer in armored vehicles, together with his colleague Dr. Gacker, presented Adolf Hitler with his design for such a tank.

Landkreuzer p 1000 monster

The Landkreuzer P. By comparison, an Abrams tank weighs Bruhathkayosaurus , a sauropod which may be the heaviest animal that ever lived, had a weight between and tonnes, several times smaller than the Landkreuzer P. Even the Maus was too heavy to cross all but the sturdiest bridges, needing to cross rivers underwater instead. It would have been entirely immune to all but the largest air-dropped bombs. For armaments, the Landkreuzer P. It is even said that one of these turrets were built, but if so, it went missing after the war. Other guns included a mm gun, eight 20 mm Flak guns for anti-aircraft, and two 15 mm Mauser machine guns. This would have devastated the ground so badly that a trail of squashed grass and rocks would have extended for tens of miles along its path. Moving the tank at the speed set by its specifications would have required engines totaling horsepower, supplied by eight Daimler-Benz 20 cylinder diesel marine engines at hp each. Today, with the advent of rockets, smart bombs, and explosively formed penetrators, the Landkreuzer P. Even at the time, super-heavy tanks were considered a liability on the battlefield, requiring a large regiment just to protect them at close range.

Could the project really have had the sort of high-level interest that Grote implied in his letters, or was it more that he was working on a project which was more viable in his own imagination than that of others? Further, landkreuzer p 1000 monster, the plan for 88 mm submarine-type AA guns for the rear turrets had been replaced with mm guns instead. This allowed extra accommodation of ammunition and reduced the total weight of the tank by 50 tonnes.

In tank terms, few tanks evoke more awe from the reader in terms of size and the specifications than the Maus, a tonne behemoth from the tank-stable of the even more famous Dr. It is not that any one of these ideas could have won the war for Germany, that was simply not going to happen in regardless of whatever vehicle, missile, or plane the Germans developed. What they were, however, is a reflection of the giant level of engineering and imagineering which ran amock at times in Nazi Germany. A political mindset wanting a 1, year Reich was also thinking huge in every conceivable area, from giant planes to super-ships, rockets, and, of course, tanks. If the Maus impressed as a tonne vehicle, then imagine a vehicle 5-times that weight; a true goliath. The first and most obvious character to have to consider in any project on a grand scale is none other than Adolf Hitler himself. Hitler loved grand thinking, big projects, and the whole sort of bigger and better concepts.

The Landkreuzer P. The tank was planned to be tonnes, far heavier than the Panzer VIII "Maus" , the heaviest tank ever built weighing tonnes. The project gained the approval of Adolf Hitler , who had expressed interest in the development of the tank but was cancelled by Minister of Armaments Albert Speer in early The development history of the Ratte originated with a strategic study of Soviet heavy tanks conducted by Krupp , the study also giving birth to the Panzer VIII Maus super-heavy tank. To protect this immense economic investment, the hull of the vehicle was to carry armour up to 25 centimetres 9. Hitler became enamoured with Grote's concept and ordered Krupp to begin development of it in Not all historians are convinced that the P.

Landkreuzer p 1000 monster

As the beginning of the war swept over Europe, with lightening speed. Hitler felt invincible throughout the first two years of the war. He was known for his megalomaniac ambitions, but the most telling example of his unrestrained hubris was endorsing the Landkreuzer P. It was supposed to be more than five times heavier than its predecessor, Panzer VIII Maus, a super tank, built in late About 1, metric tons was the predicted weight, 35 meters long, 11 meters high and 14 meters wide it was to be the biggest land war machine ever created.

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Views Read View source View history. Necessary Necessary. German Reich Superheavy Tank — None Built In tank terms, few tanks evoke more awe from the reader in terms of size and the specifications than the Maus, a tonne behemoth from the tank-stable of the even more famous Dr. Main article : KwK43 88 mm. They can still, however, engage the airborne targets. This vehicle is ready to be played, in-game right now, that's right you can play it right now - but it's a special vehicle, will you be able to unlock it? When you think of a mobile mountain, you might expect a slow, looming behemoth. Indeed, the ground clearance for the vehicle is so high some vehicles may be able to pass underneath. United States of America. If the Maus impressed as a tonne vehicle, then imagine a vehicle 5-times that weight; a true goliath.

The Landkreuzer P.

The P. Two dual Flakpanzer V Coelian turrets come to the rescue! They wpuld lose quicker investing the respurces on such a dumb idea and second, it wpuld have been funny to see it. The design called for At over 30 metres long, this 1,tonne vehicle mounted guns and armor of the sort of size usually seen on battleships, running on no less than 6 sets of tracks, with 3 on each side. Sri Lanka. This would have devastated the ground so badly that a trail of squashed grass and rocks would have extended for tens of miles along its path. Moving the tank at the speed set by its specifications would have required engines totaling horsepower, supplied by eight Daimler-Benz 20 cylinder diesel marine engines at hp each. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. If the Maus impressed as a tonne vehicle, then imagine a vehicle 5-times that weight; a true goliath. World War Two. A political mindset wanting a 1, year Reich was also thinking huge in every conceivable area, from giant planes to super-ships, rockets, and, of course, tanks.

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