italienische mastiff

Italienische mastiff

Der Mastino Napoletano gilt noch heute als Ursprung der bekannteren molosserartigen Hunderassen wie beispielsweise die Bordeauxdoggeder Bernhardiner oder der Cane Corso, italienische mastiff. Bereits inmitten des Zweiten Weltkriegs galt italienische mastiff Neapolitanische Mastiff nahezu als ausgestorben. Sie bringen kg auf die Waage.

From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Ancient Rome. Subcategories This category has only the following subcategory. Pages in category "Neapolitan Mastiff" This category contains only the following page. N Neapolitan Mastiff. Media in category "Neapolitan Mastiff" The following 43 files are in this category, out of 43 total.

Italienische mastiff


Farblich sollte die Nase der Farbe des Fells entsprechen.


As its name suggests, the Italian Mastiff originates from Italy. In the interim, however, the dog was used predominantly by hunters, to safely retrieve downed animals, farmers for similar purposes , and law enforcement professionals and those of similar careers , for guarding purposes. The Cane Corso, just like all other dog breeds, features a temperament that varies based upon the animal at-hand; certain genetic factors can cause one dog within the breed to act in a specific way, and another dog within the breed to act in a completely different way. Generally speaking, however, the Cane Corso is stable, trainable, and reserved. In the face of danger or potential danger, the dog can be expected to stand-up for its owner s —possibly becoming aggressive in the process, but certainly not shying away from the threat. With that said, the Cane Corso is able to discern between faux and genuine danger with relative accuracy, so its overreacting to non-emergency situations is uncommon. Context is everything to the Cane Corso, which was once again historically used on the battlefield and the open farm. Lastly, just as the dog fiercely defends its owner s , it passionately displays affection to him, her, or them; the resulting friendliness and companionship are remarkable. The Cane Corso usually appears in one of seven different colors or perhaps in a slight combination of more than one of these colors : black, blue, fawn, brindle, formentino, tigrato, and reverse blue brindle.

Italienische mastiff

In his elastic, lumbering gait, which belongs more to a big cat than a mere canine, there is a sheer bestiality that summons archetypes older than civilization itself. Described as the most operatic of all the dog breeds, the Neapolitan Mastiff lays claim to the heritage of the famous Molosser dog. That prized canine from ancient Greece was massive in size, with a ferocity to match, and acquired a reputation for striking awe that has endured for millennia. In truth, virtually every heavy-boned, thick-skinned, mastiff-type breed claims to descend from this peerless defender.

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Etwas dunkler als das Fell ist meistens die Augenfarbe des Mastino Napoletano. Mastino-Napoletano-Canis-lupus-familiaris Russia Cane da presa - neapolitan mastiff - cane corso - - Baby Bella. Hier kann er patrouillieren, wachen und sich in seinem eigenen Tempo bewegen. Neapolitan Mastiff Male Head. In geradem Zustand reicht sie bis zum Sprunggelenk. Lade hier max. Neopolitan mastiff tired Sad Lucy. Schreibe uns gerne ein paar Details zu Deinem Hund. Deine Homepage.

Blog About Sign up Log in. Breed Overview The Italian Mastiff, also known as the Cane Corso, is a majestic and powerful breed that traces its origins back to ancient Rome. With a strong and muscular build, this breed commands attention and exudes confidence.

Wir verlinken Dich hier gerne. Insgesamt ist der Kopf sehr faltig. Neapolitan mastiff Cane da presa - neapolitan mastiff - cane corso - - Entsprechend sind auch die Lefzen fleischig und dick. Dein Name. Sad Lucy. Upload media. Schreibe uns gerne ein paar Details zu Deinem Hund. Neapolitanischer Mastiff. Zusammenfassend kann der Mastino Napoletano als ruhiger Riese bezeichnet werden, solange ihm selbst oder seiner Familie keine Gefahr droht. Media in category "Neapolitan Mastiff" The following 43 files are in this category, out of 43 total. Neapolitan Mastiff mastino napoletano. Neopolitan mastiff

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