in which situation would a detective control be warranted

In which situation would a detective control be warranted

Internal controls are the procedures put in place to help achieve the objectives of the university relating to financial, strategic, and academic initiatives.

An employee's laptop was stolen at the airport. The laptop contained personally identifying information about the company's customers that could potentially be used to commit identity theft. A salesperson successfully logged into the payroll system by guessing the payroll supervisor's password. A criminal remotely accessed a sensitive database using the authentication credentials user ID and strong password of an IT manager. At the time the attack occurred, the IT manager was logged into the system at his workstation at company headquarters.

In which situation would a detective control be warranted

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A few examples are:. Understanding the Accounting Equation These 10 questions help a new student of accounting to understand the basic premise of accounting and how it is applied to the business world.

It is designed to test the skills and knowledge presented in the course. There are multiple task types that may be available in this quiz. NOTE: Quizzes allow for partial credit scoring on all item types to foster learning. Points on quizzes can also be deducted for answering incorrectly. A cybersecurity specialist is asked to identify the potential criminals known to attack the organization. Which type of hackers would the cybersecurity specialist be least concerned with? Which statement best describes a motivation of hacktivists?

For as long as I can remember, security professionals have spent the majority of their time focusing on preventative controls. Things like patching processes, configuration management, and vulnerability testing all fall into this category. The attention is sensible, of course; what better way to mitigate risk than to prevent successful attacks in the first place? With budget and effort being concentrated on the preventative, there is little left over for the detective. However, in recent years, we have seen a bit of a paradigm shift; as organizations have begun to accept that they cannot prevent every threat agent, they have also begun to realize the value of detective controls.

In which situation would a detective control be warranted

Detective controls are security controls that are designed to detect, log, and alert after an event has occurred. Detective controls are a foundational part of governance frameworks. These guardrails are a second line of defense, notifying you of security issues that bypassed the preventative controls.

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Internal Control Discuss and identify all of the controls recommended and existing , identifying each control as preventive , detective , or corrective 1. An exception report detects and lists incorrect or invalid entries or transactions. Explanation: Each type of cybercriminal has a distinct motivation for his or her actions. They detect and report an unauthorized or undesired event. Checks received in the mail are immediately separated from supporting documentation for restrictive endorsement and deposit. Business Ethics Awareness Strategy This quiz is designed to assess your current ability for determining the characteristics of ethical behavior. Which protocol would be used to provide security for employees that access systems remotely from home? At least monthly, the information system produces a report e. Examples of these assets include:. Ceh V11 Document 52 pages. Partner Links. A team with a killer offense may be able to rely less on their defense, but there are practical matters that prevent an organization from only having preventative controls. Report Document 12 pages. Introduction To Security Network Document 21 pages. We have a new look!

Internal controls help organizations generate reliable financial reports, safeguard assets, evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of operations, and comply with laws and regulations.

Red represents high level of risk, yellow represents average level of threat and green represents low level of threat. The effectiveness of such monitoring depends in large measure on the timeliness, completeness and accuracy of the accounting books and records from which those management reports are drawn. However, these matters are outside the scope of this Policy Statement 2. What action should the organization take to find out if systems have been compromised? Skip to Main Content. The detective controls act as a monitoring system which identifies occurrences where risks have been violated. Purchase this Solution. Preventive controls are considered to be more pragmatic, as they are put in place to prevent any problems from occurring, and as such, aid in helping to prevent losses or other negative outcomes. What technology should be implemented to verify the identity of an organization, to authenticate its website, and to provide an encrypted connection between a client and the website? What is it called when an organization only installs applications that meet its guidelines, and administrators increase security by eliminating all other applications? A manager who encourages employees to take earned vacation time can improve operations through cross training while enabling employees to overcome or avoid stress and fatigue. Members must segregate interest received that is payable to clients in respect of monies held in trust for clients in accordance with Rules 3. Corporate Compliance Report for Risk Management.

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