hamza al araştırma yöntemleri pdf

Hamza al araştırma yöntemleri pdf

As a new media product, the Internet has great implications for the political sphere. The main purpose of the study is to determine whether the members of the Parliament use Twitter as a social media tool. Content analysis method was applied. In the research conducted between hamza al araştırma yöntemleri pdf dates of May48deputies of the Eastern Anatolia Region shared their personal accounts through Twitter application.

In this research, it was aimed to determine the effect of learning stations designed for astronomy subjects on the academic achievement of students and give an alternative method for teaching astronomy in the literature. The mixed approach in which mixed quantitative and qualitative methods were used together was preferred in the study. Among the quantitative methods, the pre-test and post-test model of the semi-experimental method was used; in addition, the protocols were applied about the method, which was used. The research was carried out with 98 seventh class students, who were under education in a secondary school located in the Eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey in the education year of The quantitative data were analysed via the Astronomy Achievement Test AAT developed by the researchers and had 0, Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient. The astronomy subjects in science lesson of the seventh class were studied with the experimental group through the learning stations; on the other hand, they were studied with the students in the control group through the activities stated in the textbook prepared by the Ministry of Education. The AAT was applied for the experimental, control groups using the pre- and post-tests, and data were analysed with the t-test.

Hamza al araştırma yöntemleri pdf

By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Accountability, in terms of ensuring openness in public administration, is an important attribute. Certain authorities and managers of public institutions and processes allow evaluation of administrative action. In traditional public administration accountability included control of bureaucracy by politicians and politicians to account to the public through elections. In this regard, attention is given to rules of bureaucratic and legal processes. Accountability in the new public management approach is committed to ensure more managerial and institutional aspects. It focuses on professional accountability. Broader concept of accountability, the audit conducted in the manner set out to question the activities of public administration. Successfully carrying out the objectives of public institutions, in accordance with the fulfilment of the responsibilities is realized by means of control.

In the Eastern regions, the phenomenon of live stock breeding is widespread, and there is a great deal of consumption of cheese, milk, butter, honey and grains. Thehybridmediasystem: politicsandpower.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of Charter School system in Turkey, which was opened firstly in State of Minnesota of United States and was expanded to approximately 40 states in America today and also, in practice in some countries such as Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Sweden and Norway. This system was based on performance and accountability and pursued more competitive and innovative goals. Moreover, Charter Schools put emphasis on democracy and equality in education by being free, addressing to all students living in the region where school was located and considering individual differences and diversity on behalf of students. Eight volunteering faculty members were chosen by criterion sampling who were working in the field of Educational Sciences of universities in Turkey. Interviews were conducted with participants who were informed about the structure and operation of this system in advance. The results of the study suggested that Charter Schools were advantageous in terms of individualism, diversity and flexible curriculum though flexible curriculum, monitoring and audition process could lead to some problems when it was practiced in Turkey.

By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Tulay Irez. In order to determine the gamma radiation dose levels in the Adana Province and its vicinity, measurements were made at a height of approximately 1 m from the soil surface at different points.

Hamza al araştırma yöntemleri pdf

Scientific research helps us produce scientific knowledge and better understand our world and ourselves. In this process, what kind of methods, techniques and tools are used with how much discipline and diligence in the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge is an important issue. Even unintentional utilization of unethical research tools, techniques, attitudes and behaviors poses critical risks for scientific research activities, and reduces the quality, reliability and significance of research findings. Clear determination of goals, values, principles, rules, methods and techniques of scientific research and their effective application are critical matters for science and research ethics. In this regard, transparency and openness in the research and dissemination process along with rights, anonymity and data confidentiality of participants, reliability of findings, ethical, effective and appropriate utilization of research methodology, techniques and tools are some important issues for science and research ethics. This article reviews and discusses scientific research process and methodology, science and research ethics, and ethical breach and problems in scientific research process. Science , scientific research , scientific methodology.

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In order to clearly answer the question in the title of the study, what is meant by contribution should be remarked. In fact, this change is not only a formal change, but also shows the development of private property in the Ottoman Empire. Poupeau, J. Otto, M. Hill, P. The AAT was applied for the experimental, control groups using the pre- and post-tests, and data were analysed with the t-test. How to Cite Albayrak, H. Developing learning stations for the purification of wastewater, Procedia Socialand Behavioral Sciences, 1, — In public implementation stage three different approaches may be adopted. However, architectural elements i. Third, we also care what government ac- complishes. Figure 8.


Attribution determined using the GeObs geological database, which includes more than geological samples representing the sources and sub-sources in Anatolia both Central and Eastern and in the Caucasus Mouralis et al. Ground Stone Tools As indicated by the initial surface collection, among the most abundant tool groups found at the site, ground stone tools follow the chipped stone artefacts in their quantities. Sakarya İktisat Dergisi, 4, The external control suggests controlling of public institutions by an external body. Stiner Eds. Ricky Joshi. Historianturk gmail. This situation creates some problems to understand what 72 the arguments and motivations behind the provincial reform were. The next part will consist of comparisons between the curiosity of place that underlies the production of texts and the scientific attitudes toward place found in that period. Bulunuz, N.

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