guardian obits

Guardian obits

Letter: John Pilger obituary. Published: PM. Micheline Presle obituary.

Other lives. Other lives: Printmaker and tutor whose company Blue Egg produced posters for artists such as the Who and Lou Reed in the s and 70s. Published: 1 Mar Mick Moon obituary. British painter whose work was admired for its physical depth and beauty, giving it lasting appeal. Published: 27 Feb

Guardian obits

Ronnie Campbell obituary. Miner turned Labour MP known for his uncompromising principles and championing his Blyth Valley constituency. Published: 3 Mar Nicola Trahan obituary. Published: 28 Feb Barry John obituary. Published: 5 Feb Sir Tony Lloyd obituary. Published: 18 Jan Sarah Weir obituary. Published: 16 Jan Allan Rogers obituary. Published: 14 Jan JPR Williams obituary.

Published: 13 Oct Molly Goodland obituary.

Other lives. Published: 23 Feb Published: 20 Feb Henry Fambrough obituary. Published: 15 Feb

Letter: John Pilger obituary. Published: PM. Micheline Presle obituary. Ronnie Campbell obituary. Iris Apfel obituary. Other lives. Other lives : Probation officer for more than two decades and a longstanding, active member of the Napo trade union. Other lives: Artist and art teacher who exhibited widely and also wrote novels. Letter: Alan Brownjohn obituary. Dave Myers obituary.

Guardian obits

Steve Brown obituary. Composer and lyricist who was a long-time collaborator of Steve Coogan and Harry Hill, and co-created the award-winning musical Spend, Spend, Spend. Published: PM. Other lives. Charlotte Benton obituary. Letter: Henry Sandon obituary. Brian Griffin obituary.

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Other lives. Miner turned Labour MP known for his uncompromising principles and championing his Blyth Valley constituency. Felicity Grainger obituary. Mick Moon obituary. Other lives: Printmaker and tutor whose company Blue Egg produced posters for artists such as the Who and Lou Reed in the s and 70s. Published: 31 Dec Other lives : Hard-working local politician who served as mayor of Richmond Upon Thames. Barry John obituary. Published: 6 Dec Published: 9 Jan

Mike Guilfoyle obituary.

Other lives : Probation officer for more than two decades and a longstanding, active member of the Napo trade union. Mark E Smith obituary: the Fall's driving force was poet, satirist and misanthrope. Allan Rogers obituary. Iain Kerr obituary. Letter: John Byrne obituary. Published: 2 Nov Michael Steed obituary. Tim Rollins obituary. Marion Ecob-Prince obituary. Co-creator of an Open University course that had a profound effect on the study of design history in Britain. Prolific poet, novelist and critic who was an astute and sometimes satirical observer of life in modern Britain.

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