How old was padme in episode 1

One of the Star Wars prequels' most pressing tasks was to establish the parentage of Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia. The original Star Wars trilogy shocked audiences, first with the revelation that Darth Vader was Anakin Skywalker, Luke's father, and then with the revelation that Leia was Luke's twin sister.

The Queen of Naboo first met Anakin during a trip to Tatooine, and it didn't take long for Anakin to become enchanted by her. She became an influential member of the Republic Senate, but her life changed forever when she fell in love with Anakin Skywalker. She was brutally attacked by Anakin on Mustafar, and died in childbirth. Conceived by the will of the Force itself, Anakin Skywalker was the prophesied Chosen One, destined to bring the Force into balance. For years he served as Palpatine's right hand man, but he was ultimately redeemed by the faith of his son, Luke Skywalker. Now a Force Ghost, Anakin continues to act as an agent of balance. They were married by the end of the movie, forcing them to spend the next three years loving each other secretly, until Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith.

How old was padme in episode 1

The prequels will always hold a special place in my heart, as those were the movies I grew up with. Yes, I first watched the original trilogy like many others, but my first true Star Wars theater experience was with the prequels. One in particular got me thinking:. If I may be permitted to utilize an earthbound idea, Einstein proposed in his Theory of Special Relativity that time itself is relative. Now, before we dive in, allow me to lay out the ground rules for this discussion. We know that this is the timing that is universally used to determine timelines regardless of actual occurrence. This is the basis that I will be using for my argument. Your age is based on the planet on which you reside and the amount of time it takes for that planet to fully orbit its star. Now imagine someone born on Mars who is also 18 years old moves to Earth. This individual is nearly 2x older physically than the same year-old who was born on Earth. Translating this into the Star Wars galaxy, it can be assumed that there is a central point that all planets orbit around.

On the one hand, it proves the theory that a solid story can somehow still carry a movie through its acting and production gaps. An iconic look if there ever was one Lucasfilm. She was brutally attacked by Anakin on Mustafar, and died in childbirth.

How old are Han and Lando in the Solo movie? All the answers are right here! Ages and birthdates are based on Lucasfilm or Lucasfilm-licensed sources. Where no precise age is available from the new canon after the expanded universe reboot , ages from pre Legends sources are used. Many ages from Legends have been confirmed in the new canon, so the rest are likely to be correct too.

Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. A political idealist, she advocated for the preservation of democracy as well as a peaceful resolution to the Clone Wars. However, her secret marriage to the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker would have a lasting effect on the future of the galaxy for decades to come. Devoting her life to civic duty, she was elected queen and, therefore, adopted the regnal name "Amidala" in 32 BBY. Due to the machinations of her advisor , Senator Sheev Palpatine , Amidala's reign was put to the test by the Trade Federation 's blockade and subsequent invasion of Naboo.

How old was padme in episode 1

The Queen of Naboo first met Anakin during a trip to Tatooine, and it didn't take long for Anakin to become enchanted by her. They are married in secret by the end of the movie, forcing them to spend the next three years, until Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith , keeping their relationship a secret. While the Jedi High Council believed that Anakin was only escorting the Queen back to her home, the two were actually getting married at Varykino, a lake retreat on Naboo. The two's relationship and marriage play an interesting role in the prequels. While Skywalker was on his way to the Dark Side, Palpatine's promise to save Amidala from death was ultimately what swayed him. She spent her final moments giving birth to Luke and Leia before losing the will to live. According to the movie, she died of a broken heart after finding that Anakin had made his full transformation into a Sith. So, despite being medically healthy, she dies because she "loses the will to live. Other characters driven by hate were allowed to live out their days long past the age of 27, suggesting that hate is a stronger motivator for staying alive in Lucas' world than love.

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And there is a key story point that revolves around the fact that he was separated from his mother at an early age, and how that has affected him. She spent her final moments giving birth to Luke and Leia before losing the will to live. Latest TV Show Ahsoka. So yeah, definitely a mixed bag. Tudor Leonte. It looks like you're using an adblocker. The prequels will always hold a special place in my heart, as those were the movies I grew up with. Your age is based on the planet on which you reside and the amount of time it takes for that planet to fully orbit its star. As a child actress, she immediately made a good impression on critics and audiences alike. It's possible the two could have finally been together freely and been happy in such circumstances, but the dark side's grip on an impressionable young Anakin forever obliterated that possibility. Follow The Mary Sue:.

Many gigantic franchises can become hard and confusing to follow regarding the timeline. The MCU is probably the best example. However, although Star Wars spawned more content than ever in the last few years, it still has an established timeline and eras for every storyline in the canon to take place.

Movies 9 hours ago. Lucas reasoned:. Her romantic relationship with Anakin, which started in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones , played a significant role in the events leading to the rise of Darth Vader. I also had Artoo-Detoo in there with him, helping to fly the ship. This individual is nearly 2x older physically than the same year-old who was born on Earth. Also, here are the viewership numbers of the Disney Plus series. Dreaming of the United States. Need help? However, in newer sources, his birth date has been set at 41 years before the Battle of Yavin, implying that his age in Episode II and subsequent stories is one year less than previously thought. An iconic look if there ever was one Lucasfilm. When Anakin became the Padawan learner of Obi-Wan Kenobi, he was forced to adapt from his simple life on Tatooine to the strictly disciplined existence of a Jedi at just 9 years old. Padme is 14 years old, and Anakin is 9 years old. She has considered being in fandom a defining character trait since she was in middle school and wasn't old enough to read the fanfiction she was definitely reading and loves dragons, complex magic systems, unhinged female characters, tragic villains and good queer representation.

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