kelli fox

Kelli fox

Kelli Fox offers new insights, every day with fun horoscopes and authentic astrology.

More than just a horoscope, this podcast gives you astrology weather predictions. Find out how the stars are aligning and affecting your zodiac sign for now and the days ahead. The tone and scope of our daily lives are directly influenced by the planets in the sky. This astro-weather report also explains astrological conditions like Mercury retrograde periods, Full Moon and New Moon conditions, intense Eclipse patterns, planets changing signs as well as planetary aspects and how they'll affect your life. Remember, forewarned is forearmed. Just like your local newscaster telling you to bring an umbrella to work, this podcast helps you circumvent potential problems with weekly and monthly, topical advice.

Kelli fox


Conflicted: A History Podcast.


More than just a horoscope, this podcast gives you astrology weather predictions. Find out how the stars are aligning and affecting your zodiac sign for now and the days ahead. The tone and scope of our daily lives are directly influenced by the planets in the sky. This astro-weather report also explains astrological conditions like Mercury retrograde periods, Full Moon and New Moon conditions, intense Eclipse patterns, planets changing signs as well as planetary aspects and how they'll affect your life. Remember, forewarned is forearmed.

Kelli fox

Send feedback. More than just a horoscope, this podcast gives you astrology weather predictions. Find out how the stars are aligning and affecting your zodiac sign for now and the days ahead. The tone and scope of our daily lives are directly influenced by the planets in the sky. This astro-weather report also explains astrological conditions like Mercury retrograde periods, Full Moon and New Moon conditions, intense Eclipse patterns, planets changing signs as well as planetary aspects and how they'll affect your life. Remember, forewarned is forearmed. Just like your local newscaster telling you to bring an umbrella to work, this podcast helps you circumvent potential problems with weekly and monthly, topical advice. So, don't just check the weather report; check your astro-weather report as well, and find out what the day has in store for you.

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Kicking off with action-orientated Mars moving into meticulous Virgo on Monday, July 10th, we may feel a collective urge to clean up clutter and get organized. This Full Moon is all about embracing your individuality and shining your light. Mercury is, after all, right at home in this sign of his rulership. Learn how to balance ambition with collaboration, as conflicts with authority may arise to test your determination and patience. Kelli Fox is a household name in astrology and known for her insightful guidance and worldly wisdom. You can catch the replay on YouTube and IG AstroloTV to relive the cosmic magic and dive deeper into the cosmic conversations we've had. And the second - wait for it - is Mercury finally going direct after three weeks of retrograde, on Friday. TV gives you an astrology forecast for the week ahead and your weekly horoscope for September 11 - She and the Sky God have danced before, on July 2nd. Think back to around March of this year. In productive Virgo, they bring us a week of getting things done, simply put. And that's not all, stargazers! In a safe way, of course.

Did you catch our captivating live event and podcast about Venus' enchanting transit through the mystical realm of Pisces? If not, you're in luck because the replay is now available!

Are we honoring our inner child? Also on Thursday, the Moon moves into bouncy and enthusiastic Sagittarius. TV gives you an astrology forecast for the week ahead and your weekly horoscope for September 4 - Kelli Fox views astrology as a universal language through which the unique elements that make each of us who we are can be discussed, understood and developed. For those who missed the live event, fear not! In water signs, the Sun and Saturn soften a little, so any structures we release or build will be done from a level of empathy and compassion. Resist the urge to control the outcome yes, easier said than done, but do try? Daily Horoscope - PRO. Texts will get misconstrued. It's been doing this for about two weeks now.

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