Imdb girls5eva

Girls5eva hit the road and attempt to impress a mega-manager at a radio conference; Summer sees Kev's life in Tampa, imdb girls5eva.

Summer's husband, Kev, is home from Tampa; Dawn follows the Dolly method to write a hit; Wickie dates a younger guy. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Comedy Music. Director LP.

Imdb girls5eva

Girls5eva struggle to make a first move; Scott deals with a package Wickie sent from Los Angeles. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Comedy Music. Director Brennan Shroff. See production info at IMDbPro. Top credits Director Brennan Shroff. Photos Add photo. Top cast Edit. Sara Bareilles Dawn Solano.

Director Kat Coiro.

The members of Girls5eva, a late 90s girl group, reconnect after their big hit is sampled by an up-and-coming rapper, Lil Stinker. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Comedy Music.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode list. Seasons Years Top-rated. The members of Girls5eva, a late 90s girl group, reconnect after their big hit is sampled by an up-and-coming rapper, Lil Stinker.

Imdb girls5eva

A one-hit-wonder band from the '90s gets a second shot at fame when a young rapper samples their song. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide. Play trailer Comedy Music. Creator Meredith Scardino. See production info at IMDbPro. Top credits Creator Meredith Scardino.

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Sign In Sign In. Vanessa Williams Nance Trace. Details Edit. Add photo. See the full list. Dave Hill DJ Squeeb. Williams Bartender. Play trailer See production info at IMDbPro. Details Edit. This was one of the funnier episodes from Season 2. That was a Monday, and in nearly all major-label albums were released on Tuesdays in the U. Ashley Park Ashley Gold …. Director Chioke Nassor.

Girls5eva is an American musical comedy television series created by Meredith Scardino that premiered on May 6, , on Peacock. It follows four women who were part of a girl group named Girls5eva, which was briefly popular around the year before fading into one-hit-wonder status.

Kimmy Gatewood. Staff Picks: What to Watch in March. Hillary's 6 Picks for March and Beyond. Nelson Chalas Boy Next Door 1. Top credits Director Kimmy Gatewood. With their album about to drop, Wickie takes career advice from a "normal"; Dawn is alarmed by mysterious symptoms; Gloria tries to ignore thoughts about other women. United States. Andrew Rannells Kev Hamlin. Thamer Jendoubi Delivery Guy 1. See the gallery. Create account. A weak opening to an otherwise amazing show. Edit page. Comedy Music.

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