Kochen conjugation
Die Stammformen sind kocht, kochte und hat gekocht. Als Hilfsverb von kochen wird "haben" verwendet.
Englisch zu Deutsch. Deutsch zu Englisch. Video Build your vocabulary. Quiz German confusables. German images.
Kochen conjugation
Quick navigation Kochen to cook conjugation. Present tense. Past preterite tense. Future tense. Past perfect tense. Pluperfect tense. Future perf. Subjunctive II preterite tense. Subjunctive II future tense. Subjunctive II future perfect tense. Subjunctive I present tense. Subjunctive I present perfect tense.
Future perf. Person, 2. When he was young, a kochen conjugation looked after him, but once he started junior high, he cooked for himself, locked up and went to bed on his own.
English to German. German to English. Video Build your vocabulary. Quiz German confusables. German images.
Kochen conjugation
The conjugation of the verb kochen do the cooking, food cooking is regular. Basic forms are kocht, kochte and hat gekocht. The auxiliary verb of kochen is haben. The flection is in Active and the use as Main. For a better understanding, countless examples of the verb kochen are available. For practicing and consolidating, there are also free worksheets for kochen. You can not just kochen conjugate , but all German verbs. The verb is part of the thesaurus of Zertifikat Deutsch respectivly Level A1.
Gpnvg 1
Koreanisch English to Korean. Ich kann kochen. Future perf. Other German verbs with the meaning similar to 'cook': None found. Japanese to English. Grammar Patterns. Deutsche Grammatik. Satzart : Hauptsatz. Traditional Chinese confusables. Try Interlinear. Hindi zu Englisch. Traditional Chinese. Wie konjugiert man kochen im Konjunktiv II? Portugiesisch Englisch zu Portugiesisch.
Here are the "kochen" conjugation tables in German. If you would like to learn more about the use of verbs and tenses in German, you can consult our lessons. To search for the conjugation of another verb in German, you can click here.
Subjunctive I present perfect tense. Quiz Englische Grammatik. Those Sicilian women cooked us a terrific meal. I can't shoot and fight anyway! Erinnern Sie sich an das Thanksgiving-Essen, das Sie kochten? Your mother's in there, cooking, like it's going out of fashion! Past preterite tense. Ich konnte durch ein Fenster beobachten, wie sie Spaghetti auf einer Gasflamme kochten. Italian images. Futur II ich werde ge koch t haben du wirst ge koch t haben er wird ge koch t haben wir werden ge koch t haben ihr werdet ge koch t haben sie werden ge koch t haben. You're not cooking dinner. English images.
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