issuu architecture

Issuu architecture

In a world of mass consumerism and excessive consumption, issuu architecture, can there be such a thing as abundance in one? The landmark stands, blank and square, jutting from the hill and disrupting the organic form of the landscape. A dichotomy that signifies the societal relationship issuu architecture our natural environment and the ones we create.

By means of introduction, I am a yearold young architecture student seeking to learn and expand my references in the field of architecture and design. I am passionate about architectural visualization and representation, skilled in softwares, digitalization and work efficiently without hesitation. I am mostly known for my software skills, my problem solving skills and my teamwork. Present N. Residential spaces play an important role in the success of any town and its inhabitants. They become the foundation to which those living and visiting in the area come together and communicate. The major emphasis with this project is on Nashik Town and its culture and community, as well as giving the town a name for itself.

Issuu architecture

Internship Trace Architecture Office TAO Beijing, China Jun Aug Closely worked in the model shop using concrete, plaster casting, foam, and wood for complete project exhibition and publication. Developed final architectural visualizations, model photography, and layout design for publication of Malan Wan beach service. Architecture Competition Pandemic Memorial Archasm Summer Directed and developed the Breathing Memorial proposal finding rever ence of the frontline workers through the formalization of breathing. Created experience of rhythms of breathing inhabiting the undulating fabric walls, recontextualized the site into a symbolic place. Architectural Design RISD Architecture Explored the physical and mental balance between interior and exterior togeth er with issues of context, methodology, program, and construction for their possible interrelated meanings and influences on the making of architectural form. There are lots of critical issues from infrastructure within different layers in our modern city, which the upper ground infrastructure creates boundaries and often causes terrible walking conditions, and the underground infrastructure always needs great effort to maintain if something went wrong. We propose to better utilize different layers, by pushing infrastructure underground we promise a healthy biophilia lifestyle to residential life. By examining the potential spatial conditions, we propose design strategies that challenge the existing road and infrastructure system and design the underground for pure efficiency and the upper ground for a green lifestyle. The red concrete core functions not only as an infrastructure core but also as a ritual totem to the neighborhood. Multiple phases of the flexible new dwelling serve the needs of expandable multigeneration housing and people who are experiencing homelessness.

As issuu architecture sun rises and when it sets, the light enters the space through the two main openings. Stacks Book stacks become the circulation of the library. This project focuses on technical drawing techniques and conventions, issuu architecture.


The process of building positive, healthy mindsets has been studied throughout many years, but today, it is something that should be emphasized more than ever before. Digital Narratives for Self-Therapy aims to explore specifically the application of digital narratives in encourWith COVID, social isolation has aging positive and healthy mindsets in become a norm and has illuminated individuals. Storytelling has been a sig-. Neff, Kristin D. Accessed October 8, The Digital Narratives for Self-Therapy project is meant to serve as a case study that can be expanded in the future to create a robust system for self-therapy through digital storytelling.

Issuu architecture

I always excited to learn something new especially in architecture, urban design and landscape architecture. I have easy-going nature that makes me work well with others also strong communication skills that required in order to communicate interactively with client. LINKS sarisartikaa gmail. What is our role?

Blue shell water purifier

D4 X Each fabric stripe is pinned onto two running beams with a free rotation of 15 degrees on each side. This library is for people who come without a specific aim of books, and they are here to explore, find, search for books they might be interested in. Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios , online yearbooks , online catalogs , digital photo albums and more. Dwelling Model Plaster casting with acrylic paint, wood stick, plexiglass, and frosted drafting film Scale The red concrete core functions as infrastructure: electricity, gas, heater, internet, water, greywater, also as circulation for people moving vertically, also as ventilation, natural ventilation for the whole house, and light well for natural sunshine into the house. Lineweights were a large emphasis to convey perspective and depth. The form is made up of 2 diagonal spaces which stop the user from cutting through and removing that aspect of a flowing circulation. The size and shape of the structure depend on the surrounding site, which also forms small communities inside. Developed final architectural visualizations, model photography, and layout design for publication of Malan Wan beach service. Fragmented programs connect by stacks provide each fragment with various specific program purposes. The guest amenities at commercial hotels may include complimentary newspapers, morning coffee, cable television and access to channelled music and movies.

The design includes a 15, square feet of separate play space for K-2 grades and a 30, square foot play field. Learning, growing, playing, connecting, sharing, and community are some of the driving forces of the design.

Brand photography was a freelancing venture that served multiple small businesses in. The consistent intersection of different stacks of books leads people to find things they are unfamiliar with before. Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios , online yearbooks , online catalogs , digital photo albums and more. Connect: with people, nature, and the city around them through seeing, smelling, feeling, and hearing. The park with leading walls guiding people coming from the downtown area and there are pavilions and book stacks to allow people to relax and read there. By examining the potential spatial conditions, we propose design strategies that challenge the existing road and infrastructure system and design the underground for pure efficiency and the upper ground for a green lifestyle. The father is a working professional — an architect aged The form is made up of 2 diagonal spaces which stop the user from cutting through and removing that aspect of a flowing circulation. The father and the daughter duo are into sports and love trekking and travelling. The angle at which the light hits the walls encourages it to curve along with the structure creating cohesion between light and enclosure. The fabric walls are lifted from the bottom to allow passages and visibilities between different sequences. The size and shape of the structure depend on the surrounding site, which also forms small communities inside. Fragmented programs connect by stacks provide each fragment with various specific program purposes. Dwelling structure: Develop through time around the infrastructure cores. This will be done by designing a space that will have the elements to bring a community together by embracing the culture and the history in the area, as well as giving the town the adequate amenities it needs to be successful.

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