jesus calling december 21

Jesus calling december 21

With what we see in this fallen world, it would seem easier to walk by faith than sight. It is selfish, unjust, and immoral.

Wednesday, January 8 Jesus Calling - December 21st, Jesus Calling: December 21 My plan for your life is unfolding before you. Sometimes the road you are traveling seems blocked or it opens up so painfully slowly that you must hold yourself back. Then, when time is right, the way before you suddenly clears -- through no effort of your own. What you have longed for and worked for I present to you freely, as pure gift. Do not fear your weakness, for it is the stage on which My Power and Glory perform most brilliantly. As you persevere along the path I have prepared for you, depending on My strength to sustain you, expect to see miracles -- and you will.

Jesus calling december 21

Lord, give us Thy Joy, that Joy that no man, no poverty, no circumstances, no conditions can take from us. You shall have My Joy. But Life just now for you both is a march — a toilsome march. The Joy will come, but for the moment do not think of that, think simply of the march. Joy is the reward. Between My Promise of the Gift of Joy to My disciples and their realization of that Joy came sense of failure, disappointment, denial, desertion, hopelessness, then hope, waiting, and courage in the face of danger. Joy is the reward of patiently seeing Me in the dull dark days, of trusting when you cannot see. Stop thinking your lives are all wrong if you do not feel it. Remember you may not yet be joyous, but you are brave, and courage and unselfish thought for others are as sure signs of true discipleship as Joy. Jesus, we love Thee. We see that all things are planned by Thee. We rejoice in that vision. Rejoice in the fact that you are Mine. The privileges of the members of My Kingdom are many.

You are so sweet to me. Wednesday, December 21, Jesus Calling: December


God is love. Thank you Jesus for showing and telling us in your word we are worthy it. We should run to you when we have failures in our lives. You love comforts us and there is no failure in you. You love us inspite of all what we have done. You are our father who created us all. Thank you Jesus. Wednesday, January 8 Jesus Calling - December 26th,

Jesus calling december 21

I have the book and normally carry it with me but today I forgot it and felt empty and bad that I was going crazy trying to find the devotional for today. I looked online and entered todays date and here I am! Thank you lord for your blessings! Saturday, October 19 Jesus Calling: November 21st, These are gifts of supernatural proportions. Ever since the resurrection, I have comforted My followers with these messages: Peace be with you, and I will with you always. Listen as I offer you My Peace and Presence in full measure. The best way to receive these glorious gifts is to thank Me for them. It is impossible to spend too much time thanking and praising Me.

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God be with you! Thanks dear sisters. The US supported effort, known as Bay of Pigs invasion, had failed in an attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro and the communist leadership in Cuba. Such wonderful news! Thank You Jesus!!!!! I am uninfluenced by circumstances. Then, when time is right, the way before you suddenly clears -- through no effort of your own. I'm praying for you, Brie, to know how to 'play out' your Christmas plans. I believe and I see the Glory of God!! You have to be wiped out by both the caring of Kaia's brothers and the happy emotions on Kaia's arrival. In any case, woe to me if I bury the talent He gave me!

Sunday, January 23 Jesus Calling: February 29th, Jesus Calling: February 29 You are on the right path. Listen more to Me, and less to your doubts.

A peep of light through a crack in the door, preparing my brother for a move he is resisting! I will lift up my hands Unto Thy Name. Thanks der Brie! To the believer the veiling is only temporary, to be followed by a glorious Resurrection. He's excited about the next step the Holy Spirit would have him take. Could you think of Me hoarding My Treasures? God be with you! God bless you and your family more!! No fear that your faith will fail you. May he guide us and keep us close. In Jesus' Name, I ask.

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