john q public air force

John q public air force

Whatever the John Q. Public community represents as the clock rolls over toit started more modestly. This is axiomatic, since nothing could be more unexceptional than the objectives that gave rise to this blog.

Tony Carr John Q. Public is an independent writer, journalist, commentator, and analyst specializing in military and defense issues. After serving for more than 22 years on US Air Force active duty, during which he flew Cs in combat, commanded a flying squadron, and served in multiple key advisory and staff posts, Tony retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in and started the John Q. Public project. Through the project, he pushes the Air Force toward institutional reform by bringing transparency, rigorous reporting, and a critical voice to issues impacting airmen, airpower, and the overall organization. JQP Blog has evolved into a leading, credible voice on Air Force matters and a respected outlet for original reporting and hard-hitting analysis of issues touching national defense and military affairs, earning regular citations in a range of publications both online and offline. Tony also does considerable work advocating on behalf of veterans, appearing in print, online, and occasionally on television and radio networks to advance the shared cause of American servicemembers and contribute to the safeguarding of their heard-earned compensation and benefits against the pressures of budget austerity.

John q public air force


Bynot enough had been done to address that rot, as proven by the unfolding of a scandal that nearly toppled the service.


According to an internal document obtained by John Q. Public, a retired Air Force O and former commander of Air Mobility Command AMC has been accused of sexual assault by an active duty O-6 who says she was assaulted while under his command. The bulletin, which originated in the AMC command center, describes a complaint lodged earlier this year — first under restricted reporting rules and later as an unrestricted report. According to the internal memo, the alleged victim was scheduled to be interviewed by investigators from the Office of Special Investigations on Thursday. If that interview yields credible evidence that an assault took place, publicly noticeable movement in the case is likely to follow swiftly. This first report does not mention why the victim took as long as she did to step forward. While a case like this is about pursuing the truth of events and potentially affirming the dignity of the victim of a horrible criminal act, it also has obvious public implications for an institution that has struggled with the issue of sexual assault and is seen by many to cultivate an unacceptable double standard, with senior officers passing judgment on lower ranking airmen and officers while subject to undue political pressure and lacking appropriate impartiality.

John q public air force

Until the service is once again willing to hold itself accountable and wield its authority reasonably, enthusiasm for an external reform movement will persist. Why shake a fist at the United States Air Force? Why this blog and its accompanying social media presence? Why engage in what seems like a constant broadside of negativity and criticism against a service that does so much good in the world and which I claim to love so much? In the first instance, the answers lie in the questions. I love the Air Force.

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But Seriously. She remained silent as an oak while others provided occasional explanations, such as they were. You can reach him for comment or to provide tips or story suggestions at john. Tony Carr John Q. It was my belief at the time and remains today that the uniquely insular culture of the USAF had suppressed the kind of command climate needed to reliably underwrite its future as an independent federal agency. Public project. It shows that the Air Force human resource business has degraded to a point that puts effective human resource management — and therefore effective warfighting — beyond reach. These anxieties reflected deep-seated problems of basic organization, priority, and communication that could, if not remedied, become dangerous to the future of independent airpower. This latter subject area ties together every thread from throughout the year, and will form the core of JQP efforts in the year ahead. JQP called for a bold response to these queries. Summer brought the news that Craig Perry, a promising, accomplished, highly-educated, and hand-picked squadron commander in the Lackland basic training community, had been sacked by a boss who found him intolerably intelligent and innovative but hid these real motives behind an obviously framed witch-hunt supported by an investigation that would be called corrupt if it were competent enough. A perspective of over-the-horizon air-mindedness built over the decades has been disfavored, replaced by a close-quarters martialism more appropriate to the land services.

Tony Carr John Q.

A perspective of over-the-horizon air-mindedness built over the decades has been disfavored, replaced by a close-quarters martialism more appropriate to the land services. He also works as an independent strategy consultant and serves on the Military Advisory Board of the Project on Government Oversight, a prominent nonprofit group focused on government accountability. People with warfighting value shown the door while others with questionable relevance remained relatively insulated from budgetary predations. By , not enough had been done to address that rot, as proven by the unfolding of a scandal that nearly toppled the service. These anxieties reflected deep-seated problems of basic organization, priority, and communication that could, if not remedied, become dangerous to the future of independent airpower. Could we depend on it to do the right thing in the event of a nuclear conflagration? It should have ignited a high-level discussion about leader development and institutional climate, but whether it did so remains to be seen in the year ahead. Regrettably, this led to positions that ignored warfighting efficacy in the present and near term, creating intra-service alienation of close air support and air control experts in a failed gambit to cashier the A What sort of nuclear enterprise had the service created? Is the USAF seized with an unhinged culture of senior privilege? When the service got it wrong and was shown to have gotten it wrong, it sometimes corrected.

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