Gay sauna chicago illinois

Here, you can play privately or in public. There are various room sizes; all include a TV.

Member Check-In. You must be 18 years or older. Me mbership is required for entry. You may purchase a new membership on entry. VIP Membership Benefits. Priority entry to the club no matter how long the line to get in is. If you want to purchase a VIP card you can still skip the line and come to the front and tell the front desk you want to purchase a VIP to skip the line.

Gay sauna chicago illinois

Cozy apartments, private rooms and amazing homes: be welcomed by the gay community in over countries. Find a companion from across the street or across the world with whom to share the adventure. From private rooms and apartments to LGBTQ-friendly hotels, you have the option to stay in the heart of gay districts as well as other neighborhoods in the places you visit. Please refer to our Help Center. Sign up Log in. Gay accommodations in Chicago. Chicago Gay Guide. Chicago Gay Pride. Gay travel news for Chicago. Check our guide to Chicago gay sauna and gay cruising scene for those looking to explore the steamy side of the city's queer scene. When it comes to finding some action in the city's gay bathhouse scene, Jackhammer and Steamworks Chicago are your go-to options. Jackhammer is a must-visit destination for any gay man looking for a fun and steamy experience. This bathhouse boasts a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, and is a Read more. Where to stay in

See more. Get a free locker rental!


Luxury Chicago hotels for gay travelers. Check out our guide to the best gay saunas in Chicago. Gay Chicago. Chicago is known as the "Windy City. It's also home to one of the best gay scenes in the country. You'll find many gay bars in the Boystown district: a great place to begin if you're visiting Chicago. Deep dish pizza, the mob, jazz music and that Frank Sinatra song are widely associated with Chicago. It's packed with museums and it still has a great music scene, making Chicago a true cultural powerhouse. It's the third biggest city in America by population. Viceroy Hotel.

Gay sauna chicago illinois

Here, you can play privately or in public. There are various room sizes; all include a TV. If you want to get pumped up, you can make use of the large, state-of-the-art gym. Steamworks even has private douching stations in the bathrooms and multiple play areas with the aptly named 'Windy City Blowholes.

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Thu: Open 24 hours. Here, you can play privately or in public. Luxury Hotels. All ages. If you want to get pumped up, you can make use of the large, state-of-the-art gym. Same standards and fun you can find in the largest saunas in Europe, it deserves a visit anytime I am in the area. Gym Rat Packs. Bring your own sandals if you feel like it. I have seen it all, from guys who are plain rude to the ones that spit on other guys I have seen it twice. There is a smoking section on the 4th floor. Waldorf Astoria Chicago. Sat: Open 24 hours. So much fun Looking for gay local tips? Gay accommodations in Chicago.


You can relax or take an action. Not only does it get more people than most gay saunas its right in the "gayborhood" of Chicago but its huge and well-maintained. You may purchase a new membership on entry. Jackhammer is a must-visit destination for any gay man looking for a fun and steamy experience. Frequent Fuckers Rewards. See more. Sun: Open 24 hours. Want to promote your business in our guide? When presented along with a valid Steamworks membership card and a valid picture ID, the presenter gets a gym locker, lock box, one towel and access to all facilities for up to two hours. VIP Membership Benefits. Viceroy Hotel. Wed: Open 24 hours. Cruise Clubs. Thu: Open 24 hours. Rewards are earned Monthly, posted to accounts on the 1st of each month, and can be redeemed Mon 8 am - Friday 4 pm.

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