Kaiture news

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Dear editor. Regarding a letter published in the Kaieteur News on December 11, , which stated that I am the national coordinator for agriculture, this is very inaccurate. As such, I refute the suspicion and allegation. Secondly, I still have enough evidence to prove that I have attended secondary school and earned passes at the General Certificate of Examinations. Let me also state that I have never ceased pursuing higher knowledge.

Kaiture news

Mar 06, 0. Mar 05, 0. Mar 04, 0. Mar 03, 0. Mar 07, 0. Mar 02, 0. Mar 01, 0. Feb 29, 0. Feb 28, 0. Dec 01, Comments Off on At long last! Exxon contract to be made public within days — Govt. Feb 14, 1.

Guyana, through this government, has retained its rightful position as the torchbearer of the Caribbean.


It was stated that during the wee hours of Tuesday, the taxi driver had just dropped off a passenger at the West Vybz Bar, which is located at Tuschen. While there, he was approached by the two suspects who asked if he was workingtaxiandhetoldthem yes. According to the police, thesuspectsrequestedthatthe taxi driver take them to the Demerara Harbour Bridge. However, upon reaching the. According to the victim, when he arrived at Nismes Village, one of the suspects exited the vehicle and the otherchokedhimfrombehind and dealt him several cuffs to hisfaceandhead. It was also stated that the suspects then relieved him of his cellular phones and cash beforeescapinginhisvehicle. Kaieteur News had reported that at least two cars are stolen every month in Guyana. Earlier in the year, members of the GPF were able to put a major dent into a carjacking ring after seven stolen cars were found completely dismantled in b u s h e s a l o n g t h e. In fact, it is well over two years since the Ali government has been in office and the public is none the wiser about the oil giant's true performance on hiring and training locals as well as the use of indigenous products and services for the periodto

Kaiture news

Jun 21, News. She has been practicing law in state of New York for 16 years now. According to her Campaign Committee, Daniels throughout her career has represented a number of clients with civil and criminal matters and Family Court Cases. The Guyanese, however, has decided to run for Queens DA because she wants to be a champion of fair justice and end mass incarceration in New York. Daniels pointed out that more than 20 years later the Bronx and Queens are still the epicenters for mass incarceration and it bothers her. She believes the root cause might be that the justice system in New York is unfair. Daniels added that mass incarceration is also putting a strain on tax payers because it costs the State hundreds of thousands of dollars every year to keep offenders in New York prisons. Her campaign committee has stated that her vast experience as a lawyer has given her an inside view of injustices that lie within the New York judiciary system. Kaieteur News — The public sector can learn valuable lessons from the success of the private sector in leveraging technology

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Search Close this search box. My role is important. News Archives. Human skeletal remains were on Wednesday found in an empty plot of land close to the Esplanade Park, New Amsterdam, Berbice. Facebook Twitter Youtube Instagram. Sign in. Home Tags Kaieteur News. Mar 03, 0. About Us. Mek sure yuh mek yuh Will before yuh leff home. It is better to dive for facts rather than jump to conclusions. E - Papers.

Mar 06, 0.

Public Works Minister Juan Edghill has disclosed that the Guyana Government may be terminating contracts for the construction of the Cemetery Road and possibly Facebook Twitter Youtube Instagram. Speaking at the international forum is not strange to me. Latest News. As police continue their eradication exercise along the Berbice River, a total of 25, kg of cannabis plants were destroyed on Tuesday on two To date, I am presenting regular philosophical lectures on national television. It allows me to achieve high levels of achievement at both national and international levels. Freedom of speech is our core value at Kaieteur News. More from this author. Emails gnnleditorial gmail. By Staff Reporter December 14,

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