J archive

In web 1.

A message board for fans of the Jeopardy! Moderators: alietr , trainman , econgator , dhkendall. Post by MinnesotaMyron » Mon Apr 16, pm. Post by codehappy » Tue Apr 17, am. Post by Bamaman » Tue Apr 17, am.

J archive

You should choose one player to control the keyboard. That way you don't have to jostle the computer around to have each player type their own answers. Instead, players who have buzzed in should say their answer out loud, and the keyboard person should do their best to type it in. There's more info on how the answer checker works, and some hints on typing, in a section below. The idea there is to give the players as much space as possible. Of course, the best way to do that is to play with Wiimotes see below. When you choose a question, there will be a delay before an orange bar appears indicating that it's okay to buzz in. The idea is to give everyone time to read the question. The delay is based on the length of the question plus a small random interval. If a player buzzes in early, they will be locked out for a quarter of a second. Jumping the gun multiple times will not add more lockout time so if you know you're locked out, you might as well frantically jam the crap out of the buzzer. Once someone buzzes in, a red bar will show up and start to shrink.

Post by codehappy » Tue Apr 17, am.

To use it, view any Jeopardy! You will be presented with a game board that you can step through using the spacebar, or click on clues of your own choosing. Keep track of your "Coryat" score as you go and compare it to the combined "Coryat" score for the game. Use the help button to see how to interact with the game. A NOTE about broken images: the J-archive site itself seems to have a lot of trouble with broken images in their clues, so if you see a broken resource, this is due to the site itself and not the fault of j-play. If enough people bug the J-archive site about it maybe it will get fixed.

In web 1. A holy site where any casual viewer of Jeopardy! An exacting catalog of the countless number of times that Alex Trebek has shepherded us through categories of potpourri, of arcane word games, of 19th-century novelists whose names begin with the letter E. Right you are. On the fan-run J! Archive , a would-be scholar can click on any season, from any year, and bear witness to thousands and thousands of tabulated episodes.

J archive

Every Friday, A. Club staffers kick off our weekly open thread for the discussion of gaming plans and recent gaming glories, but of course, the real action is down in the comments, where we invite you to answer our eternal question: What Are You Playing This Weekend? I love trivia. The point is, my brain is much happier rattling off random facts about the French Revolution or the history of the Mario games than, say, the details of my various streaming service passwords. Or a chronological ranking of all the cinematic Jokers? Take it as read, then, that I consider Jeopardy! It is my highest aspiration in life—sorry romantic partners, family members, employers, etc.

Anime fighting pose reference

Wayne Davison Developer Apr 15, I updated the extension to 1. Interact with a Jeopardy! Do click the "go back" links, though, if someone's tried and gotten it wrong, because the "page up" method won't reveal the correct answer. Everything should work as usual, just that the non-typing players should be able to buzz in by clicking their wiimotes. Note that all dollar values are "post-doubling" i. These are hidden in the board and should work as expected. Daily doubles. There are national congresses that are less comprehensive than the J! Skip to content. The first thing to do is set up the wiimotes. Nick Jung. In web 1.


This has become his sacred burden: slowly whittling through his VHS backlog, filling in the lingering blank spots on the J! You signed in with another tab or window. Alternatively, you can hit lock before you type, if you're using a wireless keyboard and everyone's playing on a big TV. For consumers in the European Union, please note that consumer rights do not apply to contracts between you and this developer. Do click the "go back" links, though, if someone's tried and gotten it wrong, because the "page up" method won't reveal the correct answer. To me it is worth it as it can benefit many while if instead I was watching a reality show or playing a video game it would be only for my guilty pleasure. Archive , you are allowed to force the program to either accept or reject your answer, effectively overriding an earlier decision. Once someone buzzes in, a red bar will show up and start to shrink. Reload to refresh your session. Unlock your Chromebook's potential with a powerful keyboard launcher!

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