guy lodge guardian

Guy lodge guardian

Streaming: The Holdovers and the best films about teachers. Published: 24 Feb Streaming: the best films about artists. Published: 10 Feb

Going for gold: where to stream the Oscar contenders. Published: 26 Mar Streaming: the best films about dogs. Our canine companions have long been an inspiration to auteurs and sentimental film-makers alike. Published: 27 Mar Come home to a Cannes classic.

Guy lodge guardian

After working in screenwriting and script editing, he started writing reviews as a side hustle before it snowballed into a full-time career as a critic. He has been a critic at Variety since and a columnist at The Observer and The Guardian newspapers since ; with his colleague Catherine Bray, he founded the independent review site Film of the Week in When not watching or writing about films, he is making slow progress on his first novel. Why does film criticism matter in ? The same reason it has always mattered: to separate films from their marketing, to guide viewers toward asserting their own point of view, to encourage a spirit of argument in an industry reliant on yes-men. At a time when studios are more committed than ever to manufacturing identikit product, critics can draw attention to more inventive, less exposed alternatives; amid the impersonal murk of algorithms and AI, they stand for the value of individual opinion. What was the film or experience that made you want to write about the screen? From then on, I longhand-logged every film I ever saw on paper — a stone-age Letterboxd account of sorts. Start going to film festivals, however small or local, as soon as you are able to, and find your champions and your community there. A critic who has inspired you, or a current favourite I got into film criticism as a child in the mostly pre-internet era: the only critics I initially had access to were South African newspaper ones, and the doyen of them, Barry Ronge, was a huge influence on me.

Guy Lodge.

Streaming: the best films about drinking. Published: 6 Jan Streaming: the best party movies. Published: 30 Dec Robert De Niro at his best films. Published: 12 Aug

He followed it up with The Lighthouse , a surrealist survival nightmare, soaked in sea salt and maritime slang, jumbling toxic masculinity, fart jokes and octopus-punching. This is the kind of film-making upon which auteurist cults are built; but it does not, conventionally, inspire Hollywood studios to write the director in question a fat cheque for a blockbuster. And yet. A pounding, weather-lashed, brutal Viking revenge tale rooted in the Scandinavian folk legend of Amleth, it significantly ups the action ante for a director whose previous most elaborate set piece in that regard was a homoerotic wrestling scene between two crazed lighthouse-keepers played by Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe. A recent New Yorker profile of Eggers detailed what appeared to be a tough post-production process, with some resistant feedback from the money men and test audiences. It was an arduous shoot. I choose them because these are the environments that my films take place in. The editing process, meanwhile, brought its own challenges. But more than that, this is the film I wanted to make.

Guy lodge guardian

Family entertainment for all the world markets. There are no American awards? Sometimes it takes a foreigner to forge true Americana, even in the forbidding Reaganite environment of the mids. Cannes juries can be as capable of worthy-minded myopia as Academy award voters, yet this is one year they called it just right. For dessicated protagonist Travis so searchingly played by the great Harry Dean Stanton , it takes him in both directions: reunited with his son after going walkabout in the Lone Star desert, cueing a search for his similarly unmoored wife, he can only locate his family home by leaving it. Paris, Texas is a road movie: that most essentially American of genres, so beloved by Wenders that he named his first production company after it, midway through his celebrated road-movie trilogy of Alice in the Cities, The Wrong Move and Kings of the Road.

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The rising star to look out for at the Oscars? Streaming: the best films about dogs. Streaming: Shiva Baby and the best boundary-pushing Jewish films. Published: 8 Jul From then on, I longhand-logged every film I ever saw on paper — a stone-age Letterboxd account of sorts. Streaming: the best lost-in-the-wilderness films. Published: 18 Feb Published: 2 Apr Published: 17 Oct Published: 9 Dec Published: 14 Nov Streaming: top docs for lockdown. Published: 12 May Hypnotic and the best conspiracy thrillers. After working in screenwriting and script editing, he started writing reviews as a side hustle before it snowballed into a full-time career as a critic.

The multi-hyphenate talks about the rerelease of his groundbreaking drama Shortbus and the changes in how we view sex in the past 15 years. Published: 25 Jan Guy Lodge's streaming and DVDs.

Streaming: the best films about the atomic bomb. After working in screenwriting and script editing, he started writing reviews as a side hustle before it snowballed into a full-time career as a critic. Published: 10 Feb Streaming: The Father and other films about dementia. Streaming: The Holdovers and the best films about teachers. Our canine companions have long been an inspiration to auteurs and sentimental film-makers alike. A critic who has inspired you, or a current favourite I got into film criticism as a child in the mostly pre-internet era: the only critics I initially had access to were South African newspaper ones, and the doyen of them, Barry Ronge, was a huge influence on me. Come home to a Cannes classic. Streaming: the best films about artists. Published: 1 Jul Published: 7 Nov Streaming: Shiva Baby and the best boundary-pushing Jewish films. Streaming: Babylon and the best films about Hollywood. As Halloween beckons, summon up favourite child-friendly frighteners such as The Witches, Beetlejuice and Coraline.

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