
Set in Edowhich has been conquered by aliens named Amanto, the plot follows samurai Gintoki Sakatawho works as a freelancer in his self-established store, gintama, "Yorozuya", alongside his friends Shinpachi Shimura and Kaguraoffering a wide range of services gintama handle various tasks and odd jobs, gintama. Sorachi added the science fiction setting to develop characters to his liking after his editor gintama doing a historical series. This was followed by a full episode gintama television series, which debuted in April on TV Tokyoand finished in October Three animated films have been produced, gintama.

The Gintama wiki was created on March 22, and is currently housing 1, articles, and 4, files. If you're new to Wikia, please use the above links to get started. If you already have editing experience, and you have an article relating to Gintama to contribute, use the box below to create it:. It is at its core a post-modernist comedy with period drama and science-fiction mixed in. Meaning you not only see historical expies of samurai and ninja but also space monsters and aliens; all wrapped in a bundle that can make you laugh. How to Watch Gintama with a list of episodes that are skippable and eps you need to watch to enjoy the Gintama anime.


Gintama was an anime series that ran from to In total episodes of Gintama were aired. When Japan is invaded by aliens in the late Edo period, the Shogun enters into an unequal contract which includes a ban on carrying swords. The story follows Gintoki Sakata an eccentric samurai for hire. Special thanks to the contributors that make this page possible. Register to help make the animefillerlist. Skip to main content. Shows Login Sign up Contact. Search form Search. Gintama Filler List Updated on March 8, Quick List Click the episode number to see more info. Manga Canon Episodes: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Filler Episodes: , 50 , 57 , 75 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Related Shows Gintama Films.

It seems that writer wasn't too confident gintama his work in the beginning but when he started to see how well his work can be, he started to take risks and came up with some of the best gintama and action arcs that I've ever seen, gintama. February 1,

Gintoki, Shinpachi, and Kagura return as the fun-loving but broke members of the Yorozuya team! Living in an alternate-reality Edo, where swords are prohibited and alien overlords have conquered Japan, they try to thrive on doing whatever work they can get their hands on. However, Shinpachi and Kagura still haven't been paid Does Gin-chan really spend all that cash playing pachinko? Meanwhile, when Gintoki drunkenly staggers home one night, an alien spaceship crashes nearby.

But keep your eyes open, keep them open no matter how dark the night ahead may be. If you avert your eyes from the dark, you'll be blind to the rays of a new day. He is the founder and president of the Yorozuya , as well as a highly-skilled samurai, having fought in the Joui War in the past. During the war, he became known as the Shiroyasha literally meaning "White Yaksha", Yaksha being a spirit or demon in Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism due to his powerful swordsmanship, demonic appearance, white clothing, and silver hair. It is unknown where he was born, what happened to his parents, and what he was doing before becoming a child scavenger. It is also unknown how long he was doing this. He gained the nickname "Corpse Eating Demon" from the nearby villagers due to being commonly seen wandering in deserted battlefields searching corpses for food and weapons to survive. During one search, Gintoki encounters Yoshida Shouyou who had heard the rumors about the child and came to investigate. Taking a liking to Gintoki and seeing himself in the child, Shouyou gave Gintoki his sword and asked him to follow him. Gintoki became Shouyou's first student of his newly opened school, Shoka Sonjuku , where he learned basic swordsmanship and academics.


Edo is a city that was home to the vigor and ambition of samurai across the country. However, following feudal Japan's surrender to powerful aliens known as the "Amanto," those aspirations now seem unachievable. With the once-influential shogunate rebuilt as a puppet government, a new law is passed that promptly prohibits all swords in public.

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In an era where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can. Archived from the original on November 26, Sep 3, PM by Sakana-san Discuss 2 comments. The Gintama. With that, I guess we should talk about the highly anticipated arcs that a lot of people have been waiting for since the announcement of the season. It's up in the air if Tatsuma and Mutsu have romantic feelings for each other, but Tatsuma was persistently determined to have the pavement pounding Yato pirate queen girl at his side. Unbeknownst to them, they were meant to be the scapegoats of the father and son's assassination conducted by Tokugawa Sada Sada and carried out by the Tenshouin Naraku. Related Shows Gintama Films. Because she's so obsessed with Dragon Quest, the arc is one big parody of the franchise, and at one point Shinpachi has to remind everyone that it's not really a game and they can't rely on standard conventions, such as save points, to get them through it. Gintoki: Who cares? See our predictions. Gintoki eventually gets sick of it and beats the policeman up, scolding him for taking up too much time of the anime. The Shinsengumi are also properly added in and shown coming to the Yorozuya's aid in the opening once they make their grand return in the arc.

Based on the Gintama manga and anime series, the film acts as a conclusion to the anime series storyline. It was directed by the director from the anime series Chizuru Miyawaki and based on a story by Hideaki Sorachi , Gin Tama ' s original author.

Comedy anime isn't dead though, as there are some rays of light shining down on the wreckage of red noses, bladders on sticks and giant shoes. Parodied in one chapter when Katsura enlists the Yorozuya plus Sacchan to save Elizabeth, and they have to become ninja to do so. A fatally injured crew member emerges from the ship and gives Gintoki a strange, clock-shaped device, warning him that it is incredibly powerful and must be safeguarded. May 25, Sakamoto is another one as well, whenever he appears you can expect that he will do something stupid and be beaten up by the scene's straight man usually Gintoki or Mutsu. It also counts as an Enemy Mine. While many of Otose's major appearances generally involve badgering Gintoki for his rent and sending him on various errands, Otose is a caring member of the community and a motherly figure to the Yorozuya group. For Kagura, it's to find a successor for her now crushed beetle Sadaharu No. Archived from the original on September 11, February 28, But others just have the right kind of physiognomy, which make them prone to pulling off some funny anime faces - intentionally or unintentionally. An anime adaptation of the Class 3Z Ginpachi-sensei spin-off light novel was announced at the Gintama Ato no Matsuri event on March 19,

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